So whatcha look like Escapists?

Jun 23, 2008
Kross said:
The captchas are due to spam bots being manually registered and then later turned loose on the forums. Many people had issues with the legibility of recaptcha, so we started trying a more legible captcha system that also helps pay to run the forums. It happens approximately after your second and twentieth post of the day, and does not happen to pubclub users as very few spambots pay for accounts.
I understand the purpose of having a capcha system, and don't begrudge one being in place. But when you used SolveMedia service, for a while at least, we had to watch a noisy fifteen-second commercial (often the same one over and over again), which became unbearably annoying. Giving you guys the benefit of the doubt, I assumed no human being who actually uses the Escapist site implemented this policy.[footnote]I was basing it on the way that Activision's persistent online connection DRM was approved entirely by people who never touch computer games, and was used to promote sales of market shares, to people who generally don't touch computer games. Perhaps it is cynical of me to expect at the top of The Escapist is yet another a board of directors full of old men in a smoke filled room who joke about how much we squares will pay or endure to get our sweet, sweet gaming fix.[/footnote] I was merely pre-empting the possibility (which then seemed immanent) that the unbearable commercials were going to return.

I'm sorry it is inconvenient, but adding it to every post is not on topic to most discussions and will not change their implementation.
Ah, but it did get your attention, did it not?

It is true, and I do have a terrible habit of posting tangentials as footnotes in my text, often because I think they're interesting, even if they're not on topic. I figured footnoting it as a disclaimer to my fellow Escapists as a footnote to my sig would be reasonably inoffensive.

If you have suggestions for alternate captcha systems or techniques, please let us know in the Tech Team group [].
Sadly I don't, not being in the market for capcha services and having no idea regarding the technical particulars of any given one. I assumed the ones that perfectly differentiated man from machine were too difficult to implement at the embedding level, or something like that, which is why you returned to the service that sometimes gives false negatives, requiring a successful confirmation but not providing the embedded window. I reported these events. Lately, there haven't been problems so I presume them solved, but I am still wary that you may decide to run the commercials again.

Personally, I've never had problems with the one used by The Escapist before SolveMedia, so I can only assume that it was others who were having problems.

238U.[footnote]In the event that Escapist requires me to view a commercial before getting a code, I will simply not post. Depending on the frequency, this may temper or cease my future participation in the Escapist community. Apologies in advance, if this policy prevents me from replying to you when it is proper to do so.[/footnote]

PS: I have dreams of someday joining the PubClub. Sadly, in my current impoverished state of affairs, it is not today.

PPS: I was wrong. It didn't accept my capcha and then sent me to a fixit page where it demanded one but provided no window by which to do so. And then going back, the post button was greyed out.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Dr. Pepper Unlimited said:
TheKruzdawg said:
Dr. Pepper Unlimited said:
I got a little lazy, so I just cut my profile picture and pasted it here. Heh...anyway, me:

I apologize for the greenish pool. It has thus been shocked and chlorinated and is now once again swimable. :p
Wow that's pretty intense. May I ask what you are dressed up for?
It was a test run for a cosplay outfit (Psiren from FMA). It's not done in that picture, but it's since been finished. All that was missing was the shoulder pad and to remove some excess fabric from the thigh cut out. ^_^
Never having watched the anime before, I thought it was kind of a random outfit at first. Googled it and it looks like you nailed it!

The only costume-y thing I've done helped put together some medieval period clothing for Dagorhir battles. I look like a peasant, but I'm happy with it :)


New member
Nov 9, 2009
May as well...

And me again

And finally



New member
Feb 21, 2010
Me Rocking to Metallica on my BootyChest

And with a face on da BootyChest

Me getting clamped


New member
May 7, 2008
Dags90 said:
Your head has a nice shape to it, and I kinda want to rub it to see what the texture is like...
I actually get that a lot. Usually people don't ask though, I tend to look a bit grumpy (or more grumpy than I actually am, anyway), which tends to scare them off a bit. Anyway cheers! ...I think.


New member
Jun 22, 2009
KingsGambit said:
General_Potatoes said:
This is me. I guess....
Man, my webcam is crappy. I actually never knew that -_- Im also posing with my pride and joy :3 It's the nerf gun, if you didn't know 0.0
You look so much like the guy in "The Inbetweeners"
Uhhh thanks, I guess. Actually, I do kinda. Never noticed that.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
TheKruzdawg said:
That's a pretty cool lookin' snake you've got there!

When I was a kid I used to want some kind of reptile as a pet (who am I kidding, I still think it would be cool!)
Thanks! He's a ball python. That was him a year ago, he's a little bigger now.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Nasrin said:
TheKruzdawg said:
That's a pretty cool lookin' snake you've got there!

When I was a kid I used to want some kind of reptile as a pet (who am I kidding, I still think it would be cool!)
Thanks! He's a ball python. That was him a year ago, he's a little bigger now.
The only time I've ever been that close to a snake was when I was 12. It was before a White Sox game and they had a bunch of random stuff outside the stadium and this guy had an albino python and he let me wear it like a boa (ba-dum ch!) around my neck. It was easily as long as I was tall but the scales felt really cool.

Ever since then I thought it would be cool to have a snake


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
TheKruzdawg said:
FamoFunk said:
Derpy derp
Definitely went into that expecting some kind of silly face. You have really blue eyes, btw. And love the Mario shirt!
Sorry to dissapoint you :p

Thanks! My contacts help (like, genuine need them to see ones), they seem to make my eyes turn really Blue-er. I love the shirt too, alas, it's now covered in Blue paint :(


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Avatar Ahoy! Im just tall, pale and silly. I am among the social elite, I just dont like them and their lack of champagne parties.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
FamoFunk said:
Sorry to dissapoint you :p

Thanks! My contacts help (like, genuine need them to see ones), they seem to make my eyes turn really Blue-er. I love the shirt too, alas, it's now covered in Blue paint :(
No big deal :) I've tossed the idea of getting contacts around multiple times but never tried it because I think I look weird without glasses. It's probably just because I'm used to seeing them on my face, but I don't know if I could do the whole almost-poking-myself-in-the-eye that I perceive putting in contacts to be.

And sad day for the shirt :(


New member
Mar 28, 2009
ThePurpleStuff said:
My webcam kinda sucks but here I am after a recent haircut, I had hair going halfway down my back before this and hated it.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you're a few inches of stubble away from looking like Hurley from Lost.