So, why do we need trigger warnings in video games...


New member
Dec 25, 2015
Slice said:
Sozora said:
Slice said:
Sozora said:
Vigormortis said:
Why is this an issue for gaming at large? Would 'trigger warnings' not apply only to first person shooters with finicky gunplay mechanics?
Man, I've seen people demand trigger warnings for sliced up promigranite. Don't underestimate the fragile snowflakes.
I don't believe you (not in the least because it's readily apparent you're never seen the word 'Pomegranate' in written form), maybe you can show a link to those demands? Making things up to support your extreme position isn't convincing, it makes people take you less than seriously though.
Ask and receive.

TRIGGER WARNING! The post is continuing an argument.

Dude... you've got to get over to 4Chan, they will just love you there. It's not every day that someone believes literally anything online
You need to keep up to date with your news man (TRIGGER WARNING! Micro Aggression). 4Chan has been defanged for the most part. It's basically a somewhat edgy tumblr from what I've seen.


New member
Jul 9, 2013
BarryMcCociner said:
But then the guy goes "But that's not an adequate system."

I go "Why not?"

And long story short, we got distracted by The Force Awakens. I know, we were late to see it, he and I were waiting for the theaters to not be crowded, don't judge.
I feel like there's a lot of extra content to this conversation you had. Going from 'that's not an adequate system' to The Force Awakens seems like a pretty massive jump in topics.
By all means, give us the long story. All of it. Every word.


New member
Jul 31, 2008
I think the term "trigger warning" is a trigger for some people :p

I'd agree, more trigger warnings aren't required - what's actually needed is an entirely new and separate rating system just for classifying sad things happening to animals.

...before I try to pick up another game like Season 2 of TellTale's Walking Dead.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Sozora said:
Vigormortis said:
Why is this an issue for gaming at large? Would 'trigger warnings' not apply only to first person shooters with finicky gunplay mechanics?
Man, I've seen people demand trigger warnings for sliced up promigranite. Don't underestimate the fragile snowflakes.
Yeah, um...

I know sarcasm is hard to convey via text, but there was nothing serious about my post.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
As most of the replies seem to have covered, it seems like the ESRB terms could possibly be a bit vague or general, but then again, its meant to be a label on the packaging, not take up half the cover art with specific descriptors on level with cigarette packaging (if you're in one of the places that system exists).

Although arguably, if you're in need of those warnings, you may want to avoid the M-rated game in general, its like playing russian roulette til you actually hit something.

The main one that sort of slips through in Teen games might be violence to animals, which I've heard people say as a trigger, and does come up fairly frequently in games that aren't obvious about it on cover.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
... That's not a trigger warning, IMO. That's designed for what few parents that give a crap what their kids play to decide if the game they're buying is appropriate.
It's not really any different than the ratings movies get, or even TV shows that often tell people before it starts what might appear, or TV show ratings.
This has been around for ages!

I'd say, yeah, we could do to keep it. The ESRB was something of a huge compromise made back when Jack Thompson was doing his thing, and videogames seemed to be getting more and more graphic ala Mortal Kombat.

Not all games wear their content on their game cover sleeves. Yeah, anyone over maybe the age of 10 knows Mortal Kombat is filled with bloody, gorey violence, but does the cover convey that? Not really, IMO. It's not like Netherrealms only makes Mortal Kombat, they did Injustice which was nowhere near as bloody, and violent, so it's not like companies can get sorted by the content of their games.

I mean Capcom makes Street Fighter, and Monster Hunter. 2 wildly different games from one another.

Honestly, I don't see much point in removing the rating systems, aside from it blocking some movies from coming to theaters, like the one Rob Zombie is working on, and preventing ... wait, we did have a Leisure Suit Larry game come out... many of them. And porn games. I mean, an unrated, mass produced porn game that has a vague cover sleeve on the shelves of stores everywhere would cause considerable chaos.

I dunno, I don't see the ESRB as a bad thing. Not really a good thing either, but it's not something I want to see gone. Nor Pegi, or what other systems are out there for indicating God of War might have exposed boobs, or Red Dead Redemption having a vague vajayjay shot, or what have you.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
I've worked at places like Gamestop and you have NO idea how STUPID consumers are.

Idiot Sperm/Egg Donor:
'Why the FUCK did I have to come in here and buy MK/GTA/etc for my 5/10 year old...why did you DENY them their RIGHT to BUY this GAME you STUPID (inset a racial/sexual slur for good measure) shit!!! '
-Because it has gore/nudity/language-that-would-make-Eminem-blush/etc.
Idiot Sperm/Egg Donor:
'Well that's bullshit, I don't see that on THE COVER...YOU'RE LYING TO ME YOU LYING LIAR OF A LIE!'
-Uh, (turns game to back where ESRB rating explanation is), it's right there.
Idiot Sperm/Egg Donor:
-*silence* *intense internal laughter*

If it's not on the cover, you have NO idea how often it is ignored and I've had to EXPLAIN it...
Over, and over, and over, and...over...again.

So, TL;DR?

A: Because people are STUPID, lazy, and think they're ENTITLED to their ignorance.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
To be fair, I tend to forget that the ESRB exists anymore myself. When I was younger, it was a big deal. Now that I'm old enough to buy any game I want and don't care about the content, I tend to forget that such ratings exist.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Trigger warnings in videogames are needed or you will start doing team damage when you keep pressing that trigger everywhere.

Jokes aside, ERSB is more than enough to find out about the game if you are the kind of person that cannot handle seeing things you dont like. It has a negative effect though in that it limits access by age.
Sozora said:
Ask and receive.

TRIGGER WARNING! The post is continuing an argument.
more, please! this is hilarious.

Vigormortis said:
Yeah, um...

and now i want to play GTA 4 again. i loved how the cars controlled in that game.

Tanis said:
-Because it has gore/nudity/language-that-would-make-Eminem-blush/etc.
the actual reason is that gamestops policy does not allow M rated titles sold to minors. note that this is NOT required by law in US, but game stores still follow it as laws because its easier.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
There's a difference between a trigger warning and a content descriptor.

Trigger warnings are targeted specifically at people who have post traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress is a serious mental illness often experienced by military veterans and survivors of sexual assault or torture. One of the symptoms of PTSD is being "triggered" (i.e. having violent and distressing flashbacks, hallucinations, emotional swings or episodes) when reminded of a traumatic experience. "Trigger warnings" are an informal system of warnings which considerate people like to use when discussing or sharing information on potentially traumatic things, most often sexual assault, in places where they may be viewed by PTSD sufferers.

Content descriptors are designed to help parents of children assess the age-suitability of particular products.

Equating the two gives way too much credence to one of the stupidest misconceptions people have about trigger warnings, which is that they are designed to shield people from potentially distressing content (in the same was a young child has to be shielded from adult content). This is a pretty shitty thing to think and is deeply infantalizing to people with a very serious mental health problem which they in no way deserve. The purpose of a trigger warning is actually to prevent people with PTSD from being surprised by the content or running into it accidentally, since that's the thing that's likely to cause a reaction. This stupid false dichotomy between "trigger warnings" and exposure therapy needs to die, because effective exposure therapy relies on "trigger warnings" to be successful. Simply throwing shit at someone and causing them to have an episode is not helpful to them, in fact it's actively harmful because it further cements the association between the object of trauma and the ongoing experience of being triggered.

Inb4 "but the tumblrinas did it first!" Don't care. They at least have good intentions for the most part. Mocking the mentally ill is just a shit thing to do.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
It's not about potentially offensive content, it's about content that's likely to cause adverse effects in sufferers or PTSD. And you don't need them, you can go without them, as is clearly shown by the current status. You'll notice that "Alcohol Use" sits on there, as does nudity. They're adult content warnings, designed as part of a rating system based on age. As opposed to, say, wanting to discuss sexual assault, without hurting victims of the same.

Of course, if you want to discuss a difficult topic, without inadvertantly hurting the people that you want to talk about and explore, then you might want to include some warning.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Loonyyy said:
It's not about potentially offensive content, it's about content that's likely to cause adverse effects in sufferers or PTSD. And you don't need them, you can go without them, as is clearly shown by the current status. You'll notice that "Alcohol Use" sits on there, as does nudity. They're adult content warnings, designed as part of a rating system based on age. As opposed to, say, wanting to discuss sexual assault, without hurting victims of the same.

Of course, if you want to discuss a difficult topic, without inadvertantly hurting the people that you want to talk about and explore, then you might want to include some warning.
And if you want to see how silly this argument sounds, spoil The Force Awakens and see the backlash. We will fervently protect people from having a movie spoiled, then turn around and balk that someone might want to be made aware of trauma-related issues.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Something Amyss said:
Loonyyy said:
It's not about potentially offensive content, it's about content that's likely to cause adverse effects in sufferers or PTSD. And you don't need them, you can go without them, as is clearly shown by the current status. You'll notice that "Alcohol Use" sits on there, as does nudity. They're adult content warnings, designed as part of a rating system based on age. As opposed to, say, wanting to discuss sexual assault, without hurting victims of the same.

Of course, if you want to discuss a difficult topic, without inadvertantly hurting the people that you want to talk about and explore, then you might want to include some warning.
And if you want to see how silly this argument sounds, spoil The Force Awakens and see the backlash. We will fervently protect people from having a movie spoiled, then turn around and balk that someone might want to be made aware of trauma-related issues.
Yeah. It does resemble that situation quite a lot actually. Lots of critics and people who want to talk about things like plots of new films will put a spoiler warning up so that they can talk about it without ruining it for the people they want to talk to, and it's the same case there.

The most common times I see trigger warnings or similar content warnings is when someone wants to talk about topics like sexual assault, and often in graphic detail, which is naturally upsetting to some of those directly affected by it, and there's a significant number of them who deal with trauma and post traumatic stress. If you're an activist talking about sexual assault, it's just good sense not to unwittingly hurt they people you want to fight for. And occasionally really stupid ones on tumblr, and yeah, some of those are kinda dumb, sure. It's not like someone putting a silly warning on a pointless post is going to cause me any trouble. Doesn't effect me, so I don't even need to read it.

But fuck that and fuck everyone else. No spoiler warnings. Wasn't it horrible in the new film when the Rey girl dyed her hair and proceeded to crush the villain using the force to wield the Millenium Falcon as a bludgeon, shouting about how the opponents of social justice must die? Like, I'm a fairly radical and progressive sort, but that's just being a Social Justice Warrior.

Zen Bard

Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Sep 16, 2012
Perhaps you'll find the answer in this thread...


New member
Jun 21, 2013
The ESRB is nice, but sometimes it's too vague or incomplete. Far cry 4 MGSv hit-man Absolution share the sexual content ratings, but handle it in totally different ways. (MGSv is also missing a partial nudity tag?) Also not every game has one. The games that need them the most (sex games) often don't. (Though then if they did have them, they would likely be too vague to be useful.)

*Odd thing I just noticed looking up ratings. RoM is rated M according to steam, but the ESRB hasn't rated it according to their page.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Well PEGI is already a thing, so what are you proposing?

Two separate "trigger warning" systems, when one could suffice?


Don't mind me, I'm just a NPC
Aug 23, 2010
I'm glad that there are rating systems such as PEGI and ESRB, as they can be very informative. However, they do not cover everything. If a developer thinks an extra warning is needed, well, it's their game and they're free to put it there.

Some trigger warnings can be kind of strange, though. For instance, 199x warns the player that characters discuss forced orgasms as a treatment for female hysteria. I thought the warning was more unsettling than things the characters said. But maybe that's just me. If the warning was helpful to others, who am I to complain?


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Johnny Novgorod said:
We have the ESRB rating, which features an extensive catalogue of descriptors.

Alcohol Reference - Reference to and/or images of alcoholic beverages
Animated Blood - Discolored and/or unrealistic depictions of blood
Blood - Depictions of blood
Blood and Gore - Depictions of blood or the mutilation of body parts
Cartoon Violence - Violent actions involving cartoon-like situations and characters. May include violence where a character is unharmed after the action has been inflicted
Comic Mischief - Depictions or dialogue involving slapstick or suggestive humor
Crude Humor - Depictions or dialogue involving vulgar antics, including "bathroom" humor
Drug Reference - Reference to and/or images of illegal drugs
Fantasy Violence - Violent actions of a fantasy nature, involving human or non-human characters in situations easily distinguishable from real life
Intense Violence - Graphic and realistic-looking depictions of physical conflict. May involve extreme and/or realistic blood, gore, weapons and depictions of human injury and death
Language - Mild to moderate use of profanity
Lyrics - Mild references to profanity, sexuality, violence, alcohol or drug use in music
Mature Humor - Depictions or dialogue involving "adult" humor, including sexual references
Nudity - Graphic or prolonged depictions of nudity
Partial Nudity - Brief and/or mild depictions of nudity
Real Gambling - Player can gamble, including betting or wagering real cash or currency
Sexual Content - Non-explicit depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity
Sexual Themes - References to sex or sexuality
Sexual Violence - Depictions of rape or other violent sexual acts
Simulated Gambling - Player can gamble without betting or wagering real cash or currency
Strong Language - Explicit and/or frequent use of profanity
Strong Lyrics - Explicit and/or frequent references to profanity, sex, violence, alcohol or drug use in music
Strong Sexual Content - Explicit and/or frequent depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including nudity
Suggestive Themes - Mild provocative references or materials
Tobacco Reference - Reference to and/or images of tobacco products
Use of Alcohol - The consumption of alcoholic beverages
Use of Drugs - The consumption or use of illegal drugs
Use of Tobacco - The consumption of tobacco products
Violence - Scenes involving aggressive conflict. May contain bloodless dismemberment
Violent References - References to violent acts

Also doesn't sound as silly as "trigger warning", which reminds me of the kind of infantile lingo kids use when verbally sparring.
I agree. Not only is the ESRB system good enough already, trigger warnings are practically memes now. Whenever I see a trigger warning, my first thought isn't "there's going be some hard to watch stuff in this", it's "bro, this is totally gonna trigger you, dude." The latter thought isn't even my own voice in my head, it's the intrusion of some 12 year old.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
ThatOtherGirl said:
I have no source for this, but the 3 most common reasonable triggers I hear are suicide, rape, and violence.
Don't forget pomegranates. Trigger warning; I'm a male, and typing words.