So, with ME3 Extended cut ending comming up...


New member
Nov 10, 2008
It's heartwarming to see that people have so few problems in their lives that they can still be this angry about a game that's been out for months. Yeah, the ending was a little underwhelming, but so what? What's the point in letting ten minutes ruin the >150 hours that led to that point? The story itself is still good, the ending is the least important part of it.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
The whole "take back Mass Effect" thing is ridiculously overblown. Could the ending have been better? Yeah, but I've seen far worse. Honestly an extended epilogue is all I could expect.


New member
May 17, 2010
Zhukov said:
In other words, they'll only be un-fucking the ending halfway.

I feel that it'll be better than nothing, but also that they'll be missing an opportunity.
To me it's like ensuring the Titanic had more lifeboats rather then avoid the Iceberg. Still a disaster just less horrific

scnj said:
It's heartwarming to see that people have so few problems in their lives that they can still be this angry about a game that's been out for months. Yeah, the ending was a little underwhelming, but so what? What's the point in letting ten minutes ruin the >150 hours that led to that point? The story itself is still good, the ending is the least important part of it.

How is the ending the least important part of a game which pretty much sold itself on the story? I would say the ending is one of the most important things in this case.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
370999 said:

How is the ending the least important part of a game which pretty much sold itself on the story? I would say the ending is one of the most important things in this case.
Yeah, it sold itself on its story. So the story is the most important part. For me, that's not about the ending, it's about the plot beats along the way, like Cerberus launching a flat out assault on the Citadel, deciding whether or not to cure the genophage or allow the geth to wipe out the quarians, or a giant thresher maw taking down a fucking reaper. It's about the interactions with the characters, like ME2's loyalty missions, or tense negotiations with the Illusive Man, or the romance scenes with your love interest(s).

Yeah, the last ten minutes weren't amazing. But the hours upon hours of content preceding it were fucking great, but you wouldn't think so, given how much people have let it become overshadowed. There are many things to be learned from this. As far as I know, this is the first ever game series to try the thing with so many moral decisions carrying over. Yeah, they stumbled at the end, but I'd rather see them make an effort to try something as experimental as this and be 99% successful rather than not bother at all due to the mass of negativity that has been, mostly unfairly, thrown at them.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I wish I still cared about the ME franchise. I really do. By the time this DLC comes out I will be playing Dawnguard and Torchlight 2. Unless this is exceptionally well done and fixes some of the terrible writing I will probably just watch it on youtube.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I'm not expecting much

I just don't see how its going to undo...whatever the hell happened

as for indoctrination theory...its becoming pretty clear that's just not going to happen. I guess all I'm doing is waiting, keeping my hopes low...

I still love ME3 though..nothing changes that


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
kman123 said:
At this point I really don't care. It's a shame. It's really the purpose of 'too little too late'. I don't think I'll even download it. It's not because I'm standing for any ideals of anything whatsoever. It's because I simply...don't care anymore.

Congratulations Bioware. You've snuffed out my interest in Mass Effect completely. Didn't think many things could do that.
Indecipherable said:
I recently did an upgrade and so a fresh install of everything.

I've probably put in ~300 hours into the Mass Effect series.

I doubt I will bother reinstalling ME3 for the free DLC, that's how little I care now.
Rawne1980 said:
I was interested to see what it was going to be but my feelings about ME3 have long since evaporated into nothing.

I don't even own the game anymore, got rid of it weeks ago.
Fappy said:
I wish I still cared about the ME franchise. I really do. By the time this DLC comes out I will be playing Dawnguard and Torchlight 2. Unless this is exceptionally well done and fixes some of the terrible writing I will probably just watch it on youtube.
this kind of makes me sad

mabye I'm just a fan..but I don't see how you can just turn on/off your feelings about Mass Effect

because they were so close....and its just 10 mintues....I'm sad that it ended how it did but I can;t just "not care"


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Devoneaux said:
I still haven't got any interest towards Mass Effect games, but this whole huge deal about the trilogy's ending(s) is ridiculous. They screwed up and now they're fixing it, kind of, which is appropriate yet expected under the pressure, but the whole deal is something else.
You have no personal investment in the series so you wouldn't understand. Do not judge something you have no real insight into.
As an outsider and having read about it for curiosity and it being almost impossible to miss on this site; I still have insight for the surrounding fuss of it all, and a fairly good image of what happened. I was pointing merely at the incident and its aftermath, the whole thing being kind of ridiculous, not at the complaints nor what has been done.


New member
May 9, 2012
Zhukov said:
They've made it abundantly clear that they won't be taking out the retarded parts.

They'll be adding extra content in the form of cutscenes and dialogue that "clarifies" the ending (whatever that means) and reflects the player's choices over the corse of the game (allegedly).

In other words, they'll only be un-fucking the ending halfway.

I feel that it'll be better than nothing, but also that they'll be missing an opportunity.

PS. Anyone else notice that Casey Hudson (project director) and Mac Walter (lead writer) have been keeping their heads reeeeeeally low? Rumour has it that they were the ones responsibe for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Saw you say this the other day. I find it oddly compelling and actually pretty in lue with my opinion as well.

I''ll play, probably be overjoyed that it's only done over light f*cked, but it still will be. At least i'll have the good times i enjoyed, gamewise.

Turing '88

New member
Feb 24, 2011
scnj said:
Yeah, the last ten minutes weren't amazing. But the hours upon hours of content preceding it were fucking great, but you wouldn't think so, given how much people have let it become overshadowed.
Yeah, but I think that's just a case of everyone having their own line on how bad is bad enough to retroactively ruin the preceding stuff, and their own opinion on how bad (or good) the ending actually was.

Imagine that just after the scene with the illusive man, as your Shep is approaching the podium there is a flash of light and suddenly... Shepard wakes up. It was all just a dream, it's actually the year 2012 and the last scene is Shepard leaving their shitty apartment for their job at the local fast food place. Would that not piss you off? Doesn't change what you experienced so far, but I think a bad enough ending can definitely retroactively ruin an experience. I know I still don't fancy playing Mass Effect again, and I'm the same with Lost. Can't watch it again knowing how much I hated the ending.

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
Brad Shepard said:
What do you think? How do you feel?
I rather liked the ending to Mass Effect 3.

Standing there, forced to choose from a trio of rather unpleasant outcomes, having fought your way all through London, up until that point. I enjoyed the journey thoroughly regardless of what other people think. The ending didn't change my opinion of the trilogy, nor did it affect my fandom of the series as a whole.

I'm not one to argue how Bioware writes their stories. I'm just along for the ride, of which I enjoyed immensely over the course of the three games. The Extended Cut DLC will no doubt answer some questions I had there at the end, but overall, I'm looking forward to it.

[sub]Part of me speculates that it will be a narrated series of still images akin to the ending of Fallout 3. I'm fine with that as well. It's at least something.[/sub]

Setch Dreskar

New member
Mar 28, 2011
Well since they aren't fixing the ending, or making one that doesn't have so many plotholes, and is actually well written and designed then the extended cut will just be extending the shit we got. Rather then changing the ending to better fit in the world and lore of the game franchise it is part of.

The endings were shit to me, ruined what was such a good universe, and not even for a good pyrrhic victory ending, but for just a horrible Deus Ex Machina scene for scene. I can say that comfortably now that we know the Indoctrination theory is wrong, which sucks cause that would have been great story telling. Though regardless of what this extended cut does, I am certainly never buying anything from EA again, Mass Effect was the last ones I thought could hold up to EA's terrible handling of games. (Christ I still have pity for Ultima fans, you poor bastards got the extreme EA treatment.)

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Turing said:
scnj said:
Yeah, the last ten minutes weren't amazing. But the hours upon hours of content preceding it were fucking great, but you wouldn't think so, given how much people have let it become overshadowed.
Yeah, but I think that's just a case of everyone having their own line on how bad is bad enough to retroactively ruin the preceding stuff, and their own opinion on how bad (or good) the ending actually was.

Imagine that just after the scene with the illusive man, as your Shep is approaching the podium there is a flash of light and suddenly... Shepard wakes up. It was all just a dream, it's actually the year 2012 and the last scene is Shepard leaving their shitty apartment for their job at the local fast food place. Would that not piss you off? Doesn't change what you experienced so far, but I think a bad enough ending can definitely retroactively ruin an experience. I know I still don't fancy playing Mass Effect again, and I'm the same with Lost. Can't watch it again knowing how much I hated the ending.
I am lucky to have figured out what the flash sideways was in the very first episode of season 6. When you figure out the ending and then you get exactly what you figured out (even if it's not what you wanted) then you can't hate it. I also figured out what the smoke monster was in that scene with Eko in season 3. And I am glad I don't hate how LOST ended because it is my favorite show in which I invested 6 years of my life.
But I understand completely why people were pissed. They had every right to be. And those of us that hate Mass Effect 3 ending have every right to be upset as well. Artistic integrity? Yeah right.