Soar Into Super Mario Galaxy 2 on May 23rd


New member
Oct 2, 2008
Bowser: HA HA HA HA HA. I will crush you, Mario!


I will gladly pay double if something like that is in the game.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
The money I shelled out for a wii is made worth it by so few games.
The few amazing excellent exclusives. (Fuck shovelware that said...)

No news on next Zelda yet though? *sadface*


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Quiet Stranger said:
Aura Guardian said:
I'm with you. I loved Super Mario Galaxy. And now, it's coming soon too. Hell yes!
Can you please tell me the story of SMG?
You ever played a Mario game?

Just replace "castle" with "planet" in a phrase you should know well.

It'd be nice if they changed things up in this game...but they won't. It's not really a big deal. Mario was never about story in any sense.

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
SomeBritishDude said:
Quiet Stranger said:
Aura Guardian said:
I'm with you. I loved Super Mario Galaxy. And now, it's coming soon too. Hell yes!
Can you please tell me the story of SMG?
You ever played a Mario game?

Just replace "castle" with "planet" in a phrase you should know well.

It'd be nice if they changed things up in this game...but they won't. It's not really a big deal. Mario was never about story in any sense.
*slaps self* silly me I forgot, its Mario, its always the same story (except Mario RPG which they should remake)


New member
May 17, 2009
SomeBritishDude said:
Quiet Stranger said:
Aura Guardian said:
I'm with you. I loved Super Mario Galaxy. And now, it's coming soon too. Hell yes!
Can you please tell me the story of SMG?
You ever played a Mario game?

Just replace "castle" with "planet" in a phrase you should know well.

It'd be nice if they changed things up in this game...but they won't. It's not really a big deal. Mario was never about story in any sense.
Wait so my princess is in another planet? Also I'm so happy to see Nintendo release this in the summer to say f-u to every developer and their dog who insist on releasing their A material at the very end of the year. Also is it me, or did the dragon boss in this trailer look a heck of a lot like the dragon in Yoshi's story?


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Quiet Stranger said:
Aura Guardian said:
I'm with you. I loved Super Mario Galaxy. And now, it's coming soon too. Hell yes!
Can you please tell me the story of SMG?
Well in addition to the standard 'save the princess', there was an additional story about Rosalina and how she came to be in her position. It was kinda sad.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
wadark said:
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
err... i think it's called playing videogames for fun, what you're missing i mean
I play videogames for fun...not sure how else I'm supposed to play them.

However what is NOT fun, is forking out ANOTHER $50 for a slightly repackaged version of a game that I beat back in 1997, but is actually trying to be put past us as something new (Super Mario 64 for the slow). Super Mario Sunshine did just enough to keep me interested, but Super Mario Galaxy was lame. So I don't hold out much hope for SMG2.

That said, I'm always open to the possibility of Nintendo surprising me and somehow making the game interesting, new, and, what was the word? Fun!

P.S. I do, in fact, hate chess. But checkers rule.
i still think it's more creative than every WWII game in existance.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
lordlee said:
Khell_Sennet said:
I'm sold...

Yoshi in a 3D Mario game, must have. Though first I would like my roommate to finally pick up Galaxy #1.
Yoshi was already in Sunshine.
Yer, but he was a bloody pain the arse to get. BRING ME FROOTS!

Love the TTGL reference at the end there. Im also extreamly hyped up about this game... Im just wondering what the home base/ lvl select area is gonna be. u no, since the last one is now flying through space once more.


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Apr 24, 2008
wadark said:
I really REALLY wanna be excited. The little 4 year old inside me that's STILL playing Super Mario Bros on the NES is screaming in glee...but I'm no longer that 4-year-old. I'm 21 and an incurable cynic.

SMG2 does NOT excite all. Why, you ask? You didn't ask? Shut up, its the internet and I'm determined to shove my opinion down your throat. So, why, you ask? Because its Mario. I can tell you exactly what this game entails having never played it or even seen a video.

Bowser does something to capture the princess or something similar, Mario must collect stars or something similarly shaped, you jump around on variously-themed worlds to collect said stars, and once you have enough stars it all culminates in an epic showdown with Bowser that you win by hitting him in some fancy way EXACTLY three times.

The End.

So, I'm afraid I'm NOT with you, Mario makes me depressed.
What you just said is approximately the same thing as saying "Modern Warfare 2? It's like Wolfenstein 3d. You shoot some guys. The end.".

Mario is a platformer. That's it's genre. The story? Simplistic and practically non-existant.

But the level design in Galaxy? Nothing remotely like what you beat back in 1997. 3d Platforming has never ever been done as well as Galaxy did it. Mario 64? Amazing, but nothing on the same level. The work they did with gravity and the occasional lack thereof in Galaxy makes it a completely different experience to anything else.


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Dec 22, 2007
Eremiel said:
What you just said is approximately the same thing as saying "Modern Warfare 2? It's like Wolfenstein 3d. You shoot some guys. The end.".

Mario is a platformer. That's it's genre. The story? Simplistic and practically non-existant.

But the level design in Galaxy? Nothing remotely like what you beat back in 1997. 3d Platforming has never ever been done as well as Galaxy did it. Mario 64? Amazing, but nothing on the same level. The work they did with gravity and the occasional lack thereof in Galaxy makes it a completely different experience to anything else.
Perhaps it is the same, shooters aren't my favorite genre either. I'm fully aware that games within a genre are gonna be similar. Which is exactly the problem. Every shooter is essentially the same, every RTS is essentially the same, etc. etc.

So why do we keep playing new games? Because new games have something else. Something that keeps them interesting and attractive. Occasionally its in the form of a slightly varied gameplay minutae. Usually, however, it's in the form of a compelling story.

Mario, for the most part, really hasn't had either in quite some time. SMG had a couple memorable level designs, where the gravity made things interesting, but mostly, those moments were few and far between. For most of the game, I was still running on a flat ground, just one that had been wrapped into a sphere.

And in the end, for me at least, it doesn't matter. As you say, Mario is a platformer, its gameplay is always going to be similar. Therefore it needs to do something to keep itself interesting, and some slightly varied gravity/physics mechanics at a few places throughout the game is not enough for me.

Even if we are to admit that SMG1 was compelling enough in level design to stay interesting, that still leaves SMG2 being the same as SMG1 except now the interesting gravity mechanics are no longer new and interesting. Unless SMG2 can come up with something else interesting enough for me, I won't be excited.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
lordlee said:
Khell_Sennet said:
I'm sold...

Yoshi in a 3D Mario game, must have. Though first I would like my roommate to finally pick up Galaxy #1.
Yoshi was already in Sunshine.
Yeah, but sunshine was horrible. At least, I think so.
I honestly didn't think it was horrible. Not as good as the main Mario games usually are, but still.

Anywho, I like Mario Galaxy alot, given I don't play it much - its one of those games I have to be in the mood for, heh. Still, will probably end up getting this.


Bringin' Text-y Back
Feb 17, 2010
wadark said:
Perhaps it is the same, shooters aren't my favorite genre either. I'm fully aware that games within a genre are gonna be similar. Which is exactly the problem. Every shooter is essentially the same, every RTS is essentially the same, etc. etc.

So why do we keep playing new games? Because new games have something else. Something that keeps them interesting and attractive. Occasionally its in the form of a slightly varied gameplay minutae. Usually, however, it's in the form of a compelling story.
People getting mad at Mario having no story make me giggle.

Definition of Irony:

Demanding gripping story in our platformers, while demanding more interactive gameplay innovations in our RPG's.

Eventually everything will just be melted down until we have some blob of a cross-genre Frankenstein's monster of a game where every element is included but boring as hell.

"Leave Mario alllonnne!"

If you play Mario for the story, get bored during dialogue-heavy RPG cutscenes, whine about grinding in MMO's, and complain about resource management in RTS's...

You're doing it wrong!


New member
Aug 27, 2009
SomeBritishDude said:
Quiet Stranger said:
Aura Guardian said:
I'm with you. I loved Super Mario Galaxy. And now, it's coming soon too. Hell yes!
Can you please tell me the story of SMG?
You ever played a Mario game?

Just replace "castle" with "planet" in a phrase you should know well.

It'd be nice if they changed things up in this game...but they won't. It's not really a big deal. Mario was never about story in any sense.
If they did change things up with this game then everyone would hate it because it would just be too different for them. People like things that are familiar, safe, and boring as shit. If they actually tried something new and risky then it would just make people scared and nervous. Nintendo especially knows this behaviour that fans have.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
I can't wait. There's not too many games that make me wanna pull out the Wii, but when one finally does come along, I have a GREAT time.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
SavingPrincess said:
People getting mad at Mario having no story make me giggle.

Definition of Irony:

Demanding gripping story in our platformers, while demanding more interactive gameplay innovations in our RPG's.

Eventually everything will just be melted down until we have some blob of a cross-genre Frankenstein's monster of a game where every element is included but boring as hell.

"Leave Mario alllonnne!"

If you play Mario for the story, get bored during dialogue-heavy RPG cutscenes, whine about grinding in MMO's, and complain about resource management in RTS's...

You're doing it wrong!
Notice I didn't demand anything from RPGs, that's not the point of this discussion.

I don't demand "gripping" story from a Mario platformer. But its gotta have something. I didn't say I play Mario only for the story, I play it for the cool platforming. But that's the thing, the platforming in Mario has been exactly the same since Mario 64. I played through SMG1 and found that, while there were a couple interesting gravity puzzles there, mostly it was just running around doing the same stuff as in 64 except on a sphere instead of a plane (which made for some awkward controls at some points as well.

But hey, that's perfectly fine. Its what all genres do, that's why their called genres. However, what those other genre games do that Mario does NOT is have at least an attempt at a compelling story. (They don't always succeed, but that's the nature of storytelling) Anyway, the point is, if a game is going parrot what is basically the exact same gameplay for more than a decade, then it needs to have something interesting to keep people, or at least me, interested. I prefer that something to be in the story department.

And while I'm on that subject, why is it just "understood" that Mario has a crappy story. I mean the RPGs (SMRPG, Paper Mario series) had AWESOME stories. So it's not like it's impossible for Mario to have some story. Why can't they do that in the platformers as well?


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
For the record, Super Mario Galaxy had an amazing story. Yeah, the save-the-princess malarkey was standard fare, but we got an amazing side plot where we learned about the history of Rosalina and the Comet Observatory. It was beautiful, touching, and it really helped the game stand out (to the point where I'm a little upset we haven't seen Rosalina in any of the trailers for Galaxy 2).