Soar Into Super Mario Galaxy 2 on May 23rd


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Sylocat said:
For the record, Super Mario Galaxy had an amazing story. Yeah, the save-the-princess malarkey was standard fare, but we got an amazing side plot where we learned about the history of Rosalina and the Comet Observatory. It was beautiful, touching, and it really helped the game stand out (to the point where I'm a little upset we haven't seen Rosalina in any of the trailers for Galaxy 2).
I had to admit, it was a bit sad to see the Lumas suicide (yes, really) into a super black hole, saving the universe and causing a Big Bang.(seriously)The scene afterwards was strangely serene, as well. Watching Mario float in the middle of a surreal, bluish subspace with the faint sounds of a baby crying in the background.