Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Trailer #2


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
ObsidianJones said:
Saelune said:
Still looks bad, but now everyone is tricked into thinking it is not so bad because it is not as bad as it was, but it is still bad.

Cartoon characters should have cartoon movies.
I raise you "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and "Mary Poppins".

... Actually, I might fold on Mary Poppins. I remember being bored as a kid.

I raise you "Who Framed Roger Rabbit".

God, that was a good movie.
Mary Poppins was dumb, and the cartoons were ancillary. And Who Framed Roger Rabbit was still a cartoon movie.

Neither tried to make the cartoons not be cartoons. Really they only support my point. Hell, the singular 'cartoon character' turned 'live action' in Roger Rabbit was the insane, disturbing villain who horrified many a child.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Hawki said:
So, on one hand, Sonic looks much better, and I think the trailer is better overall.

On the other, I have to admit, if you asked me whether I'd be interested in the film if not for Sonic, the answer would almost certainly be no.

CoCage said:
I think the movie will be just okay, but it should have been animated. I'd prefer 2D, but we all know that is not going to happen, so 3D would have been fine.
2D or 3D, I think it would be better animated. Plus, why is this set on Earth? Clearly Green Hill exists in the movie's universe, so why not have a movie there?
Because it's made by a mostly creatively bankrupt industry. Do you know how many animated cartoons went live action and have them mainly in the "real world", modern times, or focuses more the human characters? Sonic X is actually guilty of this too, which is why a lot of people don't like it. Well that, the 4kids dub/censorship, and Chris Thonrdyke. Oh, you have people that enjoy it now, back then, there was a divide. And me, I don't even bother trying to look at the series again. There are times where I almost prefer watching Underground over X. Almost.

According to Word of God from Sega, Sonic and friends do hop dimension in the games. Sometimes it's obvious, other times it's all there in the manual. Also, Sonic hopped plenty of dimensions in the Archie brand comics. But I agree with you, another human focused adaption is pointless.


New member
Nov 26, 2014
The original design was bad, the movie is still 99% likely to end up bad, but Paramount caving to internet outrage is a worrying sign. Internet discourse on movies has been terrible since it started and only gotten worse over time. I've seen a fair share of online comments already talking about Paramount 'listening to the fans' as justification for why every other studio should cave into every other idiotic fan demand. Focus testing has already ruined enough movies without the internet becoming a single live focus test for the studios to caper to in the vein hope that they can stave off being bought up by Disney for a few more years


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
CoCage said:
Because it's made by a mostly creatively bankrupt industry. Do you know how many animated cartoons went live action and have them mainly in the "real world", modern times, or focuses more the human characters? Sonic X is actually guilty of this too, which is why a lot of people don't like it. Well that, the 4kids dub/censorship, and Chris Thonrdyke. Oh, you have people that enjoy it now, back then, there was a divide. And me, I don't even bother trying to look at the series again. There are times where I almost prefer watching Underground over X. Almost.
It's hard to get consensus from Sonic fandom, but my understanding was that people dislike Sonic X now, but it was popular when it came out, at least initially. I don't recall the censorship issue ever really being a thing until season 3 where the dub literally edited Molly's death out from ever happening.

That said, I like Sonic X overall. Which may seem odd since I've just complained about Sonic being on Earth, but among other things, Sonic X actually did the legwork of how the world would react to anthropomorphic animals and a doctor turning up with said doctor having superior technology to anything on Earth. Even Chris I didn't mind, because I can understand why he was there as an audience surrogate, and he does provide a 'window' into the world for the main characters. On the other hand, stating that the reason the movie is set on Earth because of budget or lack of creativity is a plausible one.

But we agree that Sonic Underground lurks at/near the bottom of Sonic cartoons, so there's that I guess.

According to Word of God from Sega, Sonic and friends do hop dimension in the games. Sometimes it's obvious, other times it's all there in the manual. Also, Sonic hopped plenty of dimensions in the Archie brand comics. But I agree with you, another human focused adaption is pointless.
Oh yeah. That. There's actually contradictory information there, but the idea of different dimensions in the game doesn't hold water because as early as SA1, Mystic Ruins is located along the train line from Station Square. The best explanation I can go with is the notion is that on Earth, there's a "human world" and "animal world" that are largely separate from each other, each doing their own thing. Which actually got me wondering what GUN was doing during Sonic Forces. Looking to their own borders maybe?

As for Archie, yeah, Sonic did dimension hopping, but humans were part of the setting before SA1, so it's kind of a non-issue. STC actually brought humans in like that when the (UK?) Army invaded Mobius because their commander was evil or something. Heck, it's been awhile.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Hawki said:
CoCage said:
Because it's made by a mostly creatively bankrupt industry. Do you know how many animated cartoons went live action and have them mainly in the "real world", modern times, or focuses more the human characters? Sonic X is actually guilty of this too, which is why a lot of people don't like it. Well that, the 4kids dub/censorship, and Chris Thonrdyke. Oh, you have people that enjoy it now, back then, there was a divide. And me, I don't even bother trying to look at the series again. There are times where I almost prefer watching Underground over X. Almost.
It's hard to get consensus from Sonic fandom, but my understanding was that people dislike Sonic X now, but it was popular when it came out, at least initially. I don't recall the censorship issue ever really being a thing until season 3 where the dub literally edited Molly's death out from ever happening.

That said, I like Sonic X overall. Which may seem odd since I've just complained about Sonic being on Earth, but among other things, Sonic X actually did the legwork of how the world would react to anthropomorphic animals and a doctor turning up with said doctor having superior technology to anything on Earth. Even Chris I didn't mind, because I can understand why he was there as an audience surrogate, and he does provide a 'window' into the world for the main characters. On the other hand, stating that the reason the movie is set on Earth because of budget or lack of creativity is a plausible one.

But we agree that Sonic Underground lurks at/near the bottom of Sonic cartoons, so there's that I guess.

According to Word of God from Sega, Sonic and friends do hop dimension in the games. Sometimes it's obvious, other times it's all there in the manual. Also, Sonic hopped plenty of dimensions in the Archie brand comics. But I agree with you, another human focused adaption is pointless.
Oh yeah. That. There's actually contradictory information there, but the idea of different dimensions in the game doesn't hold water because as early as SA1, Mystic Ruins is located along the train line from Station Square. The best explanation I can go with is the notion is that on Earth, there's a "human world" and "animal world" that are largely separate from each other, each doing their own thing. Which actually got me wondering what GUN was doing during Sonic Forces. Looking to their own borders maybe?

As for Archie, yeah, Sonic did dimension hopping, but humans were part of the setting before SA1, so it's kind of a non-issue. STC actually brought humans in like that when the (UK?) Army invaded Mobius because their commander was evil or something. Heck, it's been awhile.
I can't speak for the UK comics as I never read them. Archie comics had Overlanders (humans with distinctly 4 fingers) with most of them wiped out. I just remember the retcon they did to bring regular humans in to Sonic's world to tie in with the Sonic Adventure games. I found it hilarious, as the story was "oh, (five-fingered) humans were always in Sonic's world. They were just hiding in cloaked civilizations. One that looks like San Francisco for some reason." It was one of the times kid me saw the writer pulling things out of their asses.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
immortalfrieza said:
Why they don't just make these things animated when it would be 100 times better received and just as much cheaper to do in the bargain I have no idea.
Simply put. Marketing.

Marketing a Hollywood film can cost as much as the film itself, so the cost of the film doesn't really matter. The entire reason this film exists is to cash in the recognisable IP of Sonic the Hedgehog. It doesn't matter if the film is good, you just need to market it heavily and people will see it just because they know the IP.

Having recognizable actors in a film who you can put in trailers or or posters is better for marketing than having CGI characters.

Again, the point isn't for the film to be good or even to make it look good, the point is to activate that little part of the brain that thinks "wow, I recognize that" so that when parents are choosing which film to take their insufferable child to they choose this one.

It's the same cynical process that gave us the Smurfs movies or the Garfield movies, because literally any old IP can be marketed this way to children and make some money.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
CyanCat47 said:
The original design was bad, the movie is still 99% likely to end up bad, but Paramount caving to internet outrage is a worrying sign. Internet discourse on movies has been terrible since it started and only gotten worse over time. I've seen a fair share of online comments already talking about Paramount 'listening to the fans' as justification for why every other studio should cave into every other idiotic fan demand. Focus testing has already ruined enough movies without the internet becoming a single live focus test for the studios to caper to in the vein hope that they can stave off being bought up by Disney for a few more years
Focus Testing and Internet Fan Demands is the reason why we went from Batman v Superman to Shazam.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
I kinda think that this movie would make a lot more money if they casted Chris alongside Sonic to defeat Jim Carrey. It would make a lot of ironic money.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Are they going to remake the gangsters paradise trailer with the new model?


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Is it weird I'm actually excited for this? The redesign looks a LOT better and the new trailer has a fun road trip vibe.

If course, I'm someone who didn't mind Sonic X, so I don't have what you would call "good taste"...


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
ObsidianJones said:
I raise you "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and "Mary Poppins".

... Actually, I might fold on Mary Poppins. I remember being bored as a kid.

I raise you "Who Framed Roger Rabbit".

God, that was a good movie.
The bad guy from Roger Rabbit scared the shit out of me as a kid. It's like Hitler, if Hitler was a Nazi.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
CoCage said:
I can't speak for the UK comics as I never read them. Archie comics had Overlanders (humans with distinctly 4 fingers) with most of them wiped out. I just remember the retcon they did to bring regular humans in to Sonic's world to tie in with the Sonic Adventure games. I found it hilarious, as the story was "oh, (five-fingered) humans were always in Sonic's world. They were just hiding in cloaked civilizations. One that looks like San Francisco for some reason." It was one of the times kid me saw the writer pulling things out of their asses.
I don't see that as a retcon - not unless you go by the literal definition of a retcon (i.e. "retroactive continuity"). That said, what struck me as odd wasn't that the city was hidden, but that four fingers were a thing. Like, I'd never even noticed it before with any of the characters, and it struck me as such a bizzare distinction. What's more, given how Overlanders were portrayed up to that point, with their multi-coloured hair, I figured that you'd already have some distinction between Overlanders and regular humans through the aesthetic differences.

Samtemdo8 said:
Focus Testing and Internet Fan Demands is the reason why we went from Batman v Superman to Shazam.
...and? One of those films is much, MUCH better than the other.

Marik2 said:
I kinda think that this movie would make a lot more money if they casted Chris alongside Sonic to defeat Jim Carrey.

Beat you to it.

CrazyGirl17 said:
Is it weird I'm actually excited for this? The redesign looks a LOT better and the new trailer has a fun road trip vibe.
No...but why is Sonic going on a road trip anyway? He certainly doesn't need help moving around in the film.

If course, I'm someone who didn't mind Sonic X, so I don't have what you would call "good taste"...
Well, as someone who likes Sonic X and regards it as the #2 Sonic animated media, you're not alone.

Baffle2 said:
It's like Hitler, if Hitler was a Nazi.


Nov 24, 2009
United States
Hawki said:
So, on one hand, Sonic looks much better, and I think the trailer is better overall.

On the other, I have to admit, if you asked me whether I'd be interested in the film if not for Sonic, the answer would almost certainly be no.

CoCage said:
I think the movie will be just okay, but it should have been animated. I'd prefer 2D, but we all know that is not going to happen, so 3D would have been fine.
2D or 3D, I think it would be better animated. Plus, why is this set on Earth? Clearly Green Hill exists in the movie's universe, so why not have a movie there?
If it's anything like the Monster Hunter movies reasoning it's because the directors want an "every-man" character that outsiders of the franchise will be able to "relate" to because actual fans apparently aren't enough to rely on.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Semi-DemiFiend said:
If it's anything like the Monster Hunter movies reasoning it's because the directors want an "every-man" character that outsiders of the franchise will be able to "relate" to because actual fans apparently aren't enough to rely on.
I'd maintain that:

-Sonic is far more well known in the general populace than Monster Hunter - a lot of people will have at least heard of him.

-Having Sonic interact with a human makes sense if he's brought to Earth (see Sonic X), but again, why rely on that plot point in the first place?


Nov 24, 2009
United States
Hawki said:
CoCage said:
I can't speak for the UK comics as I never read them. Archie comics had Overlanders (humans with distinctly 4 fingers) with most of them wiped out. I just remember the retcon they did to bring regular humans in to Sonic's world to tie in with the Sonic Adventure games. I found it hilarious, as the story was "oh, (five-fingered) humans were always in Sonic's world. They were just hiding in cloaked civilizations. One that looks like San Francisco for some reason." It was one of the times kid me saw the writer pulling things out of their asses.
I don't see that as a retcon - not unless you go by the literal definition of a retcon (i.e. "retroactive continuity"). That said, what struck me as odd wasn't that the city was hidden, but that four fingers were a thing. Like, I'd never even noticed it before with any of the characters, and it struck me as such a bizzare distinction. What's more, given how Overlanders were portrayed up to that point, with their multi-coloured hair, I figured that you'd already have some distinction between Overlanders and regular humans through the aesthetic differences.
Archie Sonic is somewhat infamous for how often it tries to retcon things even down to little coloring mistakes. They chalked up Sally's early color swapping to getting doused in chemicals off screen and Dulcy's nose ring flickering from gold to black as her "Black singe Ring" being removed and replaced with a gold one that took away her fire breath.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Samtemdo8 said:
CyanCat47 said:
The original design was bad, the movie is still 99% likely to end up bad, but Paramount caving to internet outrage is a worrying sign. Internet discourse on movies has been terrible since it started and only gotten worse over time. I've seen a fair share of online comments already talking about Paramount 'listening to the fans' as justification for why every other studio should cave into every other idiotic fan demand. Focus testing has already ruined enough movies without the internet becoming a single live focus test for the studios to caper to in the vein hope that they can stave off being bought up by Disney for a few more years
Focus Testing and Internet Fan Demands is the reason why we went from Batman v Superman to Shazam.
From a 1/4 of a good movie to a 1/3. At least BvS sprikled some goodness over the movie instead of being utterly boring until the final act.

Also, WW and Aquaman was better at 2/3 and 1/2 a good movie respectively.

So they've downgraded


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Semi-DemiFiend said:
Archie Sonic is somewhat infamous for how often it tries to retcon things even down to little coloring mistakes. They chalked up Sally's early color swapping to getting doused in chemicals off screen and Dulcy's nose ring flickering from gold to black as her "Black singe Ring" being removed and replaced with a gold one that took away her fire breath.
I don't recall the ring, but I do recall the colour swapping explanation. Y'know, how it's clumsily inserted into a comic years after the swap was made, where ? year old me was reading it having never read the early issues at the time. Yet still able to realize that "gee, the writer just wanted to put that explanation in there, even if it was completely irrelevant to the conversation at hand."

That said though, it's not a retcon, or at least, not a retcon in any form outside the literal definition. It's not changing anything in-universe, it's providing a Watsonian explanation to a real-world choice (changing Sally's colour scheme for whatever reason). An example of an actual retcon in the series was shifting the timeline. Originally the xorda attacked Earth 3000 years before the series, then it was changed to 12000 years, with the 3000 year mark being retconned to the Days of Fury. The timeframe shifts, and no-one comments on it.

trunkage said:
From a 1/4 of a good movie to a 1/3. At least BvS sprikled some goodness over the movie instead of being utterly boring until the final act.

Also, WW and Aquaman was better at 2/3 and 1/2 a good movie respectively.

So they've downgraded
That's an...interesting way of ranking films.

I'll just say this. Shazam! is the DCEU's only truly god movie, while BvS is its only truly bad one.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
McElroy said:
Hawki said:
I'll just say this. Shazam! is the DCEU's only truly god movie, while BvS is its only truly bad one.
*laughs in Suicide Squad*
Even I didn't think Suicide Squad was that great.

Who asked for a Suicide Squad movie at all let alone who came up with the character designs.