Sony Announces Redesigned PlayStation 3


New member
May 12, 2011
this is great news I have been wanting to buy a ps3 for a while and this new one will drive the prices down on the older models


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Does it have backwards compatibility? No, well then... no dice.

Judging from how long the PS2 has lived, they're probably planning on keeping the PS3 goign into the next generation but its still odd for them to make this announcement when there competitor is going next gen.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
faefrost said:
Does anyone else get the sneaking suspicion that this might be a warning sign that once again the NEXT generation PS will not be capable of playing the previous ones games?
No, I never expected this "super slim" model to play PS2 games. They all play PS1 games.

I am already pretty sure PS4 won't play PS3 games.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
CommanderL said:
this is great news I have been wanting to buy a ps3 for a while and this new one will drive the prices down on the older models
No it won't. The older models are superior to this model. When Nintendo introduced the Wii that couldn't play Gamecube games, did it drive down the prices of the old model?


Dec 24, 2011
Timothy Chang said:
Sony Announces Redesigned PlayStation 3

The new PlayStation 3 refresh loses a few inches and pounds.

The seventh and current generation of consoles has been around since 2005. Nintendo is ready to move on, with the Wii U set to launch at the end of this year, but Sony has other intentions: the company has announced the release of a new PlayStation 3 at this year's Tokyo Game Show.

The console refresh will be 20% smaller and 25% lighter than its predecessor, and it will come in two flavors: Charcoal Black and Classic White.

North America will get a 250GB version on September 25th for $269.99, with a "limited edition" bundle that includes a copy of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and a $30 credit voucher for use in Dust 514. For those that are willing to wait, a 500GB version is available from October 30th for $299.99. This will also be a "limited edition" bundle, coming with a copy of Assassin's Creed 3.

Ya, I think I'll just wait for the next console to come out. Not the next Sony console of course. I think I've had enough Sony for one lifetime.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
Mimsofthedawg said:
llubtoille said:
I remember they did the same thing with the PSOne,
ie - releasing a compact version towards the end of its life.
did they do it for the PS2?
yep! This is par for the course.

ALTHOUGH! The new console is also, USUALLY accompanied with a price cut. I'm surprised this is being sold for as much if not more money than the previous version. I would have expected them to drop the price to $200 or so.

But I bet you they'll do that next year. I think we're still 2 years away from a PS4 launch, and having them cut the price a lot more would make sense next year verses this year. Sony's probably still trying to recoup losses from earlier in the generation cycle, and frankly, the PS3 is still selling well. I also bet that Sony has a plan to support the PS3 a few years after the PS4 comes out, like they did the PS2. A few of the PS2's best games came out between 2006-2009, well into the life of the PS3 console. Sony STILL sells the damn thing! That's profit right there.
I say they need to drop the price now, not next year. WiiU comes out in 2 months and the prices are pretty damn close.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Like a lot of people have said I have a backwards compatible fat model, why would I want a new one? I'm waiting to see how the next generation goes, before I buy another system.


Zombie Steve Irwin
Feb 22, 2009
Well if it pushes the price of older models down even more, I might just be tempted to finally get a PS3.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
dmase said:
Like a lot of people have said I have a backwards compatible fat model, why would I want a new one? I'm waiting to see how the next generation goes, before I buy another system.
Because you're obviously not the target demographic for it? This model is for your late adopter/cutting assembly costs/some unlucky bastards (got one right here) whose second PS3 is becoming so sluggish and easy to overheat that they're already saving up for the inevitable third one.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
You can pick up a decent ps3 second hand from your local game dealer or off ebay/similar site. With this generation shutting up shop in the next few years, a second hand console is so much more economical than buying a spanking new one for a ridiculous price


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Well, it is one of those "buy it, if your old one blows up" thing
I don't see why there is so much fuzz about it.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Faladorian said:
This post is golden. That's exactly what this is. They're both trying to sell their own system by making their own system unsellable, and they're trying to compete with the Wii U. They even got the idea of external memory from Wii U, I wouldn't doubt it.

But part of the appeal of the Wii U's external memory is the fact that is cuts the cost of the product somewhat. But as it stands, this new PS3 is MORE EXPENSIVE THAN RETAIL.

It's also about as expensive as the Wii U itself, which has been noted to be more powerful than the PS3 and 360.

Things like this just... baffle me. Sony has already demonstrated with the Vita that they don't know what the hell they're doing, but this shit just takes the cake. Get with it, Sony, you're becoming senile.
Interesting article about how badly Sony has been managed in the past few years:

This is what happens when you let engineers and designers run free: they don't care about consumer interest. Sony is one giant mess right now.
Sep 11, 2009
Timothy Chang said:
North America will get a 250GB version on September 25th for $269.99, with a "limited edition" bundle that includes a copy of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and a $30 credit voucher for use in Dust 514.
Hey, that's only half the price of what my Vita cost!


New member
Aug 6, 2011
I only use my current PS3 for movies. I regret buying it. I won't even bother with the next generation of consoles so why would I ever want to buy something I already own but hardly use?


New member
May 29, 2009
FlipC said:
Out of interest how can it be "Classic" white when the default colour scheme is black?
Because the PS1 Slim was white?

I own the original brick versions of the PS1, PS2 and PS3 and they all still work fine. Except my PS3 hard drive died on me needing a replacement, and my PS1 disc tray flap needs a few tries to shut it.

No idea why people change to a smaller version.