Sony Announces Redesigned PlayStation 3


New member
May 3, 2010
Crono1973 said:
This must be a move to boost sales of the current slim PS3. "Buy the better PS3 now before they are all gone and replaced by this cheaper yet more expensive model".

If this is how Sony intends to compete against the Wii U, they are in trouble.

This post is golden. That's exactly what this is. They're both trying to sell their own system by making their own system unsellable, and they're trying to compete with the Wii U. They even got the idea of external memory from Wii U, I wouldn't doubt it.

But part of the appeal of the Wii U's external memory is the fact that is cuts the cost of the product somewhat. But as it stands, this new PS3 is MORE EXPENSIVE THAN RETAIL.

It's also about as expensive as the Wii U itself, which has been noted to be more powerful than the PS3 and 360.

Things like this just... baffle me. Sony has already demonstrated with the Vita that they don't know what the hell they're doing, but this shit just takes the cake. Get with it, Sony, you're becoming senile.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Mr.Tea said:
No shit Sherlock. That wasn't my point; There have been almost no games using DirectX 10 or 11 as a base rather than an addition (and only id Software uses OpenGL for major releases). Why? Well for the consoles of course! Developers don't want to make two implementations of the same game so the PC gets the shaft (not to mention PC exclusives that could take advantage are rare in the first place).

So to recap: Instead of announcing their next console, which would pretty much force Microsoft to do the same, we get to wallow in lowest-common-denominator land for a substantial while longer. That just fills me with joy and I had to spread it on this article. Thank you for listening.
Actually, you're still somewhat wrong: most of the DX10/11 stuff got already implemented under DX9 (see XBOX tessellation, for example). There's actually really no need for most of the 10/11 functions, that's why nobody is using it. Higher numbers don't mean that shit gets fancier, sometimes it just means they added a 1 to their name and tagged on a useless new API call nobody wants to use because their own implementation runs just better. Have you seen some of the comparisons they put up to show how DX10 is the next big thing?
If you think "yeah, pretty obvious how the right one has DX10" then nice try, because you can do the latter just as easy in DX9, especially since most of the things they improved between the shots is just some shader postprocessing, and that was possible in DX9 as well.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Looks like Sony will be late too the next generation just like they were late to this one. Hopefully the new Xbox presses it's advantage for real this time instead of the piss-poor job Microsoft did at taking advantage of their year long headstart for the 360.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
Faladorian said:
Crono1973 said:
This must be a move to boost sales of the current slim PS3. "Buy the better PS3 now before they are all gone and replaced by this cheaper yet more expensive model".

If this is how Sony intends to compete against the Wii U, they are in trouble.

This post is golden. That's exactly what this is. They're both trying to sell their own system by making their own system unsellable, and they're trying to compete with the Wii U. They even got the idea of external memory from Wii U, I wouldn't doubt it.

But part of the appeal of the Wii U's external memory is the fact that is cuts the cost of the product somewhat. But as it stands, this new PS3 is MORE EXPENSIVE THAN RETAIL.

It's also about as expensive as the Wii U itself, which has been noted to be more powerful than the PS3 and 360.

Things like this just... baffle me. Sony has already demonstrated with the Vita that they don't know what the hell they're doing, but this shit just takes the cake. Get with it, Sony, you're becoming senile.

They need to take out Uncharted 3 and the DLC for that game most people won't care about and sell the 250 GB model for $199. They should keep the free PS+ for 30 days voucher because that is more to their benefit than it is the consumers. If they can get you hooked on PS+, then they make more money.

As it is, the cheapest model is now $20 more than the current cheapest model and it's also only $30 less than the WiiU which has the benefit of being a new console. Also, the WiiU doesn't have a cheap sliding door and an exposed Blu-Ray drive. Those ridges are dust collectors too.


New member
Aug 26, 2012
Really? $269.99?

Fuck that and fuck consoles. After my 80 gig BC died I never had a reason to replace it.

porpoise hork

Fly Fatass!! Fly!!!
Dec 26, 2008
Sony I'm about as excited with this update as I was with the iPhone 4S-XL er.. uh.. I mean 5 release.




New member
Aug 11, 2009
just... wow.

Sony is taking their ignorance to a whole new level.

This "new" version really has nothing in it that would warrant its pricetag. I mean, it's not like it has more RAM than the original, and thus is still woefully obsolete. Right out of the box!

Hope nobody falls for this.

porpoise hork

Fly Fatass!! Fly!!!
Dec 26, 2008
lancar said:
just... wow.

Sony is taking their ignorance to a whole new level.

This "new" version really has nothing in it that would warrant its pricetag. I mean, it's not like it has more RAM than the original, and thus is still woefully obsolete. Right out of the box!

Hope nobody falls for this.
There's a shit ton of mindless sheep out there you know. So yes they will fall for it.
Dec 16, 2009
meh, to me it seems pointless. maybe if it made the system stupidly cheaper 'd be more impressed. my PS3 is a glorified blu ray player at tthe moment. load times and updates are painful


New member
Aug 11, 2009
porpoise hork said:
lancar said:
just... wow.

Sony is taking their ignorance to a whole new level.

This "new" version really has nothing in it that would warrant its pricetag. I mean, it's not like it has more RAM than the original, and thus is still woefully obsolete. Right out of the box!

Hope nobody falls for this.
There's a shit ton of mindless sheep out there you know. So yes they will fall for it.
Let me rephrase that:

"I hope the number that fall for this is significantly less than Sony's projected estimates"



Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
Didn't they just come out with a new PS3 not that long ago? I don't see the logic in making another one so soon. Especially considering that it seems there isn't much of a difference other than the case.


New member
Oct 22, 2007
Well, Sony, maybe if you brought it down to something like $200 for the 250 gig so the release of a redesign would make sense, I would buy it.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Unless it plays PS1,2 games I'm not interested. I already had to buy a 2nd PS3 after my original died for no acceptable reason.

Basically Sony think that every few years we all need a console with a bigger HD because of all the fantastic games we are buying and installing concurrently on the aging console.

I'm curious how much money they could have saved themselves over the last 8 years if they had picked ONE SKU and stood behind it.

I can't see how releasing multiple SKUs simultaneously is an intelligent business move, let alone releasing a barely different one every few years.

I mean Apple gets away with it because they ADD functionality with each iteration. Sony has managed to lose most of its selling points over the years with the loss of backwards compatibility, the loss of alternate OS, and the fact that PSN hasn't had anything decent in a long time vs. XBLA getting pretty much every indie game ever because its just a Windows PC offshoot more or less.

When PSN goes fully pay to use, as opposed to the sad, sad, PS+ which offers jack all worth the cost, it will finally lose the ONE thing it still has going for it.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Works for me. I don't own one yet, and was thinking about getting one, mostly for PSN-exclusive indie games and stuff like Bayonetta and Vanquish. Now I get a price cut and free stuff! Awesome!


New member
Sep 7, 2012
Frank_Sinatra_ said:
DeltasDix said:
Frank_Sinatra_ said:
Screw that. Just get a refurbished PS3 off Amazon and pick up a 1TB Sata HDD while you're at it. Once they both arrive install the 1TB Sata to your PS3 and you've got a better PS3 at roughly the same cost.
Why would you put in 1TB? I couldn't imagine anyone using more than 100GB.
Two reasons.
1.) Because you can
2.) If you're a gamer like me you've already used 200GB of the 500GB. I play and keep a LOT of games.
lol i like this person's reasoning! Give them sustenance! *hands their favorite drink*

OT: This seems utterly useless as pointed out, just getting an older ps3 and plugging an HDD into it is much cheaper and your getting the same/possibly better outcome.

just..please stop dilly dallying around and come out with the ps4, don't waste money on this.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Does anyone else get the sneaking suspicion that this might be a warning sign that once again the NEXT generation PS will not be capable of playing the previous ones games?

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
Sony is fast turning into Sega. Stop updating the PS3 and work on your PS4 or whatever you're gonna call it since 4 Is Death in Japan.

On second thought, stop making more consoles, because - I'm calling this right now - the PS4 is going to have gamebreaking advertisement videos that stop the gameplay every 5 minutes.

Captcha: in over my head