Sony Confirms 250 GB PS3 for North America


New member
Mar 10, 2008
AceDiamond said:
Oh Sony, even when you do good you still show complete disdain for your fans.

Also why the hell would you need this much space? Maybe it's because I wouldn't use mine for movies and so forth but I doubt you'd even need all that space even if you used it only on installs.

Again this is mostly a legitimate question because I really don't know what you'd need 250GB of space for.
You can never have too much space :p My original 60GB PS3 has just about 10MB/GB left (whichever one sounds more reasonable) and that's only through about 7 or so games requiring of install, no movies or TV shows and whatnot. Though I may be exaggerating, either way I'm severely low on memory right now and had to resort to deleting some games off (MGS4 being most prominent).

Suffice to say, I wouldn't mind having a juicy 120GB harddrive by now...

Tom Goldman said:
Hey everyone. I actually love Sony (and Microsoft, and Nintendo, and everyone else for that matter), and hope my article didn't project some kind of bias against them. However, perhaps my annoyance with all the different system models this generation came out in the article, and it happened to be focused against Sony. I just miss the days when you could buy something and didn't have to worry about something better coming along in two months...not that the 250 GB hard drive matters that much. But, I'd prefer it over the 120 GB, and would be annoyed if I had bought a PS3 slim recently.
Meh, even though I'm the #1 Sorny-fanguy here, I don't see too much problem with what you said. Though admittedly you didn't word it exactly the best way as it did seem slightly biased, but hey, nit-pickeroos tend to find fault with anything.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Hey, I think this is a nice gesture. I'd certainly never find use for all that space, but there are people out there who would. Besides, if you saved the receipt, you can return your old slim, can't you?

I think we need to lean back and take a deep breath. Sony is just trying to keep up with the competition by releasing better bundles.If they didn't, everyone would complain about how they don't have enough gb on the hard drives.

I can already hear some of the anti-Sony pitchforks being plucked from the shed. I was sure we put them all away after the slim came out.

cleverlymadeup said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Crash486 said:
Also, microsoft has put multiple versions of the xbox out with different sized hard drives, for 50$-100$ price differences. 360 elite? What's with this silly attempted pot shot at sony for doing the same thing? Gyaarrr!!! Sony is EVIL for wanting to make money!
The point isn't that Sony introduced a bigger, slightly more expensive PS3. In fact, as Tom points out, if they had launched two variants of the Slim simultaneously, one 120 and one 250, that would have been fine. With this, it feels kind of insulting to early adopters of the Slim. "Hey, if you'd waited two months you'd have gotten a BETTER model!"
and there is the point that the only difference between the 120 GB PS3 and the 250 GB PS3 is the size of the hard drive. it's not like the Sony actually takes away useful features like an HDMI port and other such features when changing the model number of their console

as for the earlier adopters being slapped in the face, this is generally a known and accepted fact. this ALWAYS happens to any early adopter of any product, so i'm not sure why stuff like this comes as a surprise to anyone
I have to strongly agree with this. I remember back when I bought a Playstation2, and just four days later, they announced the price drop. So it's just a lesson to all the people here: buyer beware.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Jumplion said:
You can never have too much space :p My original 60GB PS3 has just about 10MB/GB left (whichever one sounds more reasonable) and that's only through about 7 or so games requiring of install, no movies or TV shows and whatnot. Though I may be exaggerating, either way I'm severely low on memory right now and had to resort to deleting some games off (MGS4 being most prominent).

Suffice to say, I wouldn't mind having a juicy 120GB harddrive by now...
That is actually quite fair, and a good point. Like I said I could see it being a problem given the PS3's ability to do game installs coupled with the now relatively small drive size of the earlier versions of the PS3. Personally I've managed to somehow stay on my same 20 GB hard drive that came with my Xbox 360. I haven't bothered to upgrade it because A) I'm a bit unsure if I could transfer all my data from the old drive and B) I don't have the need for it cause I'm not a fan of the game install concept for consoles.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Syphonz said:
I feel I have a ton of stuff on my 80GB PS3 phat.

2 seasons (30 episodes) of Boondocks
4 seasons of "how i met your mother"
10 full movies
10 PSP commercials (for the lulz)
Linux (mainly used for SNES, NES, SEGA Genesis emulators)
200 songs
then theres all the game stuff..

and when i look at it, I'm still 30 GB short of 80.... So my qustion to Sony:

Even with all this stuff I currently have trouble finding myself even close to 80GB, How in the world is anyone going to justify getting to 250?? WHO NEEDS THAT MUCH SPACE?!
...Wow. In that case, it's regular old PS3 Slim for Christmas for me! I'd rather just be able to frickin' play Uncharted.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Do you really need that much memory? Even if you download a lot of games on your PS3, that's still quite enough.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
I got a slim after my giant monolith of a PS3 broke down.

I had already gotten 40 extra gigs, so this isn't that much of a problem for me.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Well that's annoying after each console release another one that's way better comes out its so dumb


New member
Dec 31, 2008
250 GB?

God, I don't understand people. My Launch 20 GB Xbox Hard drive is enough space for me.