Sony Pictures Chairman on Ghostbusters Reboot "Haters" : "It's The Greatest Thing That Ever Happened"


New member
Jan 22, 2014
Will that change the fact that the trailers and ads are cringe worthy?

I mean, it's one thing to have haters when your product is actually good...


New member
Sep 17, 2011
How did the moron from Fox get his new job? How did he have sex/blackmail to get into a position of power? I have been trying to figure out why this movie looks so bad.

Now I know, and depressingly it makes sense.


New member
Nov 4, 2014
Well, he certainly has a point about all the publicity it's generated. And it's true that many of even the most vocal critics will go see it, if only to confirm their own "this is gonna suck" thoughts.

But "this isn't funny", though you may disagree, isn't a stupid thing to say when analyzing the preview of a comedy film (referring to what is blatantly a preview as a trailer, on the other hand...). And how on Earth is "Sony doesn't have IP" a misnomer? Does he even know what that word means?

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Silentpony said:
Casual Shinji said:
Oh I sincerely doubt YouTube critics are gonna hate-fuck this movie SO much that it turns a profit. It has hype, sure. But actually financial stability? Hardly.
The thing is, I don't see this going any different than the Transformers movies or Pixels; All movies that looked like shit, but that the critics went to see anyway, in order to make critical videos about them. It's the same story over and over again.

That's not even mentioning that it'll probably make its money back on the name alone.

Redd the Sock

New member
Apr 14, 2010
I expect this to do decently enough it's first week. It will then have a numbers crash on relative par to Batman v Superman (a movie everyone was saying looked like shit before hand).

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
This is just more of the bullshit notion that no press is bad press. He's looking at all of this as free marketing. It might get a few people to go see it out of curiosity, but in the end, only teh quality of the movie is going to determine if the film has any long term success.
And I don't expect this to be a good enough movie to become a success.

Stewie Plisken

New member
Jan 3, 2009
Zenja said:
Fhqwhgod said:
This is a behavior I don't understand, the hate watch. This guy actually has a point with it. I mean EVERYONE complains about Michael Bay but his movies make really good profits. Especially, the extremely hated Transformers... soon to release Part 5, and part 7 is greenlit. For all the rage, people still show up to watch Michael Bay movies which means you are voting FOR him with your wallet.
Regarding the hate-watching for a moment, I attribute it partly to excess disposable income and partly to culture; I mean, I don't know many people in the so-called 'general audience' for anything that hate-watch stuff. Either it's going to be fanboys who just can't break away from franchise loyalty or it's Internet culture stemming from Youtube critics, who are usually louder about their opinions (and less so about their actual critiques) and yet they go see the movies, because that's their job.

In regards to Bay, though, outside of the fact that he makes innocuous and easily digestible movies (even if you hate them, there will be at least a sequence that will justify paying the ticket price for the big screen), you shouldn't underestimate child audiences. Transformers is a merchandising empire. Ghostbusters has merchandising, but it was been mostly AWOL for something like 30 years. Transformers didn't become huge again until Bay stepped in '07, but they had been around on TV and in the toy shelves consistently. A lot of people see Bay's Transformers simply because they have kids.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Actually watched that trailer on YT and noted 22,440 Upvotes 105,686 Downvotes.
Guess that means hated is the correct word.

Myself; Meh, I liked the first and the animated series. Guess I will see it after theaters if it turns out okay.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Sure, you might get enough hate-butts in seats to watch your shitty movie. What about the next one though? You've basically Titanic'd the franchise: selling a lot of tickets to a ship bound to sink. Once you've killed Ghostbusters, nobody's gonna turn up for the next reboot or spinoff because the last one was so terrible. And it'll also sink a lot of people's careers in the process.

Me, I'm gonna pass on seeing this. The notion of an all-female Ghostbusters was fine, but everything I've seen out of the trailers was garbage. Even worse was the response of the crew to criticism. Shaming people as fat virgin nerds because they didn't like your trailer? Why don't you go fuck yourselves.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
Go and listen to the fallout boy cover of the ghostbusters theme song, and THEN try and defend this movie to me.

*grabs torch*


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I mean, he's not wrong.

Three girls went and made a crappy little Garageband jam and called themselves Millionaires. Several years later, they had a dedicated fanbase, toured, and one of them had made enough money to get her bachelor's degree in mathematics - entirely off of the hate-sharing and hate-watching they got. It's pretty remarkable.

It may not translate directly over to a big-budget movie, but hey, I wouldn't have known about it if not for people on the Escapist shrieking about it...


New member
Apr 12, 2016
I knew this backlash would backfire somehow... We have way too many people shouting hatred and not enough people willing to argument of why they do not aprove this reboot, add to that the issue of genderbending cast and it simply not being funny become entangled within all the shouting, as in everybody is hating both, not either. That's the internet I guess, but him flat out saying that he is exploiting all the controversy is just despicable.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Igor-Rowan said:
I knew this backlash would backfire somehow... We have way too many people shouting hatred and not enough people willing to argument of why they do not aprove this reboot, add to that the issue of genderbending cast and it simply not being funny become entangled within all the shouting, as in everybody is hating both, not either. That's the internet I guess, but him flat out saying that he is exploiting all the controversy is just despicable.
The reason we don't seem to have as much discussion of why the reboot is bad, as opposed to virulent shouting, is because Sony has been caught astroturfing their own curated regions of the internet (forums, YT comments, etc). They specifically remove any reasonable commentary to the movie but are sure to leave frothing, nostril flaring rants about the casts gender and other issues. They aren't just exploiting the controversy they are PURPOSEFULLY GENERATING IT and stifling narratives that run counter so they can sell this stinker as a win for feminism and internet notJerks everywhere.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
I hope Mr. Rothman realizes making statements that sound like something Emperor Palpatine would say isn't exactly an endearing trait...


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Haters may get your name out there, man, but they do not earn you money. Only the dumbest kind of hater pays for the thing he hates and goes and watches it specifically to disapprove. I remember one time, I was out seeing Carlos Mencia, and there was a guy next to me who had bought a front-row seat like me specifically to sneer, as though that would do anything!


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Considering that they give away free movie tickets for this when you buy pudding... yeah.. keep telling yourselfe that sony man. Whatever makes you sleep at night.


New member
Apr 12, 2016
TsunamiWombat said:
The reason we don't seem to have as much discussion of why the reboot is bad, as opposed to virulent shouting, is because Sony has been caught astroturfing their own curated regions of the internet (forums, YT comments, etc). They specifically remove any reasonable commentary to the movie but are sure to leave frothing, nostril flaring rants about the casts gender and other issues. They aren't just exploiting the controversy they are PURPOSEFULLY GENERATING IT and stifling narratives that run counter so they can sell this stinker as a win for feminism and internet notJerks everywhere.
When you put it that way, it becomes even more cynical. This isn't your usual controversy because the director may not have thought something through, this is pandering to the extremists and putting them as the voices for this entire debacle, even James Rolfe, who stated he will not see the movie for his personal reasons wasn't safe.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
You know, I find his honesty refreshing.

"Fuck you. Watch my movie."


New member
Jun 2, 2010
The key thing is the Hate publicity is not going to get you enough unearned publicity to shove you up to a Billion dollar franchise that the Sony top execs were expecting and were promised. At best the movie might make its costs back. But there is no way that the movie will hit what they wanted it to, and Sony knows this. Rothman knows this. That is why the cast is out there on the 'Basement Dwelling Trolls" tour insulting the fanbase, and why Rothman is claiming "no such thing as bad publicity". Because they all know that it's going down in flames. So they are trying to drum up just enough curiosity or interest or even hate viewings to not make it career ending.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
munx13 said:
I highly doubt someone will go see a movie just because they can click the 'dislike' button
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Bayformers say hi.

If you try hard enough, you can come up with a list that would take whole books to store. But those two franchises specifically? If I had a dollar for every whiny "hater" with a ruined childhood who went to the midnight showings alone, I could put my hypothetical kids through college.

Michael Bay has called people out on this before, and...they proved him right.