Sony: PlayStation Move Is For The Hardcore


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Typhusoid said:
xavierxenon said:
Typhusoid said:
This is just the same stuff Nintendo was sputing before the Wii was released, and look how that turned out.
Extremely successful? I'm not entirely sure of your point.
Aura Guardian said:
Typhusoid said:
This is just the same stuff Nintendo was sputing before the Wii was released, and look how that turned out.
Like the other person said...extremely successful. Your point is?
Successful? Yes. Suitable for hardcore games? Hell no.
Hardcore =/= Enjoyment. The term "hardcore" to me has long since died in terms of gaming now that it is more widely accepted and became something for everyone.
Dec 16, 2009
Some one on here once said the reason motion sensitivity is bad is that it ruins the immersion, ie everymove you make you have to be aware of whats breakable around you, and as soon as you do that, you destroy the immersion. I'd say immersion is what separates the hardcore n casuals

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
xavierxenon said:
Typhusoid said:
xavierxenon said:
Typhusoid said:
This is just the same stuff Nintendo was sputing before the Wii was released, and look how that turned out.
Extremely successful? I'm not entirely sure of your point.
Aura Guardian said:
Typhusoid said:
This is just the same stuff Nintendo was sputing before the Wii was released, and look how that turned out.
Like the other person said...extremely successful. Your point is?
Successful? Yes. Suitable for hardcore games? Hell no.
Hardcore =/= Enjoyment. The term "hardcore" to me has long since died in terms of gaming now that it is more widely accepted and became something for everyone.
Hear hear. I wish the Hardcore vs casual would just die now. But it won't.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Therumancer said:
The problem with a motion controller being "hardcore" among other things is that nobody is going to be able to get up and spazz out for 12 hours with a motion sensor.
That's a good point. A motion-controlled MewTwo all-nighter? Nooooo, thank you.
Icehearted said:
Andy chalked it up nicely right in that final line.
i see what you did there


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2009
I would agree with many that the Wii has let its motion-control system fall into the hands of the "casual uprising".

However, Nintendo did release Metroid Prime 3, which I feel was a very solid game with tight controls and good graphics, even compared to some PS3/Xbox titles. If they (and/or Sony) stuck with similar ideas, utilizing the motion control scheme for quality gaming rather than as a gimmick, these kinds of games wouldn't be so looked down upon. Alas, such thinking is but a fool's dream...

Doc Cannon

I hate custom titles.
Feb 3, 2010
Is that a lightgolfclub on the picture?
I guess PS Move is actually targeted at the wealthy Jedi demographic after all.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Im a 360 owner but I have real reservations about any of the new motion control devices being for more than casual mini games. Even worse they might cram them into games that are ill suited just to be on trend.

Until I see K1 kickboxing: natal I refuse to invest.

I'll like that I can throw actual head kicks unlike most pale aneamic, none bedroom leaving, 12 year old 360 gamers. Plus I won't run out of gas after 90 seconds of moving around.


New member
May 24, 2009
I like it. They advertise about precision and the ability to turn of help, and if they man up to it, I'd gladly use it (depending on the game ofc).

Andy Chalk said:
That's great, but I do have one question: If Sony is serious about bringing motion controls to the hardcore, why the hell is it talking about table tennis?
You, Andy Chalk, made me 'lol', if I should be so blunt. I really genuinely laughed out loud. Maybe it was because I weren't really aware of it, but when I saw the sentence I totally laughed out loud. Props man.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Its worth thinking about, I guess. It's rather what I've been saying for the Wii all this time--keep the motion control aspects in the games (not to the arm-waving/standing up extent), but give us a controller as well. Move seems to do just that. But give me a game where there's something better to do than shoot people or smack a ball back and forth. Give me something like Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, where you use it as an interactive medium that doesn't require you to be standing or wanking or something similarly asinine.


<Insert Avatar Here>
Jul 3, 2008
The proof they say is in the pudding, so lets see the released product. Marketing-speak often tells you their new toilet brush also cleans windows, but what it actually gets used for most will be up to what the consumer finds appropriate.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Jaredin said:
...I still dont see how this argument will sell it to the hardcore gamers? Movement is all well and good, but, we dont want to be flailing around when we want to relax, we just want to play and take it easy.

I still want to see more on how exactly it will work, but, im not sold on it yet

Because the Wii has sold so well, I guess everyone thinks it would be a great idea to invest in motion controls.
But trying to sell the Move to the harcore crowd? Meh, doubtful, no one wants to tire themselves out by failing around.
We shall have to wait and see.


New member
Mar 13, 2008
To paraphrase Ben Croshaw []:

There's a simple test. When the PlayStation Move was first revealed, did you ever seriously try to defend it on an internet forum? If yes, you will enjoy this peripheral whatever it's faults and you might as well start spamming my email address with hatred right now you miserable fanboy twat.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
One of the reasons I play PS3 games - the fact that you can play them while lying down comfortably on a couch instead of jumping and flailing plastic peripherals around like a loon. So, no PS Move... you still have a hell of a lot of work to do to impress me.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Hubilub said:

Sony, I love you, but no. Just no. I don't believe you.

Although if you make a PS3 version of Shadow of the Colossus with PlayStation Move controls, I'm fucking buying it anyway.

Yup, I'm a fanboy.
lol I concur. not about the PS3 version of SotC (tho that'd be epic) Sony is talking out their arse. . . Again.

I will admit that I was momentarily impressed with the full 1:1 control and the reaction time, which is near instantaneous, good for swordfights, but I can't help but feel that swordfights and maybe, laser-swordfights are about as much as you'll get out of the motion sensor. :/

I big meh that I'm just gonna roll on by.