Sony Reminds Us: OMG! Girls (Sorry, Girlz) Play Games Too


New member
Jul 21, 2009
Amazon warrior said:
Ghost8585 said:
And who's to say that the target demographic can't distinguish between the bullshit fluff of the advertisements and actual product they're selling? Why are people automatically assuming that young girls are too stupid to see there are more games then just Loco Roco and Hanna Montana? It reeks of hypocrisy. Nobody here need too 'save' these girls from mean ole' Mr. Playstaton. If they buy it, great. If they don't, great. At least Sony TRIED.
Um. Let me tell a story. A couple of years ago when my bf and I lived in Melbourne, my bf ran a weekly D&D game. We were visitors to the city and we didn't really know anyone, so the other players were made up of people from Meetup and an ad in the LGS. One of those people was Gavin. He was a huge D&D nut, took it very seriously, had lots of the plastic figures, lots of books, you name it. I prefer to paint my own minis and as such have a huge collection of lead figures. One evening we were sitting around chatting about this 'n' that, including minis, and someone mentioned Games Workshop. And Gavin, this guy who was clearly a game shop regular and was certainly in the right social group to hear of such things, said, "Who?".

(Conversely, I once heard a Games Workshop employee claim that he'd never heard of Wizards of the Coast. But that was on a forum, so he may have been fibbing. But it was a forum of people I generally trust, so maybe not.)

So no, you cannot assume that people will hear of other games, not because they're stupid but because it doesn't quite clip their radar. And if someone who's already got more than a toe in the right waters can miss something as big as the BIGGEST mini and war gaming company in the world, then how hard must it be if you're a girl whose only likely exposure to games is overhearing her brother(s) or male classmates talk about it?
While I don't know anything about tabletop gaming (never even played D&D or anything), I think I get the gist of your story. Hmmmm, good point, but what I would say is that since tabletop gaming is different every time you play there isn't a need to look for new games. He had no need to look Alternatively, sooner or later everyone gets bored with a game they have played for months on end. Multiplayer aside, its the same thing over and over.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Ghost8585 said:
LordChhaya said:
Ghost8585 said:
LordChhaya said:
Why is t that every ruddy ad campaign aimed at Lady Gamers must replace every fucking S with a bloody Z, it annoys the fuck out of me.
I'm gonna try doing that from now on.
Panda Mania said:
OMG? Gamez?

Somebody please make it stop. What's next... "GearzofWarz: Gurl Power!" with splurting rainbow gore?
I believe that waZ already done.
You bastard!
Haha I actually had to edit the poZt right after Zince I forgot. Zorry.
No worries old chap.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
Why don't they just package it with the hit new game, "What are you doing out of the kitchen?"

It's pretty much the same level of offensive - though I must admit, that rapping one is offensive to every person on the entire planet, rather than just to guys.

So at least they're getting better at discrimination, I guess?
Once again, Max hits the nail on the head.

And "OMG"? None of the girls I know speak like that. Nor do they swap the word "girls" for "girlz". Christ, there is so much wrong with this.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
its offensive the girls its marketed to think the PSP is for geeks and Gamer Girls would find it insulting this is just EPIC FAIL


New member
Jul 25, 2009
"LAWL I kicked your butt (never ass, its always butt) on hey-low GURLZ ROOL BOYZ DROOL YEAH flower power!"

That's what I imagine about girl gamers, gamer girls on the other hand, are just people who like games and also happen to be girls.