Sony Wants To Know About Your First Kiss


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Ice Storm said:
Take a chill pill and calm down. I am stating my opinion and there's no reason to be so snappy. Just because you have no problem with them getting personal questions with their gamers doesn't mean we should all smile and go "lets answer the survey!"
That wasn't snappy. Or at least it wasn't indented to be, sorry if it came across like it. And I'm not by any measure saying you should smile and answer the survey, what I meant was that so long as you have that right to decline, I don't see why the content of it is a problem. Not that you should take it regardless of if you like it.

Ice Storm said:
Also I apologize if this post seems rude, I'm not in the mood for this sort of thing today. My bad if I came off too strong.
No problem, I've done that a couple of times. And I always end up thanking the internet gods for the edit button afterwards.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Dear Sony,

# My first kiss went a little like this. # []

Hope this helps.


New member
Feb 7, 2010
Personally, I can't wait to introduce my Wii to my dates. /sarcasm

But really, are our consoles pets? Must we be ashamed of them? Perhaps we should do this for all our entertainment systems. Start off small, maybe introduce them to my TV come second date, maybe the cable box next. Move on to the DVD player and Stereo system; take it slow, you know?