lma0nade said:
Jumplion said:
I've said before, video game addiction is just as legitimate and serious as any other addiction. People can be addicted to gambling, sex, various alcohol and drugs, coffee, adrenaline rushes, TV, your iPhone, etc...and video games are no exception and why would they be an exception? Video games can be just as addictive and life-consuming as anything else and it should be treated like any other serious addiction. It's all about responsibility and balance.
Wrong. People can get
obsessed over video games. I dont think people can get addicted to video games because with an actual addiction like drugs, it physically alters your brain so you need more of it. Video games dont do that.
...I'm sorry, personally, I thinks that's completely and utterly false. No no no no no no no. Just no. I'm really sorry if I'm coming off as a jerk, but just no no.
Video Games, and many electronics, as well as gambling, do that all the time, you know that feeling when a boss destroyed you over and over again and then after hours of training and leveling up your character you finally defeat him? Yeah, we gamers
thrive on that feeling. The high of beating that boss and we continue playing in hopes of another high.
Now put that feeling until you're dependent on it. Your real life sucks, you want to escape, and so you find a way to escape through video games. Problem is you let it consume you too easily and you don't try healthy doses. That's the case for a lot of addicts, they just get into it because they want to escape.
And what's the difference between "obsessed" and "addicted"? Seriously, that's not a big enough difference for me to really differentiate between the two.
Typical addiction syndromes include;
Skipping work for the addiction.
Skipping school.
Lack of social skills.
Now just replace "addiction syndromes" with "Halo 3 launch" and you get the idea.