South Park RPG Class List Includes the Jew


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Oct 14, 2009
AnotherAvatar said:
Every race should be so lucky to have such a neutral representation of themselves on the air. Television is run mostly by white racists (Rupert Murdoc, I'm looking right at you), hence why you only see a-typical white families or white teens on television unless it's in a mocking light.
The truly hilarious part of this statement is just how much racists ***** and moan about mixed-race couples and non-white families taking over TV, edging out all-white families and presenting race mixing as good and wholesome or even worse, preferable to finding a partner with the same skin colour to you.

I love how two groups of people can look at the exact same TV shows and come up with two opinions so ridiculously far apart from each other.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
I'm actually really excited about the idea of creating a game within the South Park world. Something about it just seems EPIC on a whole other level. I'll probably end up playing it on the PC so this will be interesting to see how it comes together.


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Apr 1, 2011
rees263 said:
The cynic in me says TV tie-in game, probably crap. But I love South Park so I want it to be good.
You can't really fuck up Super Mario now can you? And its Obsidian doing it, so at least a Decent RPG will be coming about because of it.


In it for the Pub Club cookies
Apr 15, 2009
Pahahaa, I need this in my life.
I hope this sparks a new breed of RPG classes...


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May 27, 2010
Heimir said:
Hate South Park? That's not even possible. xD

OT: Not sure if im comfortable with Obsidian making it though... Smells of bugfest.
Too vulgar. I understand that if you can look beyond that, it's a fairly clever satire show...but I can't manage it.


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Oct 19, 2010
Valanthe said:
Fox is gonna have a field day with this, and it will be GLORIOUS.
This is easily the thing I worry most about this. It seems like a game with good potential, but the media's gonna eat it up. I worry that Obsidian will be buried under the press for good.


New member
Sep 14, 2009
I remember I was in Israel last year, and I bought a South Park shirt with the Hebrew text saying "Jew Gold is a secret." Surprisingly, the show is decently popular over there Jew jokes aside. It is probably one of the best pitch perfect satire shows on American cable out there next to Colbert. As to people being mad at the Jew class, I just don't see why they should be mad. To me it is just a nice reference to the hardcore South Park fans, and in the end isn't that who the game will most appeal to anyway? I mean if you don't like the show you probably are not going to buy it.


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Sep 9, 2009
I don't watch to much South Park. I've watched the Man Bear Pig and WoW episodes several times, but that is about it. But this right here means I'm at least going to be watching this game closely, "The combat sounds like it will be a combination of Paper Mario and Final Fantasy VII."


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Sep 18, 2011
SonicWaffle said:
AnotherAvatar said:
Every race should be so lucky to have such a neutral representation of themselves on the air. Television is run mostly by white racists (Rupert Murdoc, I'm looking right at you), hence why you only see a-typical white families or white teens on television unless it's in a mocking light.
The truly hilarious part of this statement is just how much racists ***** and moan about mixed-race couples and non-white families taking over TV, edging out all-white families and presenting race mixing as good and wholesome or even worse, preferable to finding a partner with the same skin colour to you.

I love how two groups of people can look at the exact same TV shows and come up with two opinions so ridiculously far apart from each other.
I don't recall many mixed couples on television, but I will acknowledge that it's been a while since I've tuned in to TV proper, all I can picture are fat white husbands with skinny wives and annoying best friends who are all white as the snow, but hopefully that's changed, and if so the racists can totally suck it.

As for the opinions, there was, amusingly enough, a south park about this very subject. The thing is that people will project their own views onto anything, without even considering what the artist was really trying to say. Because humans are egomaniacs and think everything is not only about them, but it agrees with them.

What a world eh?


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Kopikatsu said:
Hnnnng. My family's Jewish, but...

I wouldn't say that I take offense to this exactly, but I do feel a bit uncomfortable about it. Maybe it's just because I hate the show as a whole.
One thing you have to remember is that even though all of the Jew jokes, South Park portrays Kyle as the moral compass of the group.

Also, the lack of sensitivity towards Jews is common in small towns with few Jews around, and the show regularly portrays it either as ignorance (most of what Cartman says) or as parody (Jew gold).

That's why I'm not offended. It's not because South Park offends everyone, as some claim, but because any time it offends someone they have some kind of point and do it in a smart way. Its not offense for the sake of offending as some shows are.

And yes, I'm a Jew.

WarCorrespondent said:
All I heard was "Paper Mario" and I started humping my computer screen.
Same.... Ever since my N64 died I've been feeling a deep craving for Paper Mario.... No one understands our love....


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Heimir said:
jimbob123432 said:
Korten12 said:
jimbob123432 said:
Meh. It's a way to grab attention
No... It's not, it's based off of the show and thus it being, Cartmans class he made up, it was only logical based on the show. It isn't becauase:

"LOL we can get some some publicity with this!"
Now, granted, I am not a huge South Park fan, but shouldn't there also be a "Black" class or an "Asian" class by that logic? In fact, they are constantly ragging on blacks and asians during the course of the show almost as much as they are Jews, so shouldn't those 2 sectors of humanity also have their own class?

Also, as a side note, why is "Jew" the paladin class? Speaking as an avid tabletop gamer, I think the wandering, storytelling history of the Jewish people would lend itself more to the bard class rather than the extremist paladin class.
You do realise they make the most fun out of white people and racism as a whole, right? Or have you only watched a few episodes here and there and totally missed the point of everything like most SP haters?

(Shit, x2 post, sorry people.)
I do recognize that South Park makes fun of groups that mostly consist of white people, but doesn't "prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief" still apply to white people? I've always thought that the argument "well it's okay for South Park/anything to make fun of people because it's against white people" always shot itself in the foot because most of the people they make fun of could take it as racist or otherwise discriminatory.

Now, to be fair, South Park HAS make fun of racism and pointless discrimination in really subtle and interesting ways. Calling Cartman's superhero persona "The Coon" for example was a great double-entendre in my opinion. Also, the Super Best Friends episode will always be, in my head, one of the best examples of both making fun of and tastefully representing vairous religions and their figures.

Finally, I would like to point out that I never described myself as a "South Park Hater". In fact, I own the first 6 seasons of the show. It's just that, as I described earlier, the execs in charge of the show don't seem to know when to let something good die. It's lost its relevancy and most of the genuine humour of the show has died out. Sure, it is still producing some hilarious new episodes (the superhero arc being one of them), but it's lost its zeal for a lot of "original" fans like myself.

Finally finally, how does the fact that "they make fun of white people" excuse the creators of the game from making an inflammatory class choice? Now, I do accept the arguments made here that "Cartman's running the game" and "it's based off the D&D episode", but I don't think that's the entire answer. I personally believe that it is for 3 factors: first, in the show, Jews are the only recurring religion (general non-denominational Christianity aside); second, Kyle and his family are very devoted to their religion; and third, since Cartman IS running the show, he decided to make "Jews" THE MOST USELESS CLASS IN D&D (at least in the Core set). Seriously, Paladins aren't as good at fighting as Fighters, nor as good at casting as Clerics. The only god thing about them its they get a horse. Oh wait, druids can get those too! No one I've ever played with has ever played a Paladin because they are terrible! (Note: Before anyone begins debating on this, please note that I am referring ONLY to the Core books here, not Complete Divine, Exalted Deeds, or anything like that. I'm well aware of PunPun's existence and how you can make him.)


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Kalezian said:
Kopikatsu said:
Hnnnng. My family's Jewish, but...

I wouldn't say that I take offense to this exactly, but I do feel a bit uncomfortable about it. Maybe it's just because I hate the show as a whole.

I really dont see why people get offended easily at South Park.

I mean, its an Equal Opportunity Offender [], everyone from Christians, Atheists, Agnostics, Muslums, and even Otters have been played for laughs.

Still though, I can see some jewish jokes in line with what is already in the show showing up in the game.

The fact that it is a game also should add some hilarious jokes.
Well, I'm worried about this game because it doesn't have to keep itself somewhat clean for TV. Not only that, but just saying you insult everyone so it's ok is not ok.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
AnotherAvatar said:
SonicWaffle said:
AnotherAvatar said:
Every race should be so lucky to have such a neutral representation of themselves on the air. Television is run mostly by white racists (Rupert Murdoc, I'm looking right at you), hence why you only see a-typical white families or white teens on television unless it's in a mocking light.
The truly hilarious part of this statement is just how much racists ***** and moan about mixed-race couples and non-white families taking over TV, edging out all-white families and presenting race mixing as good and wholesome or even worse, preferable to finding a partner with the same skin colour to you.

I love how two groups of people can look at the exact same TV shows and come up with two opinions so ridiculously far apart from each other.
I don't recall many mixed couples on television, but I will acknowledge that it's been a while since I've tuned in to TV proper, all I can picture are fat white husbands with skinny wives and annoying best friends who are all white as the snow, but hopefully that's changed, and if so the racists can totally suck it.

As for the opinions, there was, amusingly enough, a south park about this very subject. The thing is that people will project their own views onto anything, without even considering what the artist was really trying to say. Because humans are egomaniacs and think everything is not only about them, but it agrees with them.

What a world eh?
Sorry to jump in here, but, as a white guy, most of my stereotypes actually COME FROM "non-white" families on TV. I personally think the most racist TV exec right now in Tyler Perry and all of the god-awful all-black shows he makes. They COULD be good, Bill Cosby proved that those types of shows can work, but Tyler Perry keeps screwing it up. I guess this is another example of "how two groups of people can look at the exact same TV shows and come up with two opinions so ridiculously far apart from each other".


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Denamic said:
praus said:
Grahav said:
The jew? Pfff. I want to see if they put the muslim.
Probably not. Suicide bomber is not a very reusable power set.
Well, banelings in SC2 are really good.
Oh I think they very well may be someone you the player will have to fight. I just meant it won't be a class because once you blow your self up, you're done.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
teebeeohh said:
this just killed the game for me since in the german version the Jew class will be immortal and one-hit everything, thanks guys.

It wouldn't surprise me, though.

OT: Knowing that the creators of South Park are directly involved, I feel like this game might have a shot at being decent.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
maxben said:
Kopikatsu said:
Hnnnng. My family's Jewish, but...

I wouldn't say that I take offense to this exactly, but I do feel a bit uncomfortable about it. Maybe it's just because I hate the show as a whole.
One thing you have to remember is that even though all of the Jew jokes, South Park portrays Kyle as the moral compass of the group.

Also, the lack of sensitivity towards Jews is common in small towns with few Jews around, and the show regularly portrays it either as ignorance (most of what Cartman says) or as parody (Jew gold).

That's why I'm not offended. It's not because South Park offends everyone, as some claim, but because any time it offends someone they have some kind of point and do it in a smart way. Its not offense for the sake of offending as some shows are.

And yes, I'm a Jew.

WarCorrespondent said:
All I heard was "Paper Mario" and I started humping my computer screen.
Same.... Ever since my N64 died I've been feeling a deep craving for Paper Mario.... No one understands our love....
This is the point people often miss. When a show like South Park makes fun of something, they take it to a whole new level and show just how silly those stereotypes are. I'm gay and I laugh my ass off at the gay jokes in South Park, like Mr Slave.