
Elite Member
Jan 31, 2021
Happy with Bo Nix for the Broncos. Took the best player available at our most needy position after moving on from Russ (miss u bb enjoy the $39 mil). I think I said 'cautiously optimistic' when we signed Russ but now I actually mean it. We actually can sort out the future with a promising QB, vet coach and a solid squad. Not expecting world beaters but its something.

Avs and Nuggets took care of business in the first round as expected, but interesting challenges ahead. Avs will face one of two recent Stanly Cup participants, one of which were champs. Nugs will face the hottest team in the playoffs on both sides of the ball. The upcoming Jokic vs Gobert wars will be cinema. Not expecting a ring from either this year but if both team make it thought this round its not out of question.

And the Rockies...well best stadium in the league am I right fellas. We go down one pitcher and our season is over. I don't care how good Kris Bryant looks in a cast. he looks good in everything its a given.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Lando Norris won his first ever Formula GP yesterday in Miami. It was cool; I'm genuinely happy for him. Honestly, I'll take ANYONE winning over Max Verstappen these days, but that it was Norris, a kid who'd never done it and came so close so many times, made it extra satisfying.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
#2 ranked PGA Championship golfer Xander Schauffele netted his first major win at the Valhalla Golf Course in Kentucky this weekend. Well deserved; he's been in the mix for quite a while, and has finally got that monkey off his back.

BUT, that's not the story of the weekend; the trophy for that honor goes to #1 ranked PGA Championship golfer Scottie Scheffler who got ARRESTED before the start of the 2nd round of the event Friday morning.

Apparently, there'd been a fatal accident on his route to the tournament earlier that morning, and Scheffler tried to drive around police barricades to make it to the golf course. They attempted to stop him, and he ended up dragging an officer a few feet and injuring him. They postponed his arraignment until next month, but oof, he's facing several misdemeanor charges and a FELONY charge for assaulting a police officer. I know little is likely to come of this; the objective letter of the law doesn't necessarily reflect the severity of the crime, and "white, rich, and famous" play by a different set of rules, but I know if my broke, no-name black ass dragged an officer an inch, they'd throw the book at me.

Congrats, Xander. Good luck, Scottie.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Charles LeClerc, a native Monegasque, won the Monaco GP in Formula 1 today!! I'm dumb happy for him. Even happier that Red Bull was no where NEAR a podium today between Perez's crash in the first sector of the first lap, and Verstappen's inability to un-sandwich himself between the Mercedes back in 6th. Fucking MONACO. I can only imagine the celebrations going on right now!! If LeClerc isn't pissy drunk already, he WILL be within the next hour or so.

And my guy Bottas. He ran a hell of a race even if it didn't net him any points. Great start at out lights out picking up 3 places immediately that got negated when Perez and BOTH Haas cars decided they didn't want to race anymore. Got another great start and held a midfield position for most of the race. I was most impressed he managed, on old, hard tyres, to keep Lance Stroll, on new soft tyres at bay for the last few laps, and finish a respectable 13th. Now I just worry about his seat for next year. Hulkenberg as been signed for Audi, and Zhou is a young rookie with promise; where does Bottas slot in? Talking heads are speculating he might go back to Williams (ugh,) but I think with 10 wins under his beat, he deserves better than that and a better car...


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
Yeah, disappointing. I rarely get excited about boxing anymore (the last time being Mike Tyson vs Roy Jones a few years ago,) and I really wanted to see this one. Hopefully, this is just a postponement and not a cancelation. Tyson is notoriously bloodthirsty; I can't imagine he'd let a little ulcer delay his lust for violence for very long...
Probably just a month or two if it's only due to the ulcer, since he was apparently back to "100%" a day or so later. Idk...if that's the case did his training really get delayed all that much?? There may be more to it but we wouldn't know anytime soon anyways.

*edit* a bit more on that -

Fans Slam Paul After Tyson Pulls Out With Health Concerns - 'Shameless, Protect Fighters' (

New date will be announced on July 7th.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
Probably just a month or two if it's only due to the ulcer, since he was apparently back to "100%" a day or so later. Idk...if that's the case did his training really get delayed all that much?? There may be more to it but we wouldn't know anytime soon anyways.

*edit* a bit more on that -

Fans Slam Paul After Tyson Pulls Out With Health Concerns - 'Shameless, Protect Fighters' (

New date will be announced on July 7th.
Announced early I guess, because the new date is now November 15.

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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Celtics win the championship. 4-1 is such an underwhelming result, but that seems to be par for the course for the NBA lately. The last time a full 7 games has been played was all the way in 2016.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Celtics win the championship. 4-1 is such an underwhelming result, but that seems to be par for the course for the NBA lately. The last time a full 7 games has been played was all the way in 2016.
I'll be honest; I willed this outcome. Living in North Texas, and not being a fan of basketball in general, the last thing I wanted was for the Mavericks to drag that series on much longer let alone win it all. For weeks, about a third of every news hour has been dedicated to Mavs hype, and it's been exhausting. I was dreading the inevitable parade or whatever constant, traffic-inducing celebrations they had planned. A lot of my friends around here are Mavs fans, so I kept my wish to see them lose to myself, and I've even extended my condolences to some, but secretly, I'm relieved. Congrats, Boston; enjoy your parade. Me? I'll just keep pretending to be disappointed like everyone else for the next few weeks until football kicks off, and everyone's attention turns to the Cowboys who I can overtly hate on because THAT is no secret. I'll kick a Cowboys fan in the dick in front of the Pope on Easter Sunday if it'll make it clear to anyone who doesn't already know how much I hate the Cowboys.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I'll be honest; I willed this outcome. Living in North Texas, and not being a fan of basketball in general, the last thing I wanted was for the Mavericks to drag that series on much longer let alone win it all. For weeks, about a third of every news hour has been dedicated to Mavs hype, and it's been exhausting. I was dreading the inevitable parade or whatever constant, traffic-inducing celebrations they had planned. A lot of my friends around here are Mavs fans, so I kept my wish to see them lose to myself, and I've even extended my condolences to some, but secretly, I'm relieved. Congrats, Boston; enjoy your parade. Me? I'll just keep pretending to be disappointed like everyone else for the next few weeks until football kicks off, and everyone's attention turns to the Cowboys who I can overtly hate on because THAT is no secret. I'll kick a Cowboys fan in the dick in front of the Pope on Easter Sunday if it'll make it clear to anyone who doesn't already know how much I hate the Cowboys.
Cowboy haters are going to have a great year. Jerry Jones doesn't seem to know what "all in" means.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Cowboy haters are going to have a great year. Jerry Jones doesn't seem to know what "all in" means.
Mine is the more pure kind of hatred for the Cowboys. I don’t celebrate their shortcomings as their simple existence is an afront to me. That they are allowed to play the game is offensive. That their fans breathe the air and eat the food that could respectively fill the lungs and bellies of starving children NOT being raised in the mentally abusive homes of Cowboys fans outrages me. That Jerry’s World sits atop the site of what would so better be served as a landfill or mass grave burns me to my soul.

So yeah, given my luck, they’ll probably find themselves in a deep playoff run this year. My hope is they just stick to the formula that has worked for me the past couple of decades, and CHOKE when it matters most.

Did I mention I’m not a Cowboys fan?
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Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Euro 2024 has begun and thus far Germany has delivered the best team performance in my opinion. Portugal, France, and the Netherlands haven't played their 2nd match yet, so we'll see if they are up to be favorites as well. Surprising Albanians have been the highlight thus far.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
After almost having a total meltdown in the Stanley Cup finals, the Panthers took it in the 7th game. With four Finnish players it would be biased of me to cheer for it, but now they are the champs anyway! Florida winning an ice-hockey championship is pretty funny if you think about it because of the geography, but it's an indoor sport so whatever. Go Florida!
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States

Basically, some talking heads think that Valtteri Bottas' off-grid passions (his gin brand, coffee brand, wine brand, cycling, etc.) might be received as a lack of passion for/focus on Formula 1 and could affect his attractiveness for a seat in F1 for 2025.

To this, I call bullshit. F1 is hugely demanding, and anyone capable of balancing that AND outside projects isn't lacking focus. With 10 wins under his belt (in a capable car,) he's done nothing but prove that he can get the job done with a decent car. If they want to hold his feet to the fire when he's been given arguably one of the LEAST capable cars on the grid, then point to his extracurricular endeavors as the reason for lack of performance, they can fuck right off. "Is it the car, or is it the driver" has been the debate for as long as I've been watching F1, so I can only imagine it's been the debate since forever, and when Bottas went from consistent podium finishes and wins with Mercedes to occasional minor points finishes with Alfa Romeo, and now no points with a team at Sauber who's a team in name only, at SOME point, the car has to be brought into consideration along with a driver's ability given the proper tools.

If Bottas doesn't find a seat for 2025... I'll be devastated; I'm not going to lie. But I'll still watch the sport. I love it. But if Bottas and all of his experience and proven talent get's sidelined for anyone else who will inevitably shit the bed in another shit car with a lesser team, I'll lose some respect for it. It's probably a pipe dream, but my hope is Mercedes bring him back, but more likely he'll land at Williams, Haas, or nowhere at all.

F1 is a cruel mistress. Just ONCE I'd like to see an exercise when the God-kings of F1 like Verstappen and Hamilton are tested to compete in machines that simply can't do it. Put Verstappen in a Sauber. Put Hamilton in a Williams. Let's finally put to rest the "driver or car" argument. Make it an exhibition race; if Verstappen takes pole and is leading by 9 seconds halfway through the race in a Haas, I'll shut the fuck up, and concede the 19 other drivers just need to do better.