Square Enix Denies Final Fantasy VII Rerelease Rumors


New member
Sep 17, 2011
While his statement of "a remake right now would cast a death sentence on the series" is flawed.

It would not kill the series, it would kill the direction/style of the series currently. Not something I see as a bad thing.

To me FF6 was the peak of the series in terms of story and characters. I do accept FF7 as another great game in the franchise out of respect for its popularity.

But after the mind-numbingly boring opening hours of FF13, and questionable gameplay ideas, I think they should return to their roots.

FF6 & 7 were great games, the bastard child of their offspring (FF13) was not.

Then again, I have lost faith in Squee-nix.

Their refusal to re-release two of the most popular FF games, or an HD collection Kingdom Hearts, or even develop Kingdom Hearts 3 is depressing.

Thanks to the fans of FPS games, when your preferred genre is down here with the legends, we hope you feel what we feel.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
JezWilkinson said:
Wada expressed a desire to create a new Final Fantasy game that surpasses VII before retreading old ground.
You've tried doing that about 10 times and failed miserably each and every time. How many chances are you expecting us to give you to accomplish this feat? You're not even making upward progress Wada. By nearly all accounts, every game in the series has been worse than the last and the spin-offs are mediocre at best and absolute garbage at worst.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
Scorpid said:
Or they'll replay it and realize with it's convoluted plot, disappointing ending, straight forward and dated combat system that it might have been rose tinted glasses that made them want a remake. That said I always dug FFVIII the most of the series... a remake of that with the 3rd act of the game retweaked would be fun and Seifer not wearing his pants up to his chest. >_>
I'd take its "dated combat system" over the mess that is FFXII and XIIIs automated battle systems any day.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
anthony87 said:
Sheo_Dagana said:
Why? Why do people want a remake of a game they have already played and love so badly? I know they've done it with Final Fantasy I-IV, so I can kind of see where everyone is coming from, but wouldn't it be better if they focused on making a new Final Fantasy that was good?

I guess I'll never understand, but then again, my favorite FF title was VIII, so people will never understand me either.
Because this:

It's almost like they're saying "We could do it if we wanted but we're not going to". Seriously, if they had never released that tech demo then people wouldn't be looking for a full fledged remake so badly. Combine that with the absolutely crazy fighting scenes of Advent Children, as well as the incorporation of a new combat system, for instance the one used in Crisis Core or Kingdom Hearts. and you've got the potential for a very good game.
I would believe that the tech demo was the root of all this blather if it wasn't for the fact that people have been talking about a remake ever since they started releasing remakes of the other games. People thought there was going to be a PS2 remake right around the time Dirge of Cerberus came out. True enough though, the tech demo solidified people's hope. Frankly, I think Square did the sensible thing in order to show off what they could do with the PS3; they used what is easily the most recognizable installment in the series to get people excited about their ability to make things even more pretty.

Remaking Final Fantasy VII would be a waste of time on their part, because we have already played that game. If you want combat like Advent Children, you'd get a system like FFXIII, which robbed control from the players hands. Potential for a good game? I don't understand; Final Fantasy VII is already a good game. If they attempted to change anything other than the graphics, it would only draw the ire of an already jaded fanbase. If you don't believe me, I'd like to tell you a little story about the Special Edition of Star Wars...


New member
Jun 13, 2011
anthony87 said:
Sheo_Dagana said:
Why? Why do people want a remake of a game they have already played and love so badly? I know they've done it with Final Fantasy I-IV, so I can kind of see where everyone is coming from, but wouldn't it be better if they focused on making a new Final Fantasy that was good?

I guess I'll never understand, but then again, my favorite FF title was VIII, so people will never understand me either.
Because this:

So... You want an entire remake of an old classic just so it can be prettier?


New member
Nov 15, 2011
theultimateend said:
Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean its objectively bad.
This is a good point, and something people should keep in mind in general.

theultimateend said:
But I get it, its popular to rag on popular things. Because they only got popular because people just don't know what they like. Silly people.
This is you being a dick, and no better than anyone you're criticizing for any reason.

That aside, I have thought for many years that Square needs to put this series to bed, and still do. No new games, no more remakes - nothing. End the series and make something else. Have some freaking dignity, for yourselves and your fans, and give them something new to be excited about. Their chasing this ghost of a concept is killing the series every bit as much as remaking Final Fantasy VII would; it's just doing it more slowly and embarrassingly. This interview confirms that Square has every bit the wrong mindset as anyone else; they also think VII is some magic that needs to be recaptured, and that's a recipe for failure from the beginning.

Then again, I'm not one of those people that thinks that one thing they liked a decade or two ago is the best thing there will ever be and that nothing will ever come close to touching it. I'm willing to just let go, and leave the past where it is. Don't make something in the shadow of something else; make it the best it can be on its own merits, unhindered by anything, and it may actually have a chance to be great. I don't think Final Fantasy can do that any longer.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Agh! We're gonna run out of words to link denials soon!
I hope, we get some closure on this soon.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Hey, uhh, square. It's me, infernai. Um, look i get that you don't want to remake Final Fantasy 7 and that's perfectly fine. I admit the graphics are a little dated and the game could possibly benefit alot from an update, but i'm not one of those people who thinks it was the best game ever made (Just a really good one) so you know what, fine, i get it. Stick to your guns in that regard. But, i do need to offer one...teeny weeny little bit of advice here.
J-just a suggestion on something you could do to, revitalize and possibly help get this series back on track



I mean my god: Are you afraid of the possibility of making a game that could literally sell like Hot-cakes!? No?

Ok then!
In that case, how about you take a deep breath Enix, pull yourself together, post-pone EVERYTHING else you've got going and instead DIVERT YOUR RESOURCES TO MAKING THIS GAME COME TO FRUITION.
You've put it off long enough, i think it's time to make this one your saving throw cause, quite frankly, this game looks like it could be a pretty big winner.


New member
Jul 4, 2006
I can definitely see why they are so tentative with regards to remaking it - they know that, inevitably, a number of fans will moan and groan about how they ruined it, or how it lost its magic. No matter how great it is, you'll still get those fans who run it into the ground. I think as well, both turn based combat and the overall somewhat cliche stories of the old Final Fantasy games are a little outdated. If they were released as new games, say, with similar mechanics, I don't think that they would sell well.

Personally? I don't think that any game can recreate the magic I felt when I first played Final Fantasy VII/VIII/IX/X. It was just...amazing, but I'd love to see remakes of all of the Final Fantasy games - notably 6 - 10. Or, failing that, it would be great for them to be available on somewhere like Steam. They're on the PSN so why not Steam too? Xbox Live would be better but hey....


New member
Nov 27, 2010
I would love a ff7 remake (or rerelease due to getting it to run on pc with the graphics mods being a swine). I don't understand why people say its overated since lots of people seem to be asking for it still 15 years later that it drowns out those who want remakes of the other titles. These people who say you don't like it fine that's your opinion, but there seem to be far more people with the opinion of get it remade. Now speaking of opinions the following paragraphs have a lot of mine, just a warning and people shouldn't take it personally.

before people say I'm just nostalgic about ff7 and I would hate playing it again, I am actually playing it again, I enjoy it, I like the plot, I like the characters and their development far more than earlier or later ff games (though I haven't played 5 or 6). I also like the issues it brings up and the emotions it evokes in me as they go through their trials and tribulations.

FF8 I tried to play again and though I prefer a few aspects of the gameplay (junctioning system) I found I just cannot stand Squall (emo for no decent reason) or Rinoa (whiny little *****) and that I dislike them so much it completely ruins the rest of the game for me. I personally found their relationship horrifying. IX I enjoyed and even though it dealt with some horrifying issues it was still lighthearted, may have to play this again soon now that I think about it.

Now we get onto the last ff game I played because it shattered my faith in the series X, now some of the characters were good but their interactions ugh (the laughing scene). I cannot stand Tidus, I hate the blitzball, the cards from 8 were fun but the blitzball annoying. The levelling mechanic was interesting as well as characters having specialties was a very nice touch but why remkae, the graphics are still pretty good so I don't see the point. Then we had the horrible thing that was X-2, which I tried and the only thought I had was, why am I playing a magical girl game weith transformation sequences....where's the talking cat? I must stop playing now because it's freaking me out. I almost expected a point in the game where the 3 characters dance and yuna says "in the name of the moon I'll punish you" (my sis liked sailor moon...ugh).

Versus 13 actually restored some faith after 10 but since they've put it on the back burner to do more vanilla 13 a sequal and dlc, plus the 10 remake that hope has died. It seems I will only buy another ff game if they finally pull their finger out and do Versus 13 or remake of 7.

right that's that rant over, feels good to get it off my mind. Agree, disagree, plain outright ignore it fine but I needed to get that off my chest.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
That site and the Steam leak didn't hint at a remake, but a rerelease. The PC version of FFVII already exists. What I understood from that site, is that it might be possible that a rerelease of that version with achievements and cloud-stored saves is possible.
Wada's statement has nothing to do with it, because it's not a remake.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
As certain someone pointed out some time ago, maybe they don't want to remake it because then people would realize it wasn't that good. (Alright, alright maybe I should say it wouldn't hold well to modern titles before I get pounced by angry fans)
Combine that with how "well" recent FF games did and you have legitimate problems. I replayed it recently and kept saying to myself "Gosh, this certainly seemed more fun when I was 8".
However, with the amount of interest in the remake I have no doubt it would be a financial success for the company. After FF XIV god knows they need it.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
MetalMagpie said:
anthony87 said:
Sheo_Dagana said:
Why? Why do people want a remake of a game they have already played and love so badly? I know they've done it with Final Fantasy I-IV, so I can kind of see where everyone is coming from, but wouldn't it be better if they focused on making a new Final Fantasy that was good?

I guess I'll never understand, but then again, my favorite FF title was VIII, so people will never understand me either.
Because this:

So... You want an entire remake of an old classic just so it can be prettier?
No. Because of the reasons that I stated in the part of my post that you cut out....for some reason. I suppose I'll just repeat myself though and say the main reason people want it so bad is because Square Enix gave us a huge cock tease and then went silent on the matter, coming out every now and then saying "Nope, not gonna happen definitely not gonna happen." then following that up with "Here's what it would take to do it..." and then following THAT up with "We'll only do it if....".

They're basically trolling the fans and doing a very good job of it.

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
BrotherRool said:
Of course lots of people hated FFX and they'd continue too, but to be honest, they're probably too far gone to enjoy a JRPG Square Enix style
FFX is quite possibly my least favorite FF game (although I haven't played the newer ones after my experience with it). It's not like I can't still have fun playing Squeenix games, because I had a great time even with The Last Remnant. I just really hated the story and characters and voice acting of FFX. And to a lesser extent the gameplay. Heh.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
JezWilkinson said:
Yoichi Wada claims that a remake right now would cast a death sentence on the series.
all the more reason it make it square, get on it.

sides, they already made a better game after 7, it was FF9


New member
Jun 13, 2011
anthony87 said:
MetalMagpie said:
anthony87 said:
Sheo_Dagana said:
Why? Why do people want a remake of a game they have already played and love so badly? I know they've done it with Final Fantasy I-IV, so I can kind of see where everyone is coming from, but wouldn't it be better if they focused on making a new Final Fantasy that was good?

I guess I'll never understand, but then again, my favorite FF title was VIII, so people will never understand me either.
Because this:

So... You want an entire remake of an old classic just so it can be prettier?
No. Because of the reasons that I stated in the part of my post that you cut out....for some reason. I suppose I'll just repeat myself though and say the main reason people want it so bad is because Square Enix gave us a huge cock tease and then went silent on the matter, coming out every now and then saying "Nope, not gonna happen definitely not gonna happen." then following that up with "Here's what it would take to do it..." and then following THAT up with "We'll only do it if....".

They're basically trolling the fans and doing a very good job of it.
I cut that out because that's not a reason for wanting it.

I hereby state that I might - in the future - decide to give you a bundle of sticks. Is that enough to make you desperately want a bundle of sticks? Is it now a "huge cock tease" if I don't give you a bundle of sticks?

What's the reason (besides having it look prettier) that you want FFVII to be remade?


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Nalgas D. Lemur said:
BrotherRool said:
Of course lots of people hated FFX and they'd continue too, but to be honest, they're probably too far gone to enjoy a JRPG Square Enix style
FFX is quite possibly my least favorite FF game (although I haven't played the newer ones after my experience with it). It's not like I can't still have fun playing Squeenix games, because I had a great time even with The Last Remnant. I just really hated the story and characters and voice acting of FFX. And to a lesser extent the gameplay. Heh.
I forgot about the voice acting controversy :D As for characters, I figure the people who hated the FFX characters were probably a lot of the same people who hated the XIII characters, so the divide is there.

I guess instead of SE JRPGs I should have specified the type of RPG that X and XIII were like. I don't think open worldy Skyrim RPGs are appropriate for FF and certainly not what I want in them and I think the linearity, cutscene based, big party character focused RPGs have a legitimate slot which should (and hopefully will) be continued, but whilst some people love it, it's definitely going to put off others.

I suppose FFXII was the anti FFX so there's no real reason for the series to stick to one direction, but then they'd just have to go off and the other direction and make a good game of that type I suppose because FFXII doesn't have the same strength of fandom as X (I feel), whereas they've got more of a base with the other style. Even VII ticks a lot of those boxes really. The open worldyness was more of an illusion than a thing


New member
Oct 2, 2010
MetalMagpie said:
anthony87 said:
MetalMagpie said:
anthony87 said:
Sheo_Dagana said:
Why? Why do people want a remake of a game they have already played and love so badly? I know they've done it with Final Fantasy I-IV, so I can kind of see where everyone is coming from, but wouldn't it be better if they focused on making a new Final Fantasy that was good?

I guess I'll never understand, but then again, my favorite FF title was VIII, so people will never understand me either.
Because this:

So... You want an entire remake of an old classic just so it can be prettier?
No. Because of the reasons that I stated in the part of my post that you cut out....for some reason. I suppose I'll just repeat myself though and say the main reason people want it so bad is because Square Enix gave us a huge cock tease and then went silent on the matter, coming out every now and then saying "Nope, not gonna happen definitely not gonna happen." then following that up with "Here's what it would take to do it..." and then following THAT up with "We'll only do it if....".

They're basically trolling the fans and doing a very good job of it.
I cut that out because that's not a reason for wanting it.

I hereby state that I might - in the future - decide to give you a bundle of sticks. Is that enough to make you desperately want a bundle of sticks? Is it now a "huge cock tease" if I don't give you a bundle of sticks?

What's the reason (besides having it look prettier) that you want FFVII to be remade?
Because it would be a prettier version of an already amazing game (Although i prefer 8, 7 is still in my classics list.)
Also, as we have said, Square have given such a big Cock Tease it just made us want it more.
Because we can show the new generation of JRPG players how amazing an actual FF story can be (9 is my favourite story, 8 for gameplay and 7 for just being 7)

But then, i'm a fan boy, with at least 10 other people i know who would pay £60 for a re release without thinking.

Seriously, they need easy money... it's not a hard choice.

Or just redo 9, that already had pretty cut scenes :)

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
Thank God. I would rather they divert the resources into another Final Fantasy game that goes above and beyond VII to become the FFVII of our generation. After FFXIV is relaunched, I want to see Versus XIII and Kingdom Hearts III come to life. There's no denying a remake of VII would be a financial success, but people are waiting with baited breath for those two games. Square is just wasting their fucking time.