Stan Lee on "Black Spider-Man"

faceless chick

New member
Sep 19, 2009
so why can't he get another role?
int he 90s spiderman cartoons there were plenty of cameos by other marvel characters, put blade into the movie as a side character or make him some other superhero that'll befriend spidey and there we go: he gets to be a main character.


New member
May 19, 2010
Miumaru said:
Peter Parker is a skinny little white nerd boy....who becomes a buffish little white boy with super powers. He is a nerd hero. So unless we can make Black Panther and Luke Cage white....
I agree with this. Just stick to the story peeps, not everything needs to be a race issue.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
dududf said:
I don't care, just so long as the actor can act.
yeaaaaaaah i'm pretty sure its /thread right there

this should be applied to EVERY MOVIE EVER


New member
May 1, 2009
joshthor said:
i love danny glover, he is hilarious, and why not give him an audition? but i cant see him as spiderman. it would be too weird to have a black spiderman.
Umm...this is a completely different Glover, you know.

Slightly-more on-topic, I really don't mind the idea of a black Spider-man; in fact, I think I affirmatively like it. It's a franchise reboot, so I can easily see Marvel doing an "Ultimate Nick Fury" kind of thing, where they change the character's race; but at the end, it comes down to how well Mr. Glover can act. Call me kooky, call me crazy, but I don't think race is a big part of Spider-man's character; if he can pull off the "nerdy white black guy who gets superpowers" shtick, than by all means let him.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Pandalisk said:
Queen Michael said:
dududf said:
joshthor said:
Snip... again
I don't know. This is a hard issue, and whomever disagree might be seen as a Racist. But for me, i'll say stick with the storyline. I wouldn't have minded that Ultimate spider-man being black but Peter Parker is white. I'm not the only one, I just listen to Let's Do This from and the Host (Korey Collman ( )) said this and i agree.
"I want a fateful adaptation of the comic to the big screen."

But there also many other super-hero that can be done. Luke Cage would be fun to see, and he's black.... i mean Afro-American. And what about a Spider-Man and Araña (spanish for spider). She's a Teenage girl that was recruited to by a organization and given spider like powers. She's also Hispanic-American. There not a big back catalog of different ethnicity, but they are there and it would be good to see them get the front instead of the overly used.

electric discordian

New member
Apr 27, 2008
Only if they cast Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory as Spawn, we demand if you make a nerdy white hero Black there be a balancer!

Lono Shrugged

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May 7, 2009
Peter Parker is the definition of "white boy" it's not doing the character justice any other way. The same way Daredevil is a white kid from Hell's Kitchen. It's not racism it just doesn't really fit. And thinking "hmmm...reboot reboot, hey why don't we make him black?! that'll open up a whole new market and change things without actually changing anything!" strikes me as more than a bit racist. Make Mary Jane black and I'll be impressed


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Whoever plays Spider-Man will need to be able to pull of the somewhat awkward, geeky aspect of Peter Parker's personality. If they plan on messing with that, no matter who gets selected for the role, then they should abandon the reboot element and just make a movie based on a new mythos.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Miumaru said:
Peter Parker is a skinny little white nerd boy....who becomes a buffish little white boy with super powers. He is a nerd hero. So unless we can make Black Panther and Luke Cage white....
Sorry, just had to do it. I couldn't help myself.


New member
May 16, 2009
It would be interesting to see, but (and I really don't want to sound racist here) I don't really want a black Spiderman. Nick Fury, I can stand, but Spidey? No. Stick with secondary or minor racial changes to characters, not the title character.

Hell, I'd even welcome the addition of a black Osbourne/Green Goblin family.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
I agree with Stan Lee.
There's plenty of black heroes (Shaft!), I don't see why Spiderman should become black all of a sudden.
People who want a Persian to play the Prince of Persia I support, but Spidey has been a nerd whiter than a snowman with a bukaki fetish (thanks, Yahtzee!!!) since what, 50 or so years now?!

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Sinclose said:
Casual Shinji said:
Uhm, isn't Peter Parker white?

I think it's a really stupid idea to change an established character's skin color.
Then you're probably pissed about Ultimate Nick Fury. I find it awful that a character who's been around for so long has his counterpart being adapted into everything instead.
I don't know how well kown Nick Fury is, but I don't think his character is that much defined by his appearance. Just like Harvey Dent in Tim Burton's Batman.

But with characters that have a very well established look, it's a huge mistake to change their skin color. Imagine if they turned B.A. into a white guy. His whole character would've been changed. The same is true for characters like Storm or Wolverine.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
It's a great idea, though it would either have to be in an alternate timeline or the less likely posibility of Peter's powers transfering to another person.

Gildan Bladeborn

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Aug 11, 2009
MR.Spartacus said:
Actually about Nick Fury...

If I remember right the "Ultimate" version was always black, and made to look like a bit like Samuel L. Jackson. I really don't care though as long as it's good. Although if his uncle specializes in cooking rice then...
This is correct, it confused me a bit when I first saw it as I tend to read trade paperbacks every so many years and I'd last seen Nick Fury in his original version, but yeah, Ultimate Nick Fury is black, and Samuel L. Jackson is a dead ringer for that version of the character, which is why I wasn't going "why is Nick Fury black now?" after seeing his cameo at the end of Iron Man.

One of the guys I play D&D with though wasn't familiar with that version of the character, so when he saw Nick Fury as played by Samuel L. "Snakes on a Plane" Jackson, it stuck out for him as a terrible casting decision, which he later decided to rant about to us when the topic of Iron Man 2 came up, and this bears mentioning in this topic because the fellow doing that complaining is himself black.

For him, Nick Fury has always been a grizzled white dude with an eye patch, so making him black was a silly move - I imagine he'll feel exactly the same in this case as he did with that role should this actually transpire, only here there isn't even any precedent like there was with the Ultimate line. It's just "Oh hey, remember that lovable nerd Peter Parker? Yeah, he's totally black now."


New member
May 21, 2010
It's not a matter of race, it's a matter of story. I don't care how good an actor is, put him in as Robbie's son or something, maybe set him up as a villain in the future or Eli from the Young Avengers, something like that, but Spider-man is white. Nick Fury had his reasons, the Ultimate universe, but the Kingpin is a fair point. I like the Kingpin in the comics and, while the guy they got is an amazing actor and did the job perfectly, I was confused. Of course, I was probably eight at the time, but still.

Spider-Man is white, living in Queens, saving Manhattan. If you turn him black, people are automatically going to move on to racist plots, especially with Queens and Manhattan. I have no issues with having a black actor play a black character (I'm really hoping a Luke Cage movie gets made), and no problems with Nick Fury since there is a minor justification, but the second they start making changes like this to the movie, I know, KNOW, they'll take other creative liberties with the story and the whole thing's going to sink.

And that's the real fear, Sony shouldn't be allowed to screw with the story any more than they're going to already. That being said, if this guy's a good actor, I do like the idea of casting him as another hero or an upcoming villain. Eli might be Avengers property, but I'm sure they could find someone for Spidey to team up with at some point.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
My take on this is the same for a black Bond. Although it's an idea, it's one of those which fans may not get, and some not agree with. The principle is good but execution may just lead to more "Huh?" than it's worth


New member
Jun 8, 2010
It's not a bad idea but it isn't that good of an idea either. People are used to white spider man and him being that white and nerdy guy so unless they can take that image and apply it to Donald it won't work out well. I say stick to who works but if he's looking at new people I guess Toby's contract ran out.