Since people have brought it up, I won't quote anyone, but on the subject of Ben vs. Rey in TFA:
Yes, I'm well aware that Ben has suffered a laser blast to the stomach, emotional trauma, and arguably isn't even giving it his all. However, I would like to make the following points:
-Rey's got no training whatsoever, either in the use of the Force or a lightsaber. Whatever disadvantages Kylo has, she has them of her own.
-That she can overcome these advantages so rapidly is noticable, especially if we confine this to the films, where prior characters (Anakin and Luke) needed to spend great deals of time to hone their skills (if you want another example of this concept, look at DBZ, with the whole "anyone can be a super saiyan" thing post-Namek after it was originally so hard to do - freaking children go super saiyan later on!)
-Those two points aside, it's a big mistake in my mind to have Rey beat Kylo here, because it's undercutting their relationship as protagonist and antagonist. If we have a trilogy, and the protagonist beats the antagonist in the first and second installment, then what reason do we have to fear things being different in the third part? Maybe they'll do something clever, maybe not. But compare this to the Luke vs. Vader dynamic in the OT:
A New Hope: Luke sees Vader 'kill' his mentor, is powerless to stop him, and only survives the trench run because of Han
Empire Strikes Back: After training, Luke faces Vader. He's powerful, but he's completely overwhelmed by Vader at the end.
Return of the Jedi: Luke finally defeats Vader, but at the cost of nearly succumbing to the Dark Side, and is saved by Vader in turn from the Emperor.
Luke and Vader have an arc in the OT, with Luke steadily doing better each time. The Rey/Kylo thing would be if Luke faced Vader in a lightsaber duel in ANH, and won. That doesn't preclude the later films from happening, but it would undercut them a lot if we'd seen Luke beat Vader in the first go.
So, yeah. Even if we cast aside in-universe semantics, it was a big mistake to have Rey beat Ben in TFA, because it basically shoots their narrative arc in the foot.