So, if nothing else, I like the trailer. Good tease, doesn't give away too much.
But of course, that's not what we're really here for are we?
Tireseas said:
Here's the real question though: is that Snoke or Sideous laughing at the end?
That isn't a guess, Ian McDermid's confirmed to have a role in the film. Andy Serkis hasn't.
Gethsemani said:
somewhere in her late teens Queen Amidala build a romantic rapport with a 10 year old.
Anakin's 9, Padme's 14 in the first film.
Also, the rapport doesn't really begin until Ep. 2. That said, I can certainly understand why Anakin's attracted to Padme, but not so much the other way round.
trunkage said:
Also, the laugh... Kylo Ren has been possessed by the Emperor. And this movie is actual the Exorcism of Ren to turn back into a Skywalker.
God no.
I'm mixed on the idea of Palpatine coming back, but him possessing Ben? No. Just no.
Marik2 said:
I do wish zontar would be here and talk about his conspiracies of star wars and disney.
I actually miss Zontar too sometimes. The debates could be fun. Plus, always good to have an alternate opinion.
On the other hand, if I have to read one more "Star Wars is SJWz!" thread, then screw it. I'm fine with people disliking Last Jedi. Just have some ground to stand on while doing so.
CoCage said:
Episode I - 6/10
Episode II - 5/10
Episode III - 7/10
Agree. Heck, I'd make Ep. 3 an 8/10.
I can't say which trilogy is better so far, because while TFA/TLJ are above Ep. 1/2, no Disney film has so far reached RotS.
Tanis said:
I HOPE they don't recon Rey into a Skywalker.
Oh don't worry, she'll be retconned into being a Kenobi.
But seriously, don't alter Rey's parentage. PLEASE. Not everyone needs to be related to everyone.
Marik2 said:
I think Star Wars would work better if it was a high budget live action tv show.
Agema said:
I recommend anyone checks out Spaced, S2E1, to reflect how a lot of us felt about Phantom Menace: e.g.
TBH, you could use that same scene and address it to people who were introduced to the series with the sequel trilogy as well.
Wintermute said:
That's a really uninspired trailer. I liked the part where the dude was fixing Darth Whatever's helmet for some reason,
I think it's Kylo Ren fixing his own helmet.