Stolen Pixels #257: The Electronic Artists


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Wow, everyone is coming down hard on this. Really? No one was at all disappointed by Mass Effect 2's story or lack of depth? That whole business with Cerberus and the Collectors was a hackneyed, irrelevant mess full of plot holes that didn't advance the overarching story at all - I challenge you to make a case for how any of it was essential to the main conflict, even speculatively.

As demonstrated by EA's past behavior and the trajectory from ME1 to ME2, these things are probably only going to get more severe in ME3. As someone who fell in love with ME1 because of its gameplay depth and rich, cohesive story, I think Shamus' fears are pretty well-founded. When the first game came out, this series was about more than being able to shoot things.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
hehehe this was good
the contradictions coming out in press releases about ME3 are indeed hilarious.
Also the whole "it's just pandering to investors!" argument falls flat for me.
Like what, they are going to lie to their investors but tell the fans the truth?
I'm pretty sure the investors are the audience that they are MUCH LESS LIKELY to lie to.


New member
May 18, 2010
Bioware's too big for two ongoing RPG franchises.

I'm just glad I got on board late with Dragon Age; Mass Effect 2 was a novelty and ME3 will probably be the same


New member
Aug 5, 2009
mechanixis said:
silasbufu said:
At the end of the day, it's all about the money.

That's why so many people love Mojang (for now...)
So you haven't played Minecraft, huh.
Yes I have, so you probably didn't understand my post, but that's ok.


New member
May 20, 2009
Sad to say, but Bioware is no longer a studio I want to buy games from.

Maybe they can sell more CoD clones than they would have sold if they made true ME sequels, maybe not. Though I have to ask, why play a CoD clone when you can just play CoD instead?
But EA think they can sell more if they makes these changes so that's what they are going to make.

Maybe 5% of the CoD market is more cash than 90% of the RPG market. I assume EA employs some analysts who think they will sell more this way and I can't fault a company for trying to make money; it's a business after all. You and I have no right to demand that people slave away for our own personal pleasure. They do it to make a living.

Still, not being a fan of shooters that means they won't make the money from me.
I might buy ME3 out of curiosity but only when it comes down to $5.

And the same is true of Dragon Age III.
DA:O was the best RPG I ever played by a country mile, despite that it was already slightly on the way to eliminating RPG elements. DA2 eliminated more RPG elements and while it certainly had more problems than that, it was that that really disappointed me about the game.

Between ME2 and 3 and DA2 and the things they and EA have said, it's obvious that all their games are going to go away from RPG and towards an action model. To think otherwise would just be deluding myself.

But is all this the end of the world? Nah not really.
So Bioware games won't be A list games for me anymore. Some newer studio will realize there's a market for old school RPGs out there and fill the gap. Those like me that don't want to play the new Bioware games need to stop looking to Bioware to provide the games we DO want to play and start to look for the new stars of the RPG world instead.

Long live the RPG!


New member
Feb 25, 2011
BloodSquirrel said:
#2 Confusing being vehement with being rude and obnoxious. If you don?t understand that you can be the former without being the later, you?re probably the later.
Perhaps I chose my words poorly. I feel like the shooter equivalent of "Go back to WoW" (I used to play EVE Online, and you'd see that from time to time...) very much qualifies as "rude", too. I think you should be able to recognize that as well.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
As long as it will include Turian bartenders, I'm good.

But seriously, I trust Bioware to know what they're doing, I'll save my opinion on the levels of suck and awesome for when I've actually played it.


New member
Mar 16, 2005
EA business model:
1. buy a successful company.
2. Mismanage it into bankrupcy.
3. ...
4. Profit


New member
Apr 17, 2011
We need to eliminate EA, for the good of gaming everywhere, they must be stopped from turning good companies into junk. That's why DA2 is considered a failure, in the light of DAO it is though I don't hate it completely, it was horribly rushed by the money loving bastards at EA. Instead of an actual sequel we got a rushed cash in. Bioware devs, tell EA to go screw and let you do your thing, which will still be successful and probably come in cheaper than all the glitz they would have you shoehorn into a game.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
My name is Commander Shepard and this my favorite episode in the citadel.

As long as I can dance and act like a jerk in ME3 it's fine with me.

edit: and of course dat ass, though maybe on another character...


New member
Apr 4, 2010
So they are making MEIII for people who hardly have the mental capacity to be able to read let alone speak with some amount of panache. Well, that does away with the interesting things.
Hey! we're all reverting to mindless barbarism now! why don't we also get rid of party controls and give shepard a suit of Powered armor?
I hope this doesn't affect Bioware's storytelling. though I don't see how less RPG elements can make for a positive influence.
Why not a more fluid combat system that doesn't jump over cover you are trying to crouch behind, cams that don't look at a wall when you are trying to shoot people, and a mode of resource gathering that doesn't just amount to a worthless time sink (and a way to lessen the dificulty)? Also having the same amount of RPG elements would be nice. those who can't or won't think through them can bullshit it easily enough, no skin off their backs.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
HankMan said:
So has Bioware gone Renegade with the final installment?
Or will Mass Effect 3 be a Paragon of excellence in Gaming?
Only time will tell.
duchaked said:
haha but anyway...why is it that the bottom dialogue choices are what I'd totally say?
oh wait, uh oh...
thinking, not saying heh
I'm going to go out on a limb and say...
cuz you're a dude?
umm...ya that must be it :p lol

which is prob also why renegade 'interrupt' options are always so appealing to do


New member
Oct 5, 2009
You know, the minute Shepard hit the atmosphere at the beginning of ME2 was when I knew I should throw realism right out the window. I don't care how good that suit is, the only thing that would have been left of Shepard after reentry is atomic vapor. (And yes, if you watch the cut scene closely, you do see Shepard falling into the planet. It has enough gravity to walk normally on also, so don't give me the "it's got low gravity" excuse.) It's hard to suspend the disbelief when I'm watching Shepard fall into a planet, only to be completely (with memory intact) two years later. Where the hell was his/her brain?

You also can't destroy a Mass Effect Relay with asteroids. I'm sorry. The Mu Relay (or however that's called) got blown out of position by an exploding sun. Any competent engineer would design the relay to be able to withstand impact from asteroids. They would. Why? Because asteroids would be one of the most common dangers, it's like designing a plane that can't take a bird strike. It's moronic. Yes, the asteroids were very large, but that's still not good enough. If they could not stand getting hit by asteroids, then it's likely the Mu Relay would have been destroyed when the sun exploded, or other Relays would have been destroyed when they were hit with other asteroids or the occasional moon. It happens. It happened to Earth, the Moon, Uranus, etc. If it can happen that often in one solar system... well, you think about that.

I'm a curious person, I like to know how things fit together. It's one of the reasons I read books, watch movies, and play video games. I don't like it when I'm told to "sit back and just accept". I can accept plot holes, really, I can, it's just that there are so many of them. I like Dragon Age II for crying out loud. But there I get to joke about "boneless women flopping through the streets" and all is forgiven. If Bioware let me be a sarcastic bastard with Shepard instead of a brick, I might like the game better. But it doesn't. It's story is unnecessary, it doesn't advance the overarching plot at all, it's the middle point of a trilogy that feels like busy work. It's why I haven't played any of the DLCs. I have to say, I'm not tickled at the idea of being told "you made these choices" when/if I play Mass Effect 3 (blew up the asteroid, helped Liara become the Shadow Broker) when I specifically chose not to pay for those DLC or play them.

Personally, I feel that if choices like you being on trial for blowing up a solar system, kick off the third game, they should be as a direct result of what you did in that game, not DLC. I should not have to buy or rent or borrow the godawful Mass Effect novels to find out who TIM is and why this Cerberus business supposedly makes sense. (It doesn't let's move on.) `

For the record, I don't want my Shepard to have helped Liara become the Shadow Broker. This game is supposedly about choice, I get where I have to fight the Reapers and the Collectors (not work with Cerberus) but why do I have to help Liara on her vengeance quest again? Even if I chose not to play it?


New member
Nov 8, 2010
So much... ignorance here.

Shepard's body was protected by mass effect field. You know them, right? They only have the FREAKING NAME OF THE FRANCHISE. They generate so much wonky with the physics as we know that basically, yes, Shepard body was able to be salvaged.

An asteroid may not be able to destroy a relay on normal circunstamces. An asteroid at relativistic speed is not a normal circustamce. It doesn't matter how tough a relay is, it will crack.

edit: Also, Seamus, your complaints would be better put in your comics, if you didn't used a reporter THAT DISTORTS THE TRUTH AND USES LOGICAL FALLACIES.
Dec 16, 2009
cant Bioware stick to making RPG's??

I agree change is good, but only when it comes to making a better RPG, not copying whats already available.
ME1 to ME2, there was a big drop in RPG elements. ok the shooting elements were improved, but there isnt exactly a shortage on shooters, there is a shortage of good RPG's

Same with DA:O to DA2, there was a drop in RPG elements. in this case I didnt even feel combat was improved, just turned into hack n slash. Not exactly a shortage on hack n slash either, there is still a shortage of good RPG's

Not scared of change, I dont wanna be playing the same game with a new skin every time Bioware release a new game, but I do want a strong RPG, can anyone recommend a developer??


New member
Oct 17, 2008
GiantRaven said:
I'm confused as to why people expect Bioware to just keep making the same type of game (action RPG) over and over. Shouldn't we encourage a developer to try different styles of play? I was under the impression that stagnation was a bad thing...
While I have no problem with Bioware or any game company moving into new territories , there's a difference when it's a sequel as opposed to a new IP or hell just an in universe spin off. This is the continuation of the story in one and two, I should expect similar gameplay that's geared towards the people that liked one and two. If they're making a new IP than there's no problem if they're going pure action or rail shooter or rts or fucking nintendogs clone.