Post n°1 here ! Huuura...
First, I don't care about capitalism, micro transaction model or anything market-related AT ALL (or at least, not in this post), I just wanna talk about game quality and player's satisfaction.
Back to the (good) ol' days where DLC didn't existed, when you paid for a game, you got the game everyone got. Oh, perhaps you bought the Xtra Deluxe Plus+ With Norvegian Strawberries Inside Edition so you also had a fancy Tshirt and a "For the Horde !" toilet roll but you most importantly had a FULLY PAID game, and this game was designed to live forever with nearly no modification. And then was coming the great part: you played, you enjoyed and you were such a stupid time-wasting nerd that you spent hundreds of hours just to see some sort of "Completion: 100%" somewhere (Tales of symphonia Compendium, anyone ?). This 100% was (at least, for me) AWESOME. Seriously, it was such a great feeling and I'm pretty sure everyone of you felt this in at least one game. There wasn't any reward, no crownd screaming your name and no hot female giving you her body but the feeling of achievement was here. Ok, I'm misleading, sometimes you got a skin/unique-item/bonus-for-the-next-game...
Now, there is no more 100%. When you complete ANYTHING, it's not over, there's a little last task to achieve...
-> You won't reach 100% unless you spend 120 bucks in lame shop for some sort of stuff.
And where the skin obtained by achieving something truly epic (full completion, achieving an online pentakill, defeating Baal with a level 3 necromancer... whatever) was great, the skin obtained by typing your credit card number feels full of Faggotry. It's exactly as pointless as facebook in the hands of a retarded 16 year old girl:
Girl: "Heyyy, look at me ! I'm so awesome !
Me: "Oh, nice, why are you so awesome, what did you just achieved ?"
Girl: "Oh, nothing, I'm just awesome lol <3"
And I don't even blame companies because they make money using this "I want shiny stuff NOW. No, I'm not able to achieve anything so I'll give you money" mentality. I blame them for filling their awesome games with a tiny bit of gross faggotry. It's prostitution and I do not want this to even exists in the games I'll state as epic in 10 years (Portal 2 is really good but the shop makes it appear as a money machine -> Seriously Valve ? Really ? No Joke ?) I hate them for being sooo good at making games and sooo good at wanting money. Same goes with Blizzard, they learned with years how to devellop good games, truly epic ones... And then they discovered big money.
However, I have to admit these DLC have one interesting purpose: supporting a game company financially. But I'd rather click a "Donate 30 dollz" on the League of Legends homepage than buy 5-6 skins that I'd enjoy wayyys more if they were included in the game natively or gift as reward for some sort of achievement.
Finally, please notice that I do not really complain. First because there's still awesome games. And second because I know that DLC makes companies earn money so I guess digital prostitution will live forever and I'll have to deal with it... It just makes me sad.
PS: Scuse me if my post does not fits this forum standard and if my english is pretty poor... I'm new and french...