Stop all the COD Hate


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Imper1um said:
Look, thread #94789575 of this same topic appears!

Its not that they aren't aimed towards a specific crowd, its that they are aimed at making the smallest improvements (look, five new guns!) and selling them for the most price. I wish more people understood that Call of Duty is ruining the market, because they are spending very little in the percentage of money they are returning. Its almost criminal.
Really? What about game series like Madden? And FIFA? And just about every other EA sports series? (or just sport games series in general) They make even less improvements, especially nowadays when graphical improvements are minimal. At least COD has a new campaign every time.

You do make a good point, but I think that ignoring games series that truly do ruin the market by not making any advancement at all, yet selling at $60 each year, is probably far more of concern than lesser offenders like CoD (Or shooters in general. With notable exceptions).

OT: I don't hate the CoD series, I'm just not willing to spend release day money for a game with a less than 10-hour FPS campaign. I guess ppl just like to complain, and like everything else, complaints can gain popularity, and therefore quickly become over-done (Not that there isn't valid criticism against the series).


New member
Sep 18, 2011
Oh, and one more really solid point I want to send home: The fact that CoD is still selling so well after Activision went all Orwellian on their multi-million-dollar-game-making staff, freaked their staff out to the point of complaining, and then shit canned the heads of the development team just to scare the rest of the staff into submission (which was a throughly totalitarian thing to do) shows major publishers that all that matters is the name you put on the box and how much money you have to advertise.

To me the name on the box and the advertising budget are the LEAST important things about a game, to me it's all about who developed it, what their vision was, and the skill to which the executed that vision combined with the joy of experiencing it. By buying Call of Duty all the "fans" (who aren't real fans if they didn't leave the series with the developers, by the way) are ensuring a bleak future for game designers and players therefore, but a bright one for publishers.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Imper1um said:
Look, thread #94789575 of this same topic appears!

Its not that they aren't aimed towards a specific crowd, its that they are aimed at making the smallest improvements (look, five new guns!) and selling them for the most price. I wish more people understood that Call of Duty is ruining the market, because they are spending very little in the percentage of money they are returning. Its almost criminal.
I've seen this argument a lot, and so I counter with the following: Mario, Sonic, Dynasty Warriors, every racing game, every FPS that has a major series. See, I understand your opinion and respect it, but you can't say that only CoD "ruins" the market as every successful franchise is doing the exact same. The only criminal thing here is people claiming that the evil CoD corporation is ruining everything by following the example of every other franchise. Ever. If something isn't broke, don't fix it.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
LordXel said:
No hard feelings Skyrim fans.
Timberwolf0924 said:
"Oh, I am too a hardcore gamer, I play also Skyrim, and Viva Pinata, and Mass Effect, and all those other games that hardcore gamers play"
Viva Pinata? That isn't hardcore! ... Is it?
yea it is, try to get all 500 pinata.. it's worse than pokemon


New member
Nov 14, 2010
how about NO?

AnotherAvatar said:
I'll stop hating once it stops sucking, or once it starts getting sales numbers that don't make the whole industry go "well how can we be more like that mediocre hunk of shit so people will buy our game by the trillions?"

To be more articulate: I KNOW for a FACT that the sales numbers on this game will make other game publishers look for more games like this, Hence why ever major publisher is mostly only pushing out FPS games, or why they're tweaking existing genres to be more FPS-like (anyone else miss top-down role-playing games?), and I fear eventually maybe they'll link the sales to the bland, explosion heavy plot, and then they'll only want to publish games with bland explosive heavy plots. Not acceptable.

Also, the series doesn't even hold a candle to Battlefield 2 let alone Battlefield 3. It's like someone believing in scientology, I just can't let it go unquestioned.
Dec 27, 2010
I hate COD because it's sh*t, not because I'm a hardcore gamer (I'm actually not). And you know what, I'm sick of being told to shut up about it. I'm more warranted in my criticisms of the game than you are in your blind praise (which is undoubtedly the product of contrary-ism).

Burn2Feel said:
Imper1um said:
Look, thread #94789575 of this same topic appears!

Its not that they aren't aimed towards a specific crowd, its that they are aimed at making the smallest improvements (look, five new guns!) and selling them for the most price. I wish more people understood that Call of Duty is ruining the market, because they are spending very little in the percentage of money they are returning. Its almost criminal.
I've seen this argument a lot, and so I counter with the following: Mario, Sonic, Dynasty Warriors, every racing game, every FPS that has a major series. See, I understand your opinion and respect it, but you can't say that only CoD "ruins" the market as every successful franchise is doing the exact same. The only criminal thing here is people claiming that the evil CoD corporation is ruining everything by following the example of every other franchise. Ever. If something isn't broke, don't fix it.
First off, because everyone does it, it doesn't make it acceptable. Secondly, COD can be considered more guilty than those other franchises because it's such a cultural phenomena. MW3's the most financially successful entertainment product ever, and it's the laziest sequel I've seen since... well, COD3. Think of the message this will send out; you can just throw a few new gimmicks into your sequel and make sh*t-loads so long as you're previous title was financially acceptable. It's unacceptable and inexcusable, no matter who does it.


New member
Aug 15, 2011
I don't hate COD, its like candy. Good in short burst for some instant gratification for most people. What I hate is what its doing to the Industry.

KB Rocker

New member
Sep 27, 2009
the only call of duty game I actually liked was cod 4 Because of the improvements and how much different it was then the rest. Though unfortunately every cod game after that was just another cod 4 all over again. The call of duty series is not bad at all it just to much the same( I know there are other flaws but this is the main one that upsets me) So in short the COD hate will stop when the game actually decides to change up a bit. Not the graphics or the weapons I mean the actual gameplay. Once you can't just pick up the new call of duty and play it like the last one. Once this happens I'm sure most of the cod hate will stop or at least it will come from a different perspective.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I'm a hardcore gamer, as far as that label applies. I talk about games that should influence the industry, and Ill start pulling out stuff like The Path, Passage, The Marriage and other stuff that is about as far away from mainstream as you can get. Call of Duty is a damn fine game. It is polished to perfection and a lot of fun if you are either casual or open minded enough to appreciate a game whose mechanics diverge from the traditional high health, health kits, wacky weapons formula. Call of Duty may have too large an impact on the industry, but that is the fault of the copycats. Call Of Duty itself deserves almost all of it's high praise. The fact of the matter is that you can hate playing something, and still acknowledge that it is a well designed game.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
I dislike CoD, it stopped being fun when number 6 appeared. That's my opinion, an overdone thread isn't going to change that; sorry.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Timberwolf0924 said:
COD games are so popular because they are not aimed for a hardcore audience.
... Yeeeaaaah, wahtever you say, buddy. Not hardcore in the slightest. No. One of the most competetive online scenes in the business, totally not hardcore or exclusive at all.

"Oh, I am too a hardcore gamer, I play also Skyrim, and Viva Pinata, and Mass Effect, and all those other games that hardcore gamers play"

Well good for you, thats great, but you know you else plays COD games, that guy who only has an XBOX or PS3 for the damn COD series.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say, or what any of those games have to do with Call of Duty. I came here to talk about Call of Duty, not Skyrim or Viva Pinata. Are you trying to imply that those gamers are somehow lesser than the ones who play Viva Pinata? ...

[img src="" /]

How did this even become part of the discussion, anyway?


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Nope, I think I'll continue disliking it, and saying so when people ask. And sometimes - *gasp* - saying it because I want too. COMPLETELY OF MY OWN VOLITION.

Truly, I am madness incarnate. You may call me Greg.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Timberwolf0924 said:
Listen, we understand, you're a hardcore gamer. COD games are so popular because they are not aimed for a hardcore audience.

"Oh, I am too a hardcore gamer, I play also Skyrim, and Viva Pinata, and Mass Effect, and all those other games that hardcore gamers play"

Well good for you, thats great, but you know you else plays COD games, that guy who only has an XBOX or PS3 for the damn COD series.

In short, don't take the COD series, seriously, they are what they are to sell, and make money. If the color blue sells 10x more than the color green, wouldn't you sell more blue than green?
I will stop the COD hate if you and all the other people on this site stop with the ponies.