Strongest and weakest female characters of all time?


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Hmmm, well I notice Zelda and Princess Peach seem to figure prominantly in all of this, but I would mention that both of them have been written as being fairly strong in the past. Zelda was fairly independant in the "excuuuse me Princess" Zelda cartoon show (which wasn't very good). Princess Peach has been brought out to kick some serious tail in games like "Smash Brothers Brawl".

I'm also surprised Samus Aran rates so highly overall given that she had to be saved by a baby Metroid in like her second game outing. That was a pretty cool surprise, but still... in comparison to other characters who defeat their arch enemies on successfully "finishing" a game, it's notable.

Going for "weakest" is touchy if your going to pick characters that are purely scenery. You could like pick someone's baby daughter who appears in a crib for 30 seconds and go "yep, that's weak".

In what I see as the spirit of the contest I'm going to probably nominate Roll though, largely because she was playable within Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 and basically existed as a handicap character along with Servbot.

For strongest, well there are so many strong female characters in video gaming (which I am guessing this is limited to despite tht title) that it's really hard to say "she's the strongest". Especially when you get into games based on liscenced properties using like Marvel and DC heroes.

I'm somewhat partial to Etna from Disgaea/Cross edge to be honest. So, I guess I'll make her my nomination. Especially when you consider how over the top Disagaea gets, and she can be every bit as nasty as the hero (Laharl) if you build her up. Also depending on how the original game ends she might very well wind up ruling The Netherworld.

For a more serious character I'd probably look towards say Aigis from "Persona 3: FES". Towards the end of that her conceptual power level is just plain ridiculous.

Also for the record I think either of those characters could handle Samus (who is cool in her own right, but we're talking about raw power level) without breaking a sweat. It's just a whole differant level of playing field.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Lenneth Freaking Valkyrie.

I will also listen to an argument about Faith, from Mirror's Edge.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Jade, from Beyond Good and Evil. A truly strong, brutally real character that shows remarkably more depth than most female video game characters.


Faerie girl in hiding
Mar 17, 2009
Strong female characters: Samus Aran, Alyx Vance, Farah (prince of Persia), SHODAN (system shock, Cortana.

Weak: Princess Peach, Amy Rose, Mission Vao (she's actually a strong character... but I hate her. And her stupid brother.)

Female characters aren't typically weak in and of themselves, at least, no more so than any other characters. It's more many associations that they're burdened with "I am a mighty warrior! I don't even need armour! Which is a good thing too, because I'll never see any..." or "Your princess is in another castle" are just plain rubbish, and render them non-characters (Peach) or nothing more than Eyecandy even when they are permitted to fight capably. (Tomb Raider, BloodRayne)


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Sylvanas ( WoW ) even in death, she was still a powerful and capable leader. Or lyndis, who despite every tragedy that befell her, still rose to the top and defended her new kingdom.

as for the weakest, I know peach and others were mentioned, but I have a strong hatred for the Bratz franchise girls, and Dora the explorer. worthless


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
wouldyoukindly99 said:
Best: Bridgette Tenanbaum.
How? She hates her own "maternal instinct".

Best: Alyx Vance probably wins.
Worst: Princess Peach (she has the IQ of a fucking doorknob).


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
For strong (meaning strong in characterisation) I would go with Samus Aran, The girls from Mass Effect, Dr. Tenenbaum and yes even Cortana.

As for female characters that seem weak or poorly done I can still only point at the women from Dead or Alive and any other team ninja game. You could argue that they can fight like pros but note that pretty much all their movements are done so to allow for maximum breast jiggleage and you start to see that it really doesn't help their image.
Nov 28, 2007
Two pages and no one has said it? Fine, I will.

Strong: Samus Aran, Bastila Shan from KOTOR, and, surprisingly enough, Dr. Liara T'Soni from Mass Effect.

Weak: Ashley "Help me, Leon!" Graham from RE4.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
How about KAEDE Smith from Killer 7? throughout the majority of the game she well rounded and smart mouthed (though more dialogue would have been appreciated)

But, at the same time, a bit near the end revealed some cowardice (I wont reveal it due to minor spoilerage) Still, i think she and Samus were both very strong in their character.


New member
Apr 17, 2008
My 2 picks (and they JUST HAPPEN TO BE oh so beautiful sorry where was I?)
1.Zhu Rong from Dynasty Warriors, she's a descedent of the Goddess of Fire, and she's the only female that actually fought in the wars of the ancient china days.

2. Midna from Twilight Princess.
She can make a giant hand monster thing that crushes castles... nuff said.

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
MercurySteam said:
wouldyoukindly99 said:
Best: Bridgette Tenanbaum.
How? She hates her own "maternal instinct".

Best: Alyx Vance probably wins.
Worst: Princess Peach (she has the IQ of a fucking doorknob).
Able to keep her cool while Rapture descends into chaos? Stays off ADAM? Manages to survive all those years with Splicers/Big Daddies running around? Sounds like quite a feat to me.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Dnaloiram said:
Ima let you finish
*shoots Dnaloiram three times*

*shoots Dnaloiram four more times*

*shoots Dnaloiram another three times*

*shoots Dnaloiram twice*


*shoots Dnaloiram ten times*

*shoots Dnaloiram in the head four times*


Is it dead yet?

*pulls pin from thermite grenade and drops both on dnaloiram*

*walks away*


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Serenegoose said:
... render them non-characters (Peach) ...
Thankyou. I was going to post that you can't really call Peach the weakest female character because she's not really a character.

I've got a weak female character for you: that voiceover-video goddess from Morrowind. "Fear not, for I am watchful," she says. Yeah, right. Diseases, rats, plagues, lava, traps, liars, assassins, slaughterfish, cliff racers, vampires, ghouls, zombies Corprus shamblers, the lot and did she help? No. Shunt Dagoth Ur into the lava all by myself thankyou very much for the help useless wretched mages' guild and obliterate that big heart thing and escape the crumbling insides of the volcano and then she's there to ... er ... give me a nice ring that I hardly need now but could really have done with about ten minutes ago b]before[/b] I equipped those weapons. Goddess of what? Roaming televisual hallucinations?

I'll disagree with the poster who said female characters in some games were just eye candy or mages. That "just a mage" can be the most useful support, the deadliest attacker and/or the table-tipper with the most leverage if she's played right. If she's some lame script, probably not.

Strong characters, now ..... er ..... hmm.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Hands down, strongest goes to Samus, for being a mere mortal woman bounty hunter that was destroyed several entire planets. And I don't just mean irreparable harm to their ecosystem, I mean exploding and reducing to rubble!

I'm very tempted to agree with Peach as the weakest. Overall, I do not doubt it. Problem is, she's probably my best character to use in Smash Bros Melee (not to say I'm very good in the grand scheme of things, though).

If you're looking for characters that probably haven't been mentioned as much, then I'd like to pitch underdog votes to Mia Fey (supporting character in the Phoenix Wright series) for strongest in an unconventional way.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
You could maybe talk about the women that feature in Zelda and the strenght of character that they show. For example

1) Princess Zelda, in Ocarina of time, even though she is kidnapped she learns the secret ways of combat and adorns a disguise to help Link. Again in Twilight Pricess, she sacrifices her life to save her kingdom

2) Navi, Ocarina of time, Link`s helpful guide

3) Midna, Twilight Princess, Has been turned into an ugly imp but manages to overcome this and in one of the keys in defeating Zant

4) I forgot her name, but in the DS game `Phantom Hourglass` there is this girl who is always pursuing Lineback because she wants to make a better man out of him

Ignore some of the boys who are being a little silly. The one`s on this website tend to get distraced by clevage a lot =) (no offence to you lovely gentlemen of course)


New member
Sep 17, 2007
CloakedOne said:
Jill Valentine is also a very strong and capable female character of gaming. She fights a hoard of zombies through a mansion hell only to do it again in RE3 and then works to take down Umbrella in Umbrella Chronicles and then again in RE5. Jeez, what a woman! She goes through hell so many times to make sure that the world stays safe from zombies and monsters.
She doesn't even have magic,she just has guns and her wits.
You forgot to mention; she's also the Master of Unlocking. ;)

Samus was a good suggestion, but her character is largely empty. She was an early gaming role model to empower women, since in her NES days, it was assumed Samus was a guy (right up until she took that suit off).

I echo the Jill suggestion.

For weaks; the suggestion of Princess Peach was first on my mind before it was suggested. She's only a plot device to make Mario traverse whatever terrain he must to be the Hero. She has no character. She's just a girl in a pink dress that hasn't learned to start packing a piece.

Any character that defines its personality with a bikini battle uniform. They could be gods of the game, but if we're supposed to like them based off of their sexy attire first, [] then I say nay.

lord canti

New member
May 30, 2009
For strongest I'd say the boss from mgs3 she's strong.beautiful. and has a great story that's makes you feel sorry for her in the end. Definetly the boss as the best female charcter ever for abilities,story, and personallity.

lord canti

New member
May 30, 2009
And for weakest character I'd say your love in shadow of the collosus since she's kind of dead.


New member
Oct 16, 2007
The strongest female video game characters I can think of right now are; Konoko (Oni), Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark 64), Samus Aran (Metroid), Akira (Rival Schools) and Amaterasu (Okami).

The weakest: Peach (Super Mario Bros), Zelda (The Legend of Zelda) and Birdo (Super Mario Bros 2)