Study "Strongly" Links Gaming With Kids' Poor Attention Spans


New member
Mar 20, 2009
GASP!!!! Children don't give as much of a shit when something more interesting is happening? Shock Horror!!!


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Maybe the games are just more interesting than what they teach in school, how about making school more interesting? Just a guess.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Not this bloody study again. These sorts of things pop up all the time, but for some strange reason I keep hearing it from everyone everywhere.

I don't know about long-term problems, but I'd personally, because if i spend more than two hours in front of a screen I don't feel like doing anything at all afterwards. But that's just a short-term effect and totally reversible.


New member
May 22, 2009
I think it's the other way around. People who are bored easily just search for something more interesting to do than studying and find gaming or tv. In other words, lazier people, like me, prefer to do something fun, like gaming, instead of studying.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
The diagnostic criteria for ADHC is ridiculously vague. You could link it to pretty much anything.


New member
Aug 2, 2006
Some eggheads lack common sense: of course if you've got ADHD, you're more likely going to be drawn to the activities exciting enough to engage your attention, such as gaming and TV.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Thank god they studied statistics. Too bad the stupid mums don't know the difference between causation and correlation.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
In general, human being have become more intelligent with the advent of the internet, electronic media, and other persuits. What has changed is the TYPE of intelligence we exhibit. Our ability to research problems, via the internet, has improved, but our memorization skills and general intelligence without access to a source of information, has decreased.

Suck it, bogus study.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
While I don't think it's healthy to do nothing but play video games, I highly doubt either gaming or TV are behind the so-called ADD epidemic. First of all, correlation doesn't equal causation, and there are way more factors here. What type of environment are these kids growing up in? One parent? Two parent? Are they supervised at home or left to their own devices? Suburbs or inner city? So many things can have an impact on childhood develop.

It irks me to know end when people shake the finger at television or gaming, saying its ruining our youth. You know what's ruining are youth? Parents who don't take the time to supervise their kids, or who don't help them manage their time. We aren't all born we these skills, but they can be taught. But parents who just sit their kids in front of the TV and never talk about study habits or schedules and then act surprised when their kids are failing should take a good look in the mirror.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Guys, read the article carefully and you'll notice that it qualifies the following:

1. the study clearly shows correlation, not causation. So no need to get all huffy about this.

2. the study also shows that the numbers are similar to those of TV, which means that this is not something that is media specific, but rather goes across the board.

Is it a waste of time? Yeah, I think most of us can point this out without having to perform a study on it. But is it bogus? I wouldn't say so.

This all just goes back to the same thing: consumption of media either needs to be moderated (if there is causation) or that kids with ADHD really need to have more moderation/supervision when consuming said products.

Of course, then we get into the whole mess that ADHD is often misdiagnosed and all that. but that's a whole different subject all together.

The Machine King

New member
Jul 8, 2010
My mom tries just about ANYTHING to get me to stop gaming because of images that the media presents. On the other hand, studies have proved that the pros gaming out weigh the cons. One study I know proved that surgeons who game were able to do procedures faster and with less mistakes the those who do not game. Here is some things to look at ...

If a gaming-hater says I have no life, I just say " I am a gamer, I have many lives. Do not get mad that you do not have one."


New member
May 25, 2009
This study is silly. Furthermore- OOH A BUNNY!

...Ok, maybe I'm a little low on attention span, but I doubt that applies to everyone that's ever touched a controller.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I would like to see what such a study comes up with for ...

1) Kids obsessed with Milton Bradley boardgames
2) Kids obsessed with listening to classical music
3) Kids obsessed with writing classical poetry
4) Kids obsessed with cutting out pictures from stolen underwear catalogues

Notice that the operate word here is OBSESSED. I tend to find, and this is logical so don't beat me for using my brain here, that OBSESSION leads to a lack of concentration on things NOT COVERED by the obsession. Hmm ... seems to me that this study above may be yet another than started out with an agenda and therefore structured its proceedure around that.
Sep 14, 2009
Woodsey said:
You mean to tell me that people can't pay attention for very long to things they're not interested in?

Why, this is unheard of!

Next up: taking a shit may make your arse hole dirty if you don't wipe afterwards!

this article is such a massive duh

at least he pointed out in the end that it takes already alot of concentration and focus to beat games and be good at them..

but still, its a massive wtf and all it does is fuel the retarded anti gamers of the world..

growing up, 90% of the smart kids in my class (including myself) played games, while the other 10% (aka 1 or 2 kids) weren't allowed to due to there parents being tight-ass wad's

and i've noticed the same thig in both my brothers generations

so this study.

obvious article is obvious.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Did teachers ever think the reason why kids don't pay attention in school might be the fact that, compared to a video-game, their classes are absolutely, mind-numbingly boring?

Perhaps if teachers actually made their classes more interesting for the children, you know, actually putting some effort of their own forward in the construction of their lesson for the day, instead of relying on making around two hours of homework for them, they might see a marked improvement in said child's attention span and grades.