Anime in general.
I really don't even know where to begin. I truly don't.
I think my overarching thought is anime breaks down almost all it's plots into two things. "Plots driven on Stupidity/Stubbornness" or "Japan Says No".
"Oh, no! If someone sees you here, the rumors will go around the school and we'll never live it down!"
A mixture. In any other place but Anime Japan, you can talk to a person like a person and explain the mishap. They actually might be your ally and help you. But no. If they find out, the whole school will know as well. And that's where the mixture comes in. Because you did something so against the rules, it's that witness's moral duty to gossip so you will be shame and we perpetuate the feeling that we must shame others so we can never do anything wrong AND never trust anyone.
And you can apply that to almost anything. "I thought I saw you holding hands", "Were you talking to a girl?", "Why would spiky haired protagonist be here at this time? I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. Let me completely betray his trust because I must be apart of his life instead of respecting his boundaries!"
The over sexualized nature is really putting me off. Especially since the National Mascot of Japanese Culture are 14-16 year old girls. Might be legal there, but that's no where near what I can be comfortable staring at the breasts of. Or seeing shots that for some reason need to frame their behinds in the shot when we're looking at a chalkboard or something.
But even that is an offshot of "Japan Says No!". The 'no' is overt sexuality, and it's something they put on their real selves, so everything is just sex, sex, sex.
You can't talk anything out in a Japanese plot because it's just too embarrassing that we're not perfect or we have flaws, so hide it until you find out that you would have been accepted anyway.
And then we go to the types, so we don't have to really learn about the characters. The ideal japanese woman, the red blooded man, the Tsun-tsun, the man who's every waking moment is devoted to his penis...
One of the reasons I love Konosuba is because I can name so many different parts of their personality. Darkness is a perv. Straight up. But she absolutely takes her class seriously and she wants to be there because she cares about her team and her friends... and yes, she does get off on it. But we've seen that she has the highest esteem for everyone in the world, even being what she is. And she is the social link to normalcy (if that's to be believed) because she took her training seriously and she acts as the diplomat.
That's one character. Everyone has layers. And it's freaking funny.
Eh. Maybe this is just me getting older. But it feels like every anime is the same. You even look for the running part in the anime opening when it shouldn't even be there. Because it's an anime opening. It'll be there. I feel like I've already seen every anime there is in 2005.