Stupid things you believed as a kid


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Ive seen this thread before, cant remember if it was on here or somewhere else, but a lot of funny stuff was said so;
What is the dumbest thing you believed as a kid?

Personally i thought untill the age of about 11 that cats were baby dogs, and that my mum could change the volume of the radio with her mind, thanks to one of those volume dials on the steering wheel.

I remember reading about someone whose brother told him the electrical transformer at the bottom of his garden was a space ship his parents were slowly charging to send him back to his home planet, and when he reached 12 he would finally make this grand voyage.

Another one that happened as an adult was managing to convince my friend whilst staying in a rat infested hostel that the rats were just "ground squirrels", i think she believes it to this day

anyway, what are the dumb things you thought as a kid?


New member
Jun 14, 2011
1. Monsters - I loved reading about monsters (still do) but I thought they were real. Fun times.

2. Santa Claus - Believing in a nigh omniscient patriarch who punishes you for being naughty and rewards you for being nice. Silly parents, that's not a good way to get your children to act good.

3. The Christian God - Believing in a nigh omniscient patriarch who punishes you for being naughty and rewards you for being nice. Silly parents, that's not a good way to get your children to act good.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I believed/was afraid my heart would get clogged up if I swallowed my gum, which I did a lot as a little kid due to sheer automatism.

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
I thought Posh Spice had a penis due to a certain wet dream I had that took place on top of a toilet as a child. I was young...probably too much information...



New member
Dec 5, 2012
i had a female friend who was unaware that men and women had different sexual organs until she was 18
the way she found out was a male friend of hers convinced her his job was "banana bender" and made her reach into his pants to prove it

that is a 100% true story and the lady in question is far from mentally challenged, she just led a sheltered life


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Got another pretty common one, always flirted with the notion that i was the only real human on earth and everyone else was a robot or part of some elaborate dream, still think like that sometimes

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
lechat said:
i had a female friend who was unaware that men and women had different sexual organs until she was 18
the way she found out was a male friend of hers convinced her his job was "banana bender" and made her reach into his pants to prove it

that is a 100% true story and the lady in question is far from mentally challenged, she just led a sheltered life
Gosh, I thought the same, but that stopped when I was about age 5-6. I can't imagine someone thinking that at 18! Yikes. What a rude way to be introduced, men are pigs.


New member
Dec 5, 2012
Rose and Thorn said:
lechat said:
i had a female friend who was unaware that men and women had different sexual organs until she was 18
the way she found out was a male friend of hers convinced her his job was "banana bender" and made her reach into his pants to prove it

that is a 100% true story and the lady in question is far from mentally challenged, she just led a sheltered life
Gosh, I thought the same, but that stopped when I was about age 5-6. I can't imagine someone thinking that at 18! Yikes. What a rude way to be introduced, men are pigs.
yes men are pigs in fact we even have little curly tails in our pants... just reach in here and i can prove it....

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
lechat said:
Rose and Thorn said:
lechat said:
i had a female friend who was unaware that men and women had different sexual organs until she was 18
the way she found out was a male friend of hers convinced her his job was "banana bender" and made her reach into his pants to prove it

that is a 100% true story and the lady in question is far from mentally challenged, she just led a sheltered life
Gosh, I thought the same, but that stopped when I was about age 5-6. I can't imagine someone thinking that at 18! Yikes. What a rude way to be introduced, men are pigs.
yes men are pigs in fact we even have little curly tails in our pants... just reach in here and i can prove it....
Bah, haha. That made me giggle and I am responding to this because I wanted you to know I enjoyed your "comeback"! :)


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
When I was little my parents told me that toothpaste was poisonous and swallowing any would make me sick. It made brushing my teeth a very stressful experience for several years.

On the other hand, I never believed in Santa or the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny. It got me into several playground fights.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
I stopped believing in santa when i realised he happened to have the same ring as my grandad, and that he would always appear as my grandad went out to get something from the car.

I think i kept up the pretence of believing in him for a while though, just because if you attribute the presents you get to a god like deity with armies of slaves building toys then there isnt really much of an upper price limit on what you could ask for.

As to how the money from the tooth fairy got under your pillow, i busted my parents putting it there when they came to tuck me in


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
lechat said:
i had a female friend who was unaware that men and women had different sexual organs...
haha kids-

[quote/] until she was 18[/quote]

[quote/]that is a 100% true story and the lady in question is far from mentally challenged, she just led a sheltered life[/quote]
sheltered? more like sealed inside an airtight time capsule and buried under 100feet of concrete...

seriously though there is somthing SERIOUSLY wrong could you not figure it out in 18 years of life? didnt she SEE that men don't have breasts.?..can't she see there is a bulge there when men wear tight pants? did she never watch a damn movie with a rating over G? what the hell is up with the parents?

OT: that women and men are seen as eaqual in our society :(

adamsaccount said:
Got another pretty common one, always flirted with the notion that i was the only real human on earth and everyone else was a robot or part of some elaborate dream, still think like that sometimes
isnbt that what they call sociopathy? or psychopathy?


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
-I only believed in God because I thought the Pope was immortal.

-I thought people used to live in black and white.

-My sister convinced me there were werewolves living in the graveyard I had to walk through to get to school.

I'm sure there are more, I was a pretty gullible kid for a while.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Vault101 said:
adamsaccount said:
Got another pretty common one, always flirted with the notion that i was the only real human on earth and everyone else was a robot or part of some elaborate dream, still think like that sometimes
isnbt that what they call sociopathy? or psychopathy?
Thats a bingo

Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1][2] is a personality disorder that has been variously characterized by shallow emotions (including reduced fear, a lack of empathy, and stress tolerance), coldheartedness, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, impulsivity, criminality, antisocial behavior, a lack of remorse, and a parasitic lifestyle.

Now im going to go and listen to creep by radio head



New member
Dec 26, 2007
In elementary school, I was a very gullible kid, and everyone else was basically THAT guy, whose distant relative catched Mews under trucks and worked at Nintendo.
I believed a lot of stuff.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Piorn said:
In elementary school, I was a very gullible kid, and everyone else was basically THAT guy, whose distant relative catched Mews under trucks and worked at Nintendo.
I believed a lot of stuff.
Ah yeah you and me both, at the age of about 10 a friend had me convinced that he ran his own pornsite and went to take photos of beautiful naked women after school


New member
Dec 26, 2007
adamsaccount said:
Piorn said:
In elementary school, I was a very gullible kid, and everyone else was basically THAT guy, whose distant relative catched Mews under trucks and worked at Nintendo.
I believed a lot of stuff.
Ah yeah you and me both, at the age of about 10 a friend had me convinced that he ran his own pornsite and went to take photos of beautiful naked women after school
One of my friends claimed he had a space rocket, that flew so fast you could only see it if you looked at the sun and then quickly looked away and closing your eyes. The line you'd see would be where it flew across the sky.
That was when I started to doubt things.