Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Jul 11, 2009
My school once tried to ban students from going to the shops nearby after school because we were 'upsetting the locals' (there is nobody there at 4 in the afternoon). The shop owners got pissed off because we are all their business, so when teachers would go there to stop students from going in they got told to fuck off.

About a week after this the school announced that we would be allowed back into the shops because of 'a great improvement in our behaviour outside school', funny that.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
Belts are not optional.
Considered part of the uniform.
A while ago there was this ridiculous fad and I was one of the handful who found it really stupid, collecting, trading and playing bottle caps like pogs. Seriously.
After some guy complained to the prefects that his bag of bottle caps had been stolen
(yes, somebody sank so low as to steal a bag of bottle caps)
They announced that the practice would be banned unless the culprit owned up. Nobody ever came forward. To this day it is banned along with every other kind of collectible, Cards, stickers etc.
At my sisters school due to swine flu, they are not allowed to sit while eating, instead they have to stand in a corridor exactly 1 metre apart form each other.
The thing is this corridor is windowsless.
Great way to stop the spread of disease.
Also at the start of each day they must wipe the desks clean with antiseptic wipes, and they must carry around a small bag containing anti-bacterial scrub and wipes at all times.
Run by effed up headcases.

Not a problem with my school per se, but with every school in the country, due to the Maltese Islands Constitution specifying that Catholicism is the official religion, all schools are obliged to enforce uniforms and teach Religion as a factual text book subject (with exams and everything).
Also all public secondary schools (thats 5th grade to 10th grade for you Yanks) are sex segregated.
Yes, these are islands populated by people educated in gender-segregated Catholic Schools.
And they wonder why there is so much sexism and discrimination based on religion.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
V8Drinker said:
Okay now schools seem to be getting dumber and dumber with all their stupid rules. I'm asking for your stupidest rule that you can remember.

For me its: our school has a very inforced ID policy, and will actually set up "traffic stops" in the hallways to check anyone walking through for their ID's. This often results in being late to class because they check EVERYONE!
same here but we have to wear it on a lanyard and it must be visable at ALL times
also we cannot use our cell phones on school grounds until over a half an hour after school gets out or even on the bus even if it at the tuime when we can and if they see it they take it and your parents have to pick it up (even if your over 18)
also our school blocks almost every website website that are blocked include any website you can create an account, has a fourm, adult content, games, or anything the filter couldn't identify, also it blocks wikipedia


New member
Dec 4, 2008
It is in the policy of Carroll High School not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, hardship, sex, or national origin in providing educational programming or activities to students.

our school is over 98% white.....
also we can have a rocket laucher as long as the propellent is under 8 ounces of fuel and has an explosive or incenderary charge of less then 4oz. also no holes in pants anywhere
also in the student parking lot if you park in one area after school they only let you go east out of the school and if you park on the other part you can only go west but there nothing seperating these sections but they have multiple police officers preventing you from doing so.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
i remember in middle school, some crazy girl murdured her family around the time i was researching weapons, they made a few rules for me; since i enjoyed drawing, i had to let the teacher know what i'm drawing first, i couldnt draw anything which could be used as a weapon (which narrowed me down to......... very little) and if i did, i'd be sent to the principal where he'd ask me how i feel. eventually my mother got into this when she realized i was the only person whome this rule applied to, so, despite the relocation to a different area for school for 6 weeks, no harm came out of it, and i even got my teachers assisstant fired for how anal she was about it (sorry for the long story, but this is the shortened version)


New member
Aug 11, 2008
-Orgasmatron- said:
Acaroid said:
-Orgasmatron- said:
Acaroid said:
reverse racism is ok, but racism isnt....

figure that one out...

(also to note, I live in australia and our highschool was joined to a spiecal aboriginal based school, so racism was a big issue)
To be fair, you did rob them blind afew hundred years ago.
To be fair my ancesetors did no such thing! My grandparents came to australia from latvia during world war 2 :p
My mistake my good man, I apologise.
more than fine, could by no resonable extent think you would have knowledge of that lol.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Akai Shizuku said:
curlycrouton said:
Akai Shizuku said:
I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.
Do you feel the need to bring everything back to Communism?

Because it's mildly annoying.

However, I am intrigued by your commitment to it. Lately I've become more interested in the subject of Communism in general. I'd be interested to hear why exactly you are so committed, if you have the time?

Convince me.
Everything is connected, especially when related to economics and politics. If I didn't bring it up, I could not present my views in their entirety.

I am committed to Communism because life is bollocks. Under the current system, the amount of freedom you have is directly related to your birth and economic class. If you're born poor or lower class, like I was, there is no hope for you to make your life better, save a miracle. Your life will always suck. Chances are, you'll wind up in a shit job exploited by a lazy-ass employer who does nothing and makes all the money while you work your ass off and get peanuts.

Additionally, capitalism creates an inevitable economic imbalance in the world, and relies on that imbalance to sustain itself. Less than every four seconds, somebody dies of starvation while some fat bastard sits in his mansion sipping champagne on his king-size bed.

Communism is an egalitarian, stateless, classless and truly democratic society where everyone has a voice and real differences can be made.

More information of why I am a Communist and committed to this cause is available in the following links.
He's right, when you're a communist no one has freedom! So it's all fair!


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Wow... my school was like a anarchist heaven in comparison to some of the stuff on this list.

The biggest shitstorm during my time was when two best friends (a white and black guy) came into the Halloween dance dressed as their respective great-great-great-grandfathers (or something like that). The black guy was a slave and the white guy was a British ship captain. No suspentions for that either, just a 10 minute talk before class about how slavery is wrong and how we shouldn't be racist and stuff.

I think the most strict rule was no smoking except for a corner of the parking lot past the painted red line, which we called the Tropic of Cancer. Also no sex inside the school building (but ok if you're inside the school property, you just have to be outside the building); though it's not really enforced as long as you did it in a semi-privte place (empty classroom, for example).

Two new rules were added two years after I graduated, one was that if you called in a prank bomb threat you'd get suspended for 2 days. The other was no thongs allowed for either guys or girls. The second one really cracked me up, since the dress code didn't allow for anything that would let you see the thong in the first place, and also the fact that they actually had to write out the "guys or girls" part.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
My school is complete anarchy compared to what I hear here.

Although, the stunts last graders always do every year have been severely trimmed this year, which pisses me off. Anarchy.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
the stupid one i remember is we were required to call our teachers "Miss"... when Miss is "Señorita" in english and we live in México!...

mind you, we used it instead of "Maestra" wich means "teacher"


New member
Jul 24, 2009
My school's pretty nice, but some teachers force us to sit girl-boy-girl-boy, which isn't bad, but annoying sometimes

Mr. Valentine

New member
Dec 24, 2008
Octorok said:
NoMoreSanity said:
Also I heard a school banned the Escapist. Because apparently the reason was, "No games allowed." The fuck, the Escapist is smarter then most shit they're teaching kids.
My school bans the Escapist. True, it's a private school so I do technically get educated, but I cannot access any sites short of Wikipedia, or the BBC. We have really, really strict probation internet-wise.
wikipedia.......WIKIPEDIA!!!! DO THEY KNOW THE KIND OF WIERD STUFF IS ON WIKIPEDIA? look up "aplallang" and tell them to fuckoff


New member
Jun 24, 2009
My school handbook said we have to buy a parking permit for our snow mobiles.

I live in southern Alabama, and we haven't seen snow since 1986 with the exception of last February.