Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Jedamethis said:
My school's pretty nice, but some teachers force us to sit girl-boy-girl-boy, which isn't bad, but annoying sometimes
Yeah that perving/chat up opportunity must be a *****.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Woodsey said:
Jedamethis said:
My school's pretty nice, but some teachers force us to sit girl-boy-girl-boy, which isn't bad, but annoying sometimes
Yeah that perving/chat up opportunity must be a *****.
Nah it's just most of the womenfolk in my class are thick and always pestering me to tell them answers. Which is fucking annoying.

Also, The Escapist is banned at mys school too, due to *gasp* 'Games Related Content'


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2008
I'm a sixth former so im kinda gald this rule doesn't apply to me, but the school recently got some stupid wristbands to help boost the schools identity (well that's the reason they gave to us anyway, i think it's all crap) anyway, all the kids in lower school have to wear a wristband the same colour as their form/house/group thing and if they don't. DETENTION!

Can someone please tell me where the logic is in this when little buggers can get away with far worse than not wearing a rubber band on their wrist and yet get less servere consequences?

Supreme Unleaded

New member
Aug 3, 2009
Mr. Valentine said:
Octorok said:
NoMoreSanity said:
Also I heard a school banned the Escapist. Because apparently the reason was, "No games allowed." The fuck, the Escapist is smarter then most shit they're teaching kids.
My school bans the Escapist. True, it's a private school so I do technically get educated, but I cannot access any sites short of Wikipedia, or the BBC. We have really, really strict probation internet-wise.
wikipedia.......WIKIPEDIA!!!! DO THEY KNOW THE KIND OF WIERD STUFF IS ON WIKIPEDIA? look up "aplallang" and tell them to fuckoff
Well you could technicaly call Top Gear BBC since it goes through the same site, i'd basicaly just watch top gear all day when the teachers arent looking.

Mr. Valentine

New member
Dec 24, 2008
Supreme Unleaded said:
Mr. Valentine said:
Octorok said:
NoMoreSanity said:
Also I heard a school banned the Escapist. Because apparently the reason was, "No games allowed." The fuck, the Escapist is smarter then most shit they're teaching kids.
My school bans the Escapist. True, it's a private school so I do technically get educated, but I cannot access any sites short of Wikipedia, or the BBC. We have really, really strict probation internet-wise.
wikipedia.......WIKIPEDIA!!!! DO THEY KNOW THE KIND OF WIERD STUFF IS ON WIKIPEDIA? look up "aplallang" and tell them to fuckoff
Well you could technicaly call Top Gear BBC since it goes through the same site, i'd basicaly just watch top gear all day when the teachers arent looking.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
While most of you seem to come across as whiny twats with little/no discipline (namely because some of your schools seem pretty shit at enforcing it) or understanding of the fact that sometimes you don't always get what you want, some of these are batshit insane.

Julianking93 said:
"All students must refer to superiors as either Sir or Ma'am" I refused that one.
Oh fucking no, I have to refer to my superiors with some degree of respect? Bullshit!
We had this at my school (although it was Miss instead of Ma'am, and I'm sure from what else you say about the discipline you'd get away with that) and everyone I know had it down to reflex within what, less than a week and it never crossed anyone's mind since.

With you on most of your other points, though. Your school's got a bit of an inconsistent discipline thing going on.

VincentX3 said:
I never really gave a dam about the rules, since there all worthless bull****

Hell, I even listen to my Ipod in the middle of class if I wanted to, all I got was a glare from the teacher but it's either that or listen to god know's what about a place I'm never going to visit.
And they did nothing more than glare? Why?
Then again, you sound beyond help if you think all rules are worthless bullshit.

Sightless Wisdom said:

Well I always hated that we werent aloud to chew gum in class. It was because they thought we would stick it to things...I assure you there are other ways to defile a school, much more interesting ones at that.
Glad I wasn't the only one to notice that. ;P

Does a person who will steal money not take someone's wallet because there are other more interesting ways to steal money?
Does someone who is hungry not make a sandwich because there are other, more interesting meals they can make?
You're also forgetting that most people don't stick their chewing gum somewhere because they want to deface it, but because they're too lazy or for whatever reason unable to put it in a bin (or swallow it, despite the myth about it stretching through your intestines and stuff being untrue).

Akai Shizuku

New member
Jul 24, 2009
Woodsey said:

He's right, when you're a communist no one has freedom! So it's all fair!
You obviously know nothing about Communism; I have little else to say about this.

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
Mashirafen said:
While most of you seem to come across as whiny twats with little/no discipline (namely because some of your schools seem pretty shit at enforcing it) or understanding of the fact that sometimes you don't always get what you want, some of these are batshit insane.

Julianking93 said:
"All students must refer to superiors as either Sir or Ma'am" I refused that one.
Oh fucking no, I have to refer to my superiors with some degree of respect? Bullshit!
We had this at my school (although it was Miss instead of Ma'am, and I'm sure from what else you say about the discipline you'd get away with that) and everyone I know had it down to reflex within what, less than a week and it never crossed anyone's mind since.

With you on most of your other points, though. Your school's got a bit of an inconsistent discipline thing going on.

VincentX3 said:
I never really gave a dam about the rules, since there all worthless bull****

Hell, I even listen to my Ipod in the middle of class if I wanted to, all I got was a glare from the teacher but it's either that or listen to god know's what about a place I'm never going to visit.
And they did nothing more than glare? Why?
Then again, you sound beyond help if you think all rules are worthless bullshit.

Sightless Wisdom said:

Well I always hated that we werent aloud to chew gum in class. It was because they thought we would stick it to things...I assure you there are other ways to defile a school, much more interesting ones at that.
Glad I wasn't the only one to notice that. ;P

Does a person who will steal money not take someone's wallet because there are other more interesting ways to steal money?
Does someone who is hungry not make a sandwich because there are other, more interesting meals they can make?
You're also forgetting that most people don't stick their chewing gum somewhere because they want to deface it, but because they're too lazy or for whatever reason unable to put it in a bin (or swallow it, despite the myth about it stretching through your intestines and stuff being untrue).
Huh, didn't think I'd get quoted on this one. Well you raise a good point there, I suppose did underestimate the laziness of most people. It's weird though, now being in High school all my teachers are fine with us having gum. It's like they trust the majority of High School students to be mature...sure they should be but...


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Sightless Wisdom said:
Huh, didn't think I'd get quoted on this one. Well you raise a good point there, I suppose did underestimate the laziness of most people. It's weird though, now being in High school all my teachers are fine with us having gum. It's like they trust the majority of High School students to be mature...sure they should be but...
I think chewing gum's fine as long as you can rely on people to dispose of it properly, but there's inevitably at least one person in any school anywhere who will not. D:


New member
Apr 21, 2009
My school has the basic rules, no cell phones, no hats, pants/skirts have to be finger length from thighs, no swearing (even though the teachers swear), and no drinks other than water.

But my school did a dick-move: They got rid of salt, no fries with A-lunch (the meal that changes daily.)
They also changed Coke machines to Pepsi, which isn't bad (mountain dew), but I'm complaining about the price of $1.00 to $1.25. As well as having entire machines, with $1.50 bottles on stuff, which has diet stuff: Power-Aid Zero, Sobe life water, Smart water, and small 8 oz. of Power-Aid. Last year we had 20 oz. priced at $1.00.

Aqualung said:
Being in Canada, we have virtually no anti-terrorist crazy mumbo-jumbo... So our worst rule is probably that we have to keep our shoulders covered. Because, apparently, spaghetti straps are worse than immense cleavage.

Well think about it, two guys will pull it apart, and they pull it down. No way of fixing it and no one can help her. So basically embarrassed the entire day.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Woodsey said:
KarumaK said:
I've said it once and I'll say it again.

"Socks must be white."
What?! But don't you have to wear black trousers?

Dear God.
Actually those must be khakis.

Supreme Unleaded said:
KarumaK said:
I've said it once and I'll say it again.

"Socks must be white."
as a completely unrelated thing, your post is number 666, you little devil you.



New member
Mar 23, 2009
Insanum said:
sabaducia said:
Insanum said:
Become an athiest, When they attempt punishment - Sue.
It was in the contract you signed to get in to the school, that you were of 'a christian faith'. My mother was a member of their church, so naturally they assumed I was also...otherwise that would have been a nice option - the school had A LOT of money.
Could you not claim that it is not for your parents to decide what faith you should be...

...Oh wait, If you not Christian in america then your a terrorist. Similar to ireland really.

In the UK Christian schools are view with caution by anyone with some intelligence.
So not true you can be something other then christian you can be um.... Jewish? kinda

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Back at my old high school, you'd receive every bit as much punishment for defending yourself as you would for starting a fight.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I hated the no gum rule. It led to more people hiding it and putting it under the desk or on the carpet. Teachers who ignored this rule and let students chew gum never had any problems.

Chaos Bringer

New member
Jul 1, 2009
No hats, no picking up sticks, no Ipods when we're doing work (not that it stops me in history class) and the list goes on but I don;t remember off hand.