Stupidest rule in school...

Akai Shizuku

New member
Jul 24, 2009
Woodsey said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Woodsey said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Woodsey said:
Akai Shizuku said:
Woodsey said:

He's right, when you're a communist no one has freedom! So it's all fair!
You obviously know nothing about Communism; I have little else to say about this.
So I know nothing about it because your opinion dictates its right?
Your opinion on the subject is entirely uninformed.
Because I agree with the majority you mean?

It's hardly been a successful basis for government in the past, has it? And now North Korea, one of the few communist countries around, is impoverished whilst old Kim is left suspiciously rich despite the supposed 'equality' everyone is supposed to receive.

South Korea meanwhile is shit-hot rich (comparatively to the North at least, although they're well off in their own right) and maintains at least some form of relationship with other countries.

North Korea has nothing to do with Communism. Instead, they have a "Juche" policy of self-reliance. Please, do your research before making such claims. While they previously claimed to be Communist, Communism is a stateless, classless, democratic and egalitarian society. North Korea has never resembled that. Ever. Neither has the USSR or any "Communist state" (the term itself is a misnomer).
Oh yes, of course. I've got a feeling whatever example I give will develop a similar response.

Communism has been tried and doesn't work. Even if its never truly happened, that proves still that it doesn't work. Its been attempted after all, but if its never fully realised one would consider there to be flaws within the theory.

And why the hell would you want to be equal to everyone else? There's no such thing, nor will there be.

Oh and a nitpick here but in Communism everything is run/owned by the state.
Thank you for completely dismissing everything I've just said. You have no idea what you're talking about, and as such I will no longer continue this argument.

Akai Shizuku

New member
Jul 24, 2009
Harley Q said:
Does Cuba count as a communist country? I know that it is technically defined as a socialist state, but I'm just curious.
It does not. Communism is a stateless, classless, egalitarian and democratic society. Sadly, this has never existed in recorded history.

Additionally, Fidel Castro himself stated that he wanted Cuba to be socialist, but not Communist.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
Mr. Valentine said:
Harley Q said:
Well in my school I was suspended for "Canoodling in the corridor" Yes really. My boyfriend gave me a kiss on the cheek (the cheek on my face) before I went to class. So he, being on the school rugby team didn't get into trouble. I got bloody suspended.
(im verry sorry for this joke, it sucks, but i HAVE to)I DIDNT KNOW THE JOKER PLAYED RUGBY! (just going by your account name, again, forgive my crappy joke)
Er.....she said her boyfriend plays rugby, not her...


New member
May 24, 2009
A non mention on the internet, so when i mentioned it on facebook i was almost thrown out.
My school is in USA... new york way, kind of famous, big, good grades...
Jun 26, 2009
In my primary school (it was i private school) In year 5 I got sent to the heads office, after school detention and suspended for a week for 'sniggering in class' By a supply teacher I was so pissed off I got my dad (strictest guy in the world to shout at the supply and the head he was soo loud i could hear it from my classroom on the other side of the school i never saw the supply again and the haed was scared of me.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
yes but they itch like hell and what the hell do you mean no bullying?
Do people really bully you because your shirt is a different colour?


New member
Mar 13, 2009
DuplicateValue said:
Mr. Valentine said:
Harley Q said:
Well in my school I was suspended for "Canoodling in the corridor" Yes really. My boyfriend gave me a kiss on the cheek (the cheek on my face) before I went to class. So he, being on the school rugby team didn't get into trouble. I got bloody suspended.
(im verry sorry for this joke, it sucks, but i HAVE to)I DIDNT KNOW THE JOKER PLAYED RUGBY! (just going by your account name, again, forgive my crappy joke)
Er.....she said her boyfriend plays rugby, not her...
the joker is a guy and her name is harley thingy and joker is with the harley thingy. He said I didnt know the joker "harleys boyfriend" plays rugby


New member
Jun 17, 2009
If you have to write a report, none of your sources can be from a url that ends in ".com" or ".net". Also you cannot use wikipedia. It sucks.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
ninjajoeman said:
DuplicateValue said:
Mr. Valentine said:
Harley Q said:
Well in my school I was suspended for "Canoodling in the corridor" Yes really. My boyfriend gave me a kiss on the cheek (the cheek on my face) before I went to class. So he, being on the school rugby team didn't get into trouble. I got bloody suspended.
(im verry sorry for this joke, it sucks, but i HAVE to)I DIDNT KNOW THE JOKER PLAYED RUGBY! (just going by your account name, again, forgive my crappy joke)
Er.....she said her boyfriend plays rugby, not her...
the joker is a guy and her name is harley thingy and joker is with the harley thingy. He said I didnt know the joker "harleys boyfriend" plays rugby
And so my lack of Batman knowledge is exposed... :D

Seriously, I know fuck all about batman. xD

Sorry about that.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
One of the main reasons that American schools are failing is a focus on school regulations, and discipline rather than ACTUAL learning or teaching. Their willing to take their sweet time to make sure that all the students aren't wearing gang clothes, aren't chewing gum, are all wearing "regulation clothing", and are all looking nice and pretty for the school board (so they can get their lousy funding) but can't be bothered to get off their ass and teach math or science. We teach kids to pass scantron tests, as opposed to preparing them for higher education, so that school can get funding. This sort of anal retentive bureaucracy is what's really going to dumb down the next generation. Funding shouldn't be an issue, this is education we're talking about. Worst of all, funding shouldn't be based on whether or not a school is doing "good" based on the arbitrary standards of a scantron test.

The AI

New member
Jun 24, 2009
Turtling (turning someone's backpack inside out) is punishable by a referral.

You can't wear anything that can be percieved as a weapon. This includes studded belts. Seriously, the Vice Principal stopped one of my best friends in the hallway to take his belt because of this.

Girls' straps must be at least two fingers wide. I never understood these rules. HOW THE HELL CAN SHOULDERS MAKE SOMEONE HORNY?! When I see a female's shoulder, I don't think "MMM SEXY." I think "...It's a shoulder."

Skirts can't be "too short." Although, this is slightly funny since most of the girls who get stopped for skirt length are complete sluts (I don't mean to offend anyone, but it's just what they are).

Oh, and my English teacher keeps threatening me with a referral because I put my head down on the desk... but others do too and she doesn't notice. o_o


New member
Oct 15, 2008
The AI said:
Girls' straps must be at least two fingers wide. I never understood these rules. HOW THE HELL CAN SHOULDERS MAKE SOMEONE HORNY?! When I see a female's shoulder, I don't think "MMM SEXY." I think "...It's a shoulder."
Thin straps could be easily broken by a couple of idiot guys or girls, then there is potentially nothing holding the shirt up. It's just a way to cover their asses.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
In one of my classes, after my friend and I had finished our tests, we played Rock-Paper-Scissors for fun. The teacher got angry and told us to stop. He allows iPods, cellphones, and food, but don't you dare play rock paper scissors.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
In my high school, we have uniforms in the form of polos and dress pants. It had been put in place last year, with a 'solid-color polo only' rule. First off, a stripe around the inside of a collar is enough to get you detention; I ask thee, Escapist, WTF? Secondly solid-color polos are surprisingly hard to find, having to get most of them off the internet because the school doesn't sell them. Thirdly, you couldn't have a visible label. You know those tiny embroidered butterflies or deer on polos? Yeah, those are apparently seriously offensive. We had to cover them with tape or a sticker or a sarcastic pin, which is obviously better than a silvery butterfly outline.

Now then, this year we can;t have ANY labels at all, covered or not. Where in God's name do you find labelless solid-color polos, you ask. I haven't an answer. And the worst thing is, they didn't tell anyone about this rule. The douchebag vice principal just rounded up the kids (myself included) walking in on the first day who had their labels covered with dinosaur stickers and sent write-up forms to all their teachers and parents, making them change their hideously obscene attire; but he refused to let anyone go home and change, instead making us all wear hideously oversized shirts they had in some scuzzy back closet.

The sad/hilarious/insane thing? You can still wear whatever pins and stickers you want, they just can't be covering a label.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Cleverplane said:
This one requires some explanation.
In my high school, we have uniforms in the form of polos and dress pants. It had been put in place last year, with a 'solid-color polo only' rule. First off, a stripe around the inside of a collar is enough to get you detention; I ask thee, Escapist, WTF? Secondly solid-color polos are surprisingly hard to find, having to get most of them off the internet. Thirdly, you couldn't have a visible label. You know those tiny embroidered butterflies or deer on polos? Yeah, those are apparently seriously offensive. We had to cover them with tape or a sticker or a sarcastic pin, which is obviously better than a silvery butterfly outline.

Now then, this year we can;t have ANY labels at all, covered or not. Where in God's name do you find labelless solid-color polos, you ask. I haven't an answer. And the worst thing is, they didn't tell anyone about this rule. The douchebag vice principal just rounded up the kids (myself included) walking in on the first day who had their labels covered with dinosaur stickers and sent write-up forms to all their teachers and parents, making them change their hideously obscene attire; but he refused to let anyone go home and change, instead making us all wear hideously oversized shirts they had in some scuzzy back closet.

The sad/hilarious/insane thing? You can still wear whatever pins and stickers you want, they just can't be covering a label.
Same here, except we have to have a certain BRAND of uniform, down to the f@*king label. And to boot, they are about the same price as a trip to disneyland for a pair of these f@*king Neo-Nazi uniforms. One teacher can tell by the color of you buttons, if its off slighlty, your screwed.

The rest is annoying because I see everyone get away with it. PDA's for example. apparently, holding hands is like sex in the hallway, but I counted 3 people sucking face in the hallway that the teacher would have had to pass to get to me.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Used to go to a Catholic School.

- You couldn't wear a necklace unless it had a cross.
- You had to take religious Education as a subject.
- You had to pray in Assembles and at the end of the day.
- Mass (communion) is compulsory and cannot be avoided.
- If you arrived late you had to do mass during lunchtime.

Fricking shove the bible down our throats while you're at it!


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Hyperactiveman said:
Used to go to a Catholic School.

- You couldn't wear a necklace unless it had a cross.
- You had to take religious Education as a subject.
- You had to pray in Assembles and at the end of the day.
- Mass (communion) is compulsory and cannot be avoided.
- If you arrived late you had to do mass during lunchtime.

Fricking shove the bible down our throats while you're at it!
>Used to go to a Catholic School.
>go to a Catholic School.
>Catholic School.

I think there may be some relationship that includes the Bible there...


New member
Dec 8, 2008
My old high school's cellphone policy was very confused. One rule said that we weren't allowed to be in possession of one from 6 a.m. to 4p.m., even though the hours had been 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. since 1940. And a further on in the handbook, it said that we could keep them in our cars or lockers. So are they banned or not? Nobody knows. Seriously, I asked a teacher, the resource officer, the principal, and even a School Board member my dad knew, and none of really knew.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Food in class? Five dollar fine.
Socks too short? Five dollar fine.
Collar unbuttoned? Five dollar fine.
Shirt untucked? Five dollar fine
Cell-phone in class? A whopping 25 bucks.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
In my rule book it actualy Says no Man Slaughter of any degree on school property!!

It also says no rape on school grounds.