Wow. You just got me to choose between Papers Please and XCOM: Enemy Within. Then after a bit of fairly easy voting, you got me to choose between Papers Please and The Last of Us. Those were both the hard choices, but in the end, both times I went with the first. AAA industry is just burnt out for me, I have most of AAA 2013 titles, and I only finished Bioshock: Infinite, TLOU, and Beyond (well, I consider it an AAA game, and I liked it actually), the rest just sit there beaten halfway or even only a quarter way through.
Meanwhile, Papers Please managed to become engaging, thought provoking, and clicked on all the right cylinders in my "your choices matter" brain. Actually, this also describes The Stanley Parable (2013), my actual GOTY 2013. Yay small developers I guess, you know more on what's going on than most big studios out there.
For 2014: Witcher 3 and Murdered: Soul Suspect please be good ;[