

New member
Apr 12, 2012
Usually wear a pair even if the clouds are up my eyes do not adjust very well in any conditions.
But I do love the badass feel I get from throwing on a nice pair of shades.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Contact lenses give me bad headaches, so I haven't been able to wear sunglasses until recently, when I got some prescription ones.

They're nice, but since they're big women's sunglasses, the lenses are also really heavy and thick. Still better than nothing, living in Texas where my eyes practically burst into flames when I step outside.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I wear glasses for seeing, so I either can't see due to lack of sight or I can't see 'cos the sun is in my eyes.

Shades over glasses makes you look like a fucking muppet. I could get contacts but I don't want to poke myself in the eye every morning.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
I only have two pairs, if you can count it at that more like one and a half.

One is an aesthetically awesome pair of Harley Davidson shades. But since I wear prescription glasses those are only for when I'm out with my contacts, which isn't often.

Otherwise I keep a nice set of clip-ons that fit onto of my glasses and they lack the bar in the middle so it turns my normal pair into a natural look shades. I'm a big fan of clip-ons but I hate clip-ons with bars across the bridge, makes it look so unnatural at least to me.

I use the latter when the sun is just at the right angle that its right in my eyes while I'm driving, and is my most used pair.

The other is when I just want to look like a badass.

Suave Charlie

Pleasant Bastard
Sep 23, 2009
Don't currently really use them but in 2 weeks going for laser eye surgery and the optician and my mum (who has had the surgery herself) told me that I'll be somewhat more sensitive to bright light so recommended getting some.
Probably just gonna go to river island and get the sort of pair that every other person has in summer.. not massively bothered by the aesthetic or anything.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I need to, my eyes don't work properly, how bad? Well the doc didn't need to use the drops when inspecting my eyes so, he recommended sunglasses to stop them from melting.

Lev The Red

New member
Aug 5, 2011
i need them. my left eye's cornea is scarred, so it's especially photo-sensitive.

because of that, i dislike when people wear them solely as a fashion statement.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Ha ! This thread reminds me of


As for myself - i have some sort of sickness or sh*t. Sun hurts my eyes pretty badly so yeah, i really need sunglasses. Fortunately (or not) around here the weather reminds Twilight movie, so...


New member
May 23, 2010
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
They allow me to be outside in the lovely sun without frying my retinas, so I love them.
I also like the aesthtic.
And I can look where I want without people knowing.
We know Jonluw. We know.

I don't have any sunglasses, but I like the Lennon specs.
Looking at your name, it seems like you'd need some.
I mean, I look at... things... and the worst thing I'll get is a slap across the face.

You might end up with some jailtime, mate.
I don't get it. Did you just call me a pedophile or something?
Well, I'm not calling you anything specific as such...

It's just that your username might be interpreted as referencing something you didn't intend it to.

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
Jonluw said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
They allow me to be outside in the lovely sun without frying my retinas, so I love them.
I also like the aesthtic.
And I can look where I want without people knowing.
We know Jonluw. We know.

I don't have any sunglasses, but I like the Lennon specs.
Looking at your name, it seems like you'd need some.
I mean, I look at... things... and the worst thing I'll get is a slap across the face.

You might end up with some jailtime, mate.
I don't get it. Did you just call me a pedophile or something?
Well, I'm not calling you anything specific as such...

It's just that your username might be interpreted as referencing something you didn't intend it to.
It's not meant to be referencing to anything. Does it reference something incriminating? I wouldn't last in jail I'm too pretty.


New member
Jun 3, 2011
StriderShinryu said:
I absolutely love them and have spent way more on a pair of sunglasses than I have on any other article of clothing, including things like full blown winter jackets or boots. Not that you need to spend a lot to get nice ones, but at the time the style I loved was only available as a higher end version.

For me, I suppose there is a mix of form and function.. but form definitely is more important given that baseline functionality is pretty much the same across the board.

My personal favourite pair: Oakley A Wire 2.0s with red iridum lenses and gunmetal frames. So nice.
my favourites are also oakleys. what style are yours? aviators? mine is. my pair is a oakley crosshair v2.

 i feel like such a badass walking down the street with these on.


New member
May 23, 2010
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
They allow me to be outside in the lovely sun without frying my retinas, so I love them.
I also like the aesthtic.
And I can look where I want without people knowing.
We know Jonluw. We know.

I don't have any sunglasses, but I like the Lennon specs.
Looking at your name, it seems like you'd need some.
I mean, I look at... things... and the worst thing I'll get is a slap across the face.

You might end up with some jailtime, mate.
I don't get it. Did you just call me a pedophile or something?
Well, I'm not calling you anything specific as such...

It's just that your username might be interpreted as referencing something you didn't intend it to.
It's not meant to be referencing to anything. Does it reference something incriminating? I wouldn't last in jail I'm too pretty.
Google image search.
Try searching for "loli".

You may or may not want to use safesearch.


New member
Jun 3, 2011
Raven said:
My life would not be complete without a decent pair of aviators...

But seeing as I lack a pair, i can only conclude that my life sucks... Plus we are having a rather good bit of sun here in the UK right now... Which makes my lack of aviators even more apparent.

I've also learned the value of spending a decent amount of money on a pair... You actually do get what you pay for...
yeah... cheap sunglasses are one of the worst things you can spend money on. my friend bought some sunglasses, and he found that the screws inside were plastic. a nice pair of aviators look better than any gold chain or nice pair of shoes.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Auninteligentname said:
I'm quite close to a vampire. I may not burn, but my eyes hate the sun. Sunglasses are a must when going out into the sun.
Me too. Sometimes, I even have to wear sunglasses on a cloudy day.

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
Jonluw said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
They allow me to be outside in the lovely sun without frying my retinas, so I love them.
I also like the aesthtic.
And I can look where I want without people knowing.
We know Jonluw. We know.

I don't have any sunglasses, but I like the Lennon specs.
Looking at your name, it seems like you'd need some.
I mean, I look at... things... and the worst thing I'll get is a slap across the face.

You might end up with some jailtime, mate.
I don't get it. Did you just call me a pedophile or something?
Well, I'm not calling you anything specific as such...

It's just that your username might be interpreted as referencing something you didn't intend it to.
It's not meant to be referencing to anything. Does it reference something incriminating? I wouldn't last in jail I'm too pretty.
Google image search.
Try searching for "loli".

You may or may not want to use safesearch.
I was on the page for less than a second and I knew something wasn't right. I had safe search on. The internet is a bad place without safe search.


New member
May 23, 2010
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
Jonluw said:
They allow me to be outside in the lovely sun without frying my retinas, so I love them.
I also like the aesthtic.
And I can look where I want without people knowing.
We know Jonluw. We know.

I don't have any sunglasses, but I like the Lennon specs.
Looking at your name, it seems like you'd need some.
I mean, I look at... things... and the worst thing I'll get is a slap across the face.

You might end up with some jailtime, mate.
I don't get it. Did you just call me a pedophile or something?
Well, I'm not calling you anything specific as such...

It's just that your username might be interpreted as referencing something you didn't intend it to.
It's not meant to be referencing to anything. Does it reference something incriminating? I wouldn't last in jail I'm too pretty.
Google image search.
Try searching for "loli".

You may or may not want to use safesearch.
I was on the page for less than a second and I knew something wasn't right. I had safe search on. The internet is a bad place without safe search.
I think the word you're looking for is "good" place.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Love them. I wear them all the time, but unfortunately I just lost my nicest looking pair-- a set of reflective Aviator shades. You know, kind of like everyone's favorite metal alloy shapeshifter played by one of my favorite actors.

I bought a cheaper pair of similar ones, but the lenses are too large. They just don't feel right.