Superman gets too much shit (And underrated heroes in general)

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
NuclearShadow said:
Since when is Batman a superhero? Wouldn't that imply that he has super powers? I know economic times are tough but we are mentally stable enough still to realize the wealthy aren't super humans, right? Kidding aside Batman isn't a super hero he is simply a hero. Now that is out of the way...

Superman is one of the worst comic book characters to ever exist. I would argue that he isn't even a hero at all. A hero is a person that puts some sort of risk to themselves for a good cause. Superman just doesn't have this threat to himself. I don't know if the current comics still follow this line but even kryptonite at one point became beneficial to him! Removing his one weakness that was never a large enough weakness to ever actually ever stop him
more than a short period of time anyways.
If there was ever proof that you have never read a single Superman comic in your life, it's that you just said Superman isn't risking himself in his battles. He's NOT invincible. He CAN be hurt. His loved ones can be hurt. He DIED for a while. There are numerous stories about the consequences of Superman's heroics. There are many beings in the DCU far stronger than he is. Green kryptonite doesn't take away his powers (that's red sunlight that does that), it just kills him, slowly and painfully. So any time kryptonite comes into play, his life is very much in danger. Don't try to discuss things you clearly know NOTHING about.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
(PREFACE: My experience and knowledge of the Superman universe, plot and mythos are limited. Feel free to correct any mistakes made. Just don't be an asshole about it.)

Superman is without a doubt the best superhero. But because of this, he sucks at being the central character in a story.

Giving him so many powers and only one weakness makes literally everything a non-issue with him, unless of course Badguy X finds himself with a shard of Superman's exploded home planet. How does so much Kryptonite even get to Earth, let alone in such high capacity?

You don't really get 'the fight' with Superman. With roughly any other superhero, they actually have to beat the villain, and it's at least a little bit of a struggle to do so. In Superman's case, the battle is just filler because there's no threat to him. Unless of course Kryptonite is involved, making the only true villains in Superman those who have access to it, and that's just kind of limiting in terms of narrative. It makes me feel like all of the meaningful fights in the series are the same fight told differently.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
EcoEclipse said:
(PREFACE: My experience and knowledge of the Superman universe, plot and mythos are limited. Feel free to correct any mistakes made. Just don't be an asshole about it.)

Superman is without a doubt the best superhero. But because of this, he sucks at being the central character in a story.

Giving him so many powers and only one weakness makes literally everything a non-issue with him, unless of course Badguy X finds himself with a shard of Superman's exploded home planet. How does so much Kryptonite even get to Earth, let alone in such high capacity?

You don't really get 'the fight' with Superman. With roughly any other superhero, they actually have to beat the villain, and it's at least a little bit of a struggle to do so. In Superman's case, the battle is just filler because there's no threat to him. Unless of course Kryptonite is involved, making the only true villains in Superman those who have access to it, and that's just kind of limiting in terms of narrative. It makes me feel like all of the meaningful fights in the series are the same fight told differently.
No worries. you don't know much about the character apparently which is fine. When it boils down to it Kryptonite is something incredibly rare and something that shows up once every couple of years and is usually a big deal when it does show up.

A big thing about Superman comics is teh importance of his supporting cast. Superman is importaint in the story but so is "Clark solving a mystery, Lois working on a story, Jimmy, Clarks parents and his relationship with his friends and other super heroes. There are lots of stories with no fighting at all in them.

And when he does fight, sometimes its about defeating a powerful enemy, and sometimes its about more than the fight, something else is going on.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Winnosh said:
Eddie the head said:
Winnosh said:
Red solar radiation.
So the doppler effect? It's at this point that I notice how silly comic book writing can be.
Remember comic books don't run on Science they run on !!!SCIENCE!!!
That or we could all start making fun of him because he is weakened by star light. I mean when you think about it. . it's kind of funny.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Eddie the head said:
Winnosh said:
Eddie the head said:
Winnosh said:
Red solar radiation.
So the doppler effect? It's at this point that I notice how silly comic book writing can be.
Remember comic books don't run on Science they run on !!!SCIENCE!!!
That or we could all start making fun of him because he is weakened by star light. I mean when you think about it. . it's kind of funny.
And gets supercharged by Blue starlight


New member
Jun 12, 2009
You're not the only one. Supes and I are old friends, and he's my favorite of the founding DC heroes.

In terms of your question, Blue Beetle deserves far more than he gets. Any incarnation really.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
My only problem with Superman is that the only ways that something can only cause tension in his stories are if:

A. They are just as stupidly strong and they have a big punch-up for an entire comic run...


B. They have Kryptonite stuck up their arse and he has to heroically overcome it or be taken prisoner only to overcome it some time later.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Waaghpowa said:
And I find this guy one of the worst characters in comics history. Someone who started out as a great idea but lost every ounce of story potential and in the end most fans were glad he got killed off and wished it had happened sooner.

Then we get a horrible funeral issue with all the characters telling us how wonderful he was. Oh and he totaly got to take Rogue's virginity And was so much better than every other Marvel hero and they all looked up to him, and he we'll all be sorry he's dead. *eyerolls*


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Dangit2019 said:
My only problem with Superman is that the only ways that something can only cause tension in his stories are if:

A. They are just as stupidly strong and they have a big punch-up for an entire comic run...


B. They have Kryptonite stuck up their arse and he has to heroically overcome it or be taken prisoner only to overcome it some time later.
Nope that doesn't describe superman comics. They simply aren't like that.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
Winnosh said:
Dangit2019 said:
My only problem with Superman is that the only ways that something can only cause tension in his stories are if:

A. They are just as stupidly strong and they have a big punch-up for an entire comic run...


B. They have Kryptonite stuck up their arse and he has to heroically overcome it or be taken prisoner only to overcome it some time later.
Nope that doesn't describe superman comics. They simply aren't like that.
Perhaps I should mention that my experience is of the shows (which most were somewhat shite).


Dec 24, 2011
Agow95 said:
his disguise is terrible, he wears glasses and suddenly who the hell is that guy?
Ya, he also flies through the air super fast hundreds/thousands of feet above their heads, hence:

It's a bird...
It's a plane...

plus it stands to reason that 99% of the people in Metropolis don't even know Clark Kent and therefore wouldn't recognize him anyway if they did see him in plain view.

And in case you never noticed he also changes his voice somewhat.


New member
May 5, 2011
I don't know. He's just kind of boring. No character flaws, no weaknesses other than Kryptonite, and a whole bucketload of powers. Not to mention his double life never really seems to bother him. There's nothing in him that makes him seem human. I mean sure, I'm sure if you dig through the comics you'll find something, but his general basis is that he has no flaws.

He can do anything. He's the superhero of superheros. He was made in an era when people wanted to read about Mr. Perfect. To be honest, I think just about any do-gooder Joe Schmuck who was 3 inches short of invincible could do the exact same thing he does. Superman as a character never really seems to rise above his superpowers.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Winnosh said:
Waaghpowa said:
And I find this guy one of the worst characters in comics history. Someone who started out as a great idea but lost every ounce of story potential and in the end most fans were glad he got killed off and wished it had happened sooner.

Then we get a horrible funeral issue with all the characters telling us how wonderful he was. Oh and he totaly got to take Rogue's virginity And was so much better than every other Marvel hero and they all looked up to him, and he we'll all be sorry he's dead. *eyerolls*
Nowhere near as bad as this guy. Also sometimes "more interesting" doesn't necessarily mean good.


Senior Member
May 4, 2011
Ya know wat bothers me is that I know people who dislike Superman, and even Captain America for one reason....they are sincere.

They are men with more traditional values and they legitimately believe in goodness and justice....and people mock them for that. It's sad that our society is so cynical that a person actually believeing in right and wrong, an also holding traditional values(and not pushing them on others) makes them unbelievable.


New member
May 7, 2009
Soxafloppin said:
To be honest 90% of people who talk shit about Superman have never read a Superman comic.

Anyone who says hes overpowered probably doesn't know that many Super-heros.
After reading this thread, I think the number's closer to 99.9%.

I've also noticed there's a lot of people who confuse edginess with depth.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I don't like Superman for pretty much the reasons mentioned. Difference is at the end of the day, I weigh up the pros and cons and come down in opposition. I don't like that his powers are explained by him being an alien, which is alright in itself, but looklike a bit of a cheap way out when you consider that they look the f***ing same as humans and it is an excuse for being able to do everything under the sun. Secondly, the powers. I like situational powers, or targeted powers, or themed powers, or having to put some effort in. I don't like just "Oh, well, this guy can lift anything, shoot lasers from his eyes, is pretty much invincible, can fly, turns back f***ing time when he really wants..." No. That's just boring. There's no challenge to using his powers and no reason to innovate because he's like a Swiss army knife in a superhero, and we all know that you don't use the knife for writing if there's already a pen. Third, and finally, I just...don't like cheesy, and corny, and saving the day without a care for your own safety like it's just because you're a good guy. Maybe it's migrant work ethic, but I don't buy it as an actual organism that could actually think, and the stupid grin...! that is in that picture of him in the OP exemplifies this.

So f*** Superman, Batman all the way.

PS: I'm reminded of two things I saw in Superman movies. That one time where he has a bomb and he's not going to put it anywhere because there's a band and a family of ducks around. That's not being a nice guy, that's being f***ing irresponsible. I don't want a superhero that's going to risk letting a bomb go off because of a family of ducks, and I think they're adorable. The other time is when there was a factory on fire, and Superman goes to the nearest lake and just blows on it to freeze it, picks it up (by the very f***ing edge, as if it was magic unbreakable ice), then drops it on the factory and...saves the day. Won't sacrifice a few ducks for a bomb, but f*** fish, and everything else in that lake. And of course, it wouldn't just f***ing melt into a giant sprinkler, with a lake, you'd probably crush the factory and everyone in it before you got any decent defrosting happening. It's just so corny that it makes me want to poke my eyeballs out with a fork.