Supporters of trump storm congress.

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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
I told you this would happen. Any country with lots of guns is a powderkeg. If it's them vs the left in a civil war, against liberal college students like my fellow classmates who signed at me even saying the phrase shot themselves in the foot(meaning undermine), we will lose if we don't have the military on our side.

Also hey Biden where are your supporters at??? Where is the center-right to center-left at??? If it was Bernie there would be a counter-revolution/protest/riot. And no I am not going to die for Biden, Bernie yes, Biden no.

As for the protesters, they better not touch Bernie or any actual progressive democrats(AOC, etc.). Because some of us are armed too.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
I told you this would happen. Any country with lots of guns is a powderkeg. If it's them vs the left in a civil war, against liberal college students like my fellow classmates who signed at me even saying the phrase shot themselves in the foot(meaning undermine), we will lose if we don't have the military on our side.

Also hey Biden where are your supporters at??? Where is the center-right to center-left at??? If it was Bernie there would be a counter-revolution/protest/riot. And no I am not going to die for Biden, Bernie yes, Biden no.

As for the protesters, they better not touch Bernie or any actual progressive democrats(AOC, etc.). Because some of us are armed too.
Gergar, I understand but we need to disengage this thought right now.

One person has died. You can be sure that others would have been happy to add to this tally if they had suitable targets.

Let the loonies mob and make a mockery of what they supposedly hold dear. We have the legal system for them. And now that there is a death, I do not think anything will go well from this point on for them. We do not give them a reason. We fight with our minds and principles first. Weapons are the absolute last, last, LAST resort. And for protection only.

Adam Jensen

Elite Member
Apr 3, 2020
They no longer have the high ground. Pretty sure Fox News is making them to be peaceful disgruntled protestors.
They never had the high ground. Right wing extremism has been on the rise for decades. The GOP is a party of racists and domestic terrorists.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
One person's view moments before the woman got shot.

They had the safety of a door, barricaded by a couch or something, and they shot through all those obstacles to someone who wasn't a danger to them.

Also, they're removing Trump's tweets



Elite Member
Feb 13, 2009
United Kingdom
Does it really matter?
Pretty much. Also the woman who was shot has died so now there is a body count. We shall see how things develop now that the curfew is in effect. I'll bet most of these people will disperse and there will be nothing tomorrow, but we will probably see something else like this on inauguration day.
Sadly your probably right. Even more so a Trump will still be egging them on until the family ceases to exist.

But after this I thinking that the Biden/Harris inauguration will most likely be held behind closed doors, in a secure location.

I told you this would happen. Any country with lots of guns is a powderkeg. If it's them vs the left in a civil war, against liberal college students like my fellow classmates who signed at me even saying the phrase shot themselves in the foot(meaning undermine), we will lose if we don't have the military on our side.

Also hey Biden where are your supporters at??? Where is the center-right to center-left at??? If it was Bernie there would be a counter-revolution/protest/riot. And no I am not going to die for Biden, Bernie yes, Biden no.

As for the protesters, they better not touch Bernie or any actual progressive democrats(AOC, etc.). Because some of us are armed too.
Most of the rest of the civilised world has been expecting this to happen in the US for decades, especially with the Republican's love of the 2nd amendment over everything else.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
We're talking about deprogramming for simply millions of people. How does one even begin tackling that?
Perception, and a failure of people to mix with different people, is an important factor. But leaders also matter. The Republicans wouldn't have bubbled over without Trump. A Rubio as president would almost certainly have kept things level. They ask how did the Germans end up murdering the Jews. Probably just Hitler. They put their faith in him, and once that was done, he could use that faith to move them to greater extremes that met his ends, because people would not want to admit error and break faith. Ultimately, that atrocity was his will, and he moved a distinctly more ambivalent people to it.

This is the danger that often happens when leaders seek to take advantage by embracing extremes. They often end up reinforcing them. Craziness will always continue via the darker reaches of the internet. But it requires mainstream voice to go further. It would probably take senior Republican leaders and media to agree to dampen things down. But I said above - they've seen that Trumpism is a route to power. Some of the newer politicians are True Believers and will almost certainly continue the struggle, and even if not, chances are at least one politician will choose ambition on the back of conflict. Fox and OAN etc. want money, and they earn money by catering to their viewers. So the movement will continue. Really, who becomes the new inspirational "leader" they rally around? Probably depends on that. Is it Trump 2.0 (except almost certainly more competent), or someone who rejects that approach?

We might get some idea when the dust settles in the next few days. Storming the Capitol is a shocker: it could appal enough conservatives to drive a backlash against Trumpism. It might be embraced and a clarion call to more direct action.

Many of us saw something like this coming - that Trump would break down norms, damage institutions, and increasingly polarise and antagonise the USA's internal conflict. So he has, and this is evidence enough. I would happily admit, however, I did not think it would go so low as the president urging a mob to assault the legislature.
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It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Finally they're removing Trump's tweets. A few years too late, but I'll take it.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I think at this juncture it would be justified to remove Trump, whether via impeachment or - preferably - executive removal by the cabinet that he is not able to discharge his duties.

Sure, he's only got fourteen days left. But even if were one day, I think it would be an appropriate statement to make.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
If Trump pardons any of them, he will be declaring war on congressional republicans as well as democrats. It's one thing for a lone crazed Bernie Supporter to attack congress during baseball, it's another for 100,000 Republicans who love Trump to attack all of congress in the Rotunda.

As for the legal system good luck convicting any of them if Trump pardons them.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
This why you never let a biatch-in-a-boxstand in charge. You get stupid shit like this. A bunch dumb pricks and hicks throwing the biggest trantrum in human history. Remember, you wanted this. Those who voted him in office cuz, "my/our vote does not matter!", "Voting never makes a difference!", "No side is better than the other!", "Trump is funny! Hilary is a liar!", "He's a good Chistian!", "He's protecting us from the Mexicans or Muslims!". Cowardly fools who can never takes repsonsiblity and are entitled dochebags.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
They had the safety of a door, barricaded by a couch or something, and they shot through all those obstacles to someone who wasn't a danger to them
Besieged Federal Agents protected US Federal property from trespassing terrorists after they stormed a Government building.
There, fixed it for you.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008

The left tried to tell you this was going to happen. But muh electorialism.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
No it doesn't. And thanks for admitting you purposefully mischaracterized the situation in an attempt to defend terrorists. We can now add Pro-Terrorist to your glowing list of recommendation, including but not limited to Sexist, Willfully Uneducated, and admitted Liar. Edit: Also Nazi
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Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
No it doesn't.
Then you must not have been paying attention to all the BLM riots, because that's how multiple people, including people here, defending the destruction of property. "It's just property! It's not as if it's close to the value of a human life, which was taken from us! You shan't dare compare one to the other!"

you purposefully mischaracterized the situation in an attempt to defend terrorists.
I didn't, actually.

What are you doing now?
Discussing current events.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
No it doesn't. And thanks for admitting you purposefully mischaracterized the situation in an attempt to defend terrorists. We can now add Pro-Terrorist to your glowing list of recommendation, including but not limited to Sexist, Willfully Uneducated, and admitted Liar.
And Nazi, don't forget he wants Trump to have his own secret police.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
I hope the twats/moderate republicans in Utah, Ohio, and elsewhere who voted for Trump in 2016 are happy. My taxes lol. Your stock portfolio is about to dip a lot more, and given that many have invested in long-term treasuries/US bonds for their retirement, I hope they know that because of this stunt we will likely suffer a lowering of our financial credibility as a country which will lower the number of people buying US treasuries.

And for those referring to my statement where I stated it's good to have low local taxes and state taxes. Let me explain. My local taxes yes do go to the fire department, and local government officials, and good stuff but it also goes to my wealthy local school district via property taxes which in my opinion should go to the federal, and state levels. It's basically redlining 2.0. My local property taxes gatekeep away minorities, and working-class people who need good schools in exchange for wealthy immigrants, and the middle to the upper class. The taxes themselves go to my school district instead of to Columbus City Schools where some schools don't even have AC or heating.

As for state taxes, it's designed for republicans to fuck abortion clinics, planned parenthood, fund fossil fuels like fracking, and generally do non-good things. Some of it does good to good people like the Ohio Department of Health, and etc. But a lot goes to republican things I don't agree with.

Federal Taxes on the other hand go towards yes the military, and NSA but also Medicaid, Medicare, Social society security, NIH, EPA, Department of Labour, and etc.
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