Survey: Kids Hate Earth But Love Videogames


New member
Nov 29, 2008
What do they expect? Children to volenteer manual labor of planting trees & flowers & picking up garbage without getting paid? Children don;t like to invest in activities that don;t offer an immidiate & visable reward.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
What I want to know is if they separated the results into age groups, because naturally a 5-7 year old isn't going to care too much about the environment.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
PayJ567 said:
I'm mildly concious of how much energy I waste. I'm not a green nut but I recycle turn things off at the plug and what not. So I do my bit. I'm sure if EVERYONE did as much as me there wouldn't be a problem... but then I don't drive or anything so it doesn't really count.
Yup. Same here.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
HT_Black said:
Damn...when I was in school (not too long ago, mind), any kid who'd said video games were more important than protecting the environment would've spent recess having the snot beat out of them by the rest of the class before being forced to eat pages from their own notebooks. What is wrong with these little weirdos? Avatar can't have f****d with them that badly...
I dunno, that sounds pretty messed up to me. When I was a kid, nothing we did at school caused us to get the snot beaten out of us and get things force fed to us. Maybe because we weren't psychotic violent nutbags?

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
Delusibeta said:
Kajin said:
They're kids. Saving the world is a grown up thing. Let them be kids just a little while longer. Is that too much to ask? We don't need the next generation becoming world weary before they even need to be.
To be blunt, I couldn't have said it better myself.
I was gonna reply myself, but yeah, this sums it up nicely.

If someone would have come up to me as I was playing Mega Man 2 as a kid, and told me I should be more worried about the environment, I would have stared at them like they were an k-tard. I mean, hell, why not ask some preschoolers to get down to the Gulf and start mopping up oil, instead of fingerpainting?



New member
May 1, 2009
Alar said:
I dunno, that sounds pretty messed up to me. When I was a kid, nothing we did at school caused us to get the snot beaten out of us and get things force fed to us. Maybe because we weren't psychotic violent nutbags?
Bah, kids these days are soft. Back in MY day, spanking was just fine, our parents made us eat our green beans, and if you cried, you just got more of it. D'you know what? We were all tough as nails, and most of us were wrestling horses by high school. We UNDERSTOOD that the planet we lived on was the only one we had, and that we had to take care of it, because country-sized space stations didn't exist yet! We wouldn't stand for some ignorant urbanite screwing it up with their SUV's and their oil refineries...

Also, guess what? If we didn't eat our meat, we couldn't have any pudding! I mean, how could we have any pudding if we didn't eat our meat?! Whaddya say to that, Mr. Kids-should-be-kids?


It just pisses me off, is all. These kids need to get a grip on the state of the world.

I kind of like being able to breath and all that. Call me old-fashioned.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Because being a kid is supposed to be carefree and fun, not being responsible for the long term effects of your parents lifestyles. Although it's good for them to be aware of the state of the Earth, it is not their job to worry about global issues.

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
HT_Black said:
Alar said:
I dunno, that sounds pretty messed up to me. When I was a kid, nothing we did at school caused us to get the snot beaten out of us and get things force fed to us. Maybe because we weren't psychotic violent nutbags?
Bah, kids these days are soft. Back in MY day, spanking was just fine, our parents made us eat our green beans, and if you cried, you just got more of it. D'you know what? We were all tough as nails, and most of us were wrestling horses by high school. We UNDERSTOOD that the planet we lived on was the only one we had, and that we had to take care of it, because country-sized space stations didn't exist yet! We wouldn't stand for some ignorant urbanite screwing it up with their SUV's and their oil refineries...

Also, guess what? If we didn't eat our meat, we couldn't have any pudding! I mean, how could we have any pudding if we didn't eat our meat?! Whaddya say to that, Mr. Kids-should-be-kids?


It just pisses me off, is all. These kids need to get a grip on the state of the world.

I kind of like being able to breath and all that. Call me old-fashioned.
Ok, you're old fashioned.

But seriously, I was raised in a very strict household, in a rural area even, and even I was too busy wondering if G.I.Joe was gonna be able to stop COBRA from completing the Weather Dominator to worry about the real environment...


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
I don't want to help the environment, but I don't want to hurt it either. I don't litter, I recycle but I'm not going to go out of my way to clean up after some retards mess unless it directly affects me. Such as some dick dumping his trash in my yard.


New member
May 15, 2008
...a group of children 5-18, right? What the fuck is a 5 year old going to know about the earth? I think this is just another anti-video game smear campaign.

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
Radelaide said:
...a group of children 5-18, right? What the fuck is a 5 year old going to know about the earth? I think this is just another, especially stupid anti-video game smear campaign.
There, now you got it. ^_^


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
HT_Black said:
Alar said:
I dunno, that sounds pretty messed up to me. When I was a kid, nothing we did at school caused us to get the snot beaten out of us and get things force fed to us. Maybe because we weren't psychotic violent nutbags?
Bah, kids these days are soft. Back in MY day, spanking was just fine, our parents made us eat our green beans, and if you cried, you just got more of it. D'you know what? We were all tough as nails, and most of us were wrestling horses by high school. We UNDERSTOOD that the planet we lived on was the only one we had, and that we had to take care of it, because country-sized space stations didn't exist yet! We wouldn't stand for some ignorant urbanite screwing it up with their SUV's and their oil refineries...

Also, guess what? If we didn't eat our meat, we couldn't have any pudding! I mean, how could we have any pudding if we didn't eat our meat?! Whaddya say to that, Mr. Kids-should-be-kids?


It just pisses me off, is all. These kids need to get a grip on the state of the world.

I kind of like being able to breath and all that. Call me old-fashioned.
Getting a spanking is different than being beaten by lots of people and forced to eat pages from a book (I mean, come on. It's not even clean paper! It's got ink and germs from tons of people touching it!).

I personally approve of spanking, just not beating. I also think that we should be taught at a young age that our destructive activity on the planet will have ramifications, and eventually we will destabilize the ecosystem and destroy a system of life that supports our very habitation on this planet if we don't control our population and our rate of consumption of natural resources.

EDIT: I think that last sentence was a run-on... oh well.


New member
May 14, 2009
I think the majority of people would say they find an activity they enjoy more important than the environment.

It isn't exactly a great shocker.

I found it weird when it said it came from airbus. Are they trying to off-set their carbon emissions by teaching others?


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Kajin said:
They're kids. Saving the world is a grown up thing. Let them be kids just a little while longer. Is that too much to ask? We don't need the next generation becoming world weary before they even need to be.
Much of a treehugger as I am, I agree with Kajin.

The one thing that is sticking in my mind is.....WTF does Airbus have to do with this? They make vehicles that kill people if not seriously screw up their lives and pollute the environment.
And kids who are into saving the environment would not be interested in building planes, since they won't be mechanically inclined to do so in the first place. Or would want to build things that potentially kill people but do pollute the Earth.

It's stuff like this that makes me go to a wall and start slamming my head into it to get rid of the ignorant stupidity that just got shoveled in.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
What I want to know is if they separated the results into age groups, because naturally a 5-7 year old isn't going to care too much about the environment.
Then they wouldn't get the results they wanted so they could shake the finger at (enter escapegoat here). And yes, the e doesn't normally belong there but I put it there. E's makE EvErything bEttEr.
chieften said:
I remember the teacher in elementary school reading a story about a boy who doesnt recycle or take care of the planet. he then has a dream one night where he is transported to the future and he sees mountains of smoke stacks and garbage, fisherman celebrating catching two or three fish after days at sea, and birds that cannot find a safe place to land and rest. he then changes his ways and later after helping a friend plant a pair of trees for earth day, he has a dream about an old man mowing a front yard with two old trees that were planted by the man's grandparents...
I don't know if kids would get the message there, but I know such dreams would get any Freudian psychologist excited.

Luke Cartner

New member
May 6, 2010
Wow shock of shocks children pick an action in side of their control is more important to them than an even outside of there control which has consequences and require effort so complex that even adults have problems figuring out the way forward. Or to put it another way it is possible of all most every child in the survey to save the princess, it is unlikely that is is possible for any of them to save an endangered species with the same level of effort.

Seriously before you go scaring you kids with environmental doom and gloom (as a child of the 80's I remember all those scare mongers telling us when we where kids that fossil fuels were causing global cooling (any one else remember that?) and by the time we where going to have children of our own the world would be a icy wasteland) just stop and think. Maybe it is more important for children to enjoy their childhood without an imaginary sword of Damocles hang over there head.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Anyone else think it's really sad that only 30% of the kids said 'going outside' was their favorite activity? No wonder there's so many fat kids.


Resident Morrowind Fanboy
Aug 10, 2008
It's because they're kids.

They're too young to need to worry about all that crap, they just wanna have fun.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Of course the children are going to choose videogames! why wouldn't they? What child would rather walk around the house turning off plugs and wondering around the streets collecting rubbish over sitting at home with their friends and enjoying a little mario-kart?

A strange one, that's who.