Sweden: Piracy Is Not A Religion


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Haha, that's hilarious! Now I have a reason to be angry at my government for denying people their religion! :D


New member
Mar 6, 2009
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
dashiz94 said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
dashiz94 said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
MortisLegio said:
this just in boats go in the water

OT: this is just stupid... its a joke that seems to have gone to the edge of stupidville and never stopped
want to share files fine but there are consequences and trying to get around them by making a religion is just idiotic and ridiculous
Religions give freedoms that laws don't. The freedom to execute a woman for being raped, stone a dog for being a reincarnated lawyer, or oppress entire generations of people for no better reason than "My imaginary friend said so".
And that folks is the definition of ignorancy.
I don't happen to get your joke. Am I missing something?
You posted misguided and false information in an attempt to debunk all religion without realizing that the only scenarios this occurs in are either third world countries or horribly oppressive governments such as Iran's. Becoming a religion only grants you charity status i.e. you are not taxed by the government (in the U.S. at least, not sure how Europe handles this.) So no, you cannot stone a dog to death or rape a woman because a religion permits you. That's just as ignorant and stupid as saying that Muslims can have sex with infants because the Koran doesn't specify a specific age that is appropriate for sex.
Correct me if I am wrong:

1) Israel (Where the dog was nearly stoned) is not a third-world country or under an oppressive regime.

2) Saudi Arabia (where the women was executed) is not a third-world country, and was the first Arabic nation to allow same-sex unions

3) America is not a third world country, nor an oppressive regime, and yet we continue to use Christianity as a crutch to blow up abortion clinics and deny equal rights to homosexual couples, and as early as 40 years ago, used religion to deny rights to African-Americans.

Religion can be used to suit anyone's need, so why not piracy?
To start, I do have to correct you on something (since you asked). Saudi Arabia IS a third-world country (every country in the Middle East save for Israel is a third world country) and not only is same-sex marriage NOT legal there, but it is punishable by imprisonment, whipping and even death. Not sure why you thought otherwise.

Also, the fact that some people use religion as justification for their actions doesn't mean that the action is tolerated or any less illegal. Regardless of religion, blowing up an abortion clinic is illegal. Some people use their Christian beliefs as justification for blowing up clinics, but the action isn't legally tolerated despite freedom of religious expression; it's illegal no matter what. We used religion as a justification to discriminate against African-Americans, but if you remember, this discrimination was found to be illegal and unconstitutional. Use racial discrimination today, you could be arrested, regardless of religion.

NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Nice skirting around the issue, but the facts remain. You can use religion to do anything, including rewriting laws and attack people without repercussion.

Another example? Our good buddies at the Westboro Baptist. If anyone else tried to picket a funeral of a soldier who died in combat, they would get arrested so fast their head would spin. But these trolls don't... BECAUSE OF THEIR RELIGION.
Wrong. To start, some states have enacted laws prohibiting people from protesting at funerals. The fact that the WBC is often allowed to protest at some funerals is because of their rights as citizens (freedom of speech), not because they are a church. In fact, the laws that prohibit protests at funerals apply to ALL groups; WBC can't use their religion to break those laws.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
They're just trying to get the perks that come with being an official religion attached to their illegal activity. Isn't it because of Sweden's fail laws that the Pirate Bay is still open at this point? Might as well try to root their illegal practices as far as they can in that country.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
CM156 said:
Oh, my. Hey Sweeden, if you actually allow this, I'm making sure we send over a bunch of bible-thumping Texans. I'm warning you!

OT: File-share pirates can go die in a fire for all I care.
Umn who are the bible thumping Texans and what are they like?

OT: It doesn't bother me that they file share because hey the monetary is corrupt as fuck and just creates a horrible rift know as the rich and the poor because hey that's so dandy and awesome to have the monetary system ain't it?.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Aeshi said:
Between the "Piracy is Legal" Law, The Pirate Bay, the "SWE?"tards and this I'm amazed we still let this miserable place exist.

Seems like you could greatly improve the Internet/World just by nuking Sweden till the snow glows green.
You are sick mr Racist.

Mods ftw.

He havent gotten a warning/ban and for suggesting that the world should nuke and kill everyone in Sweden but people that have made short posts are getting warnings.

Bento Box

New member
Mar 3, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
dashiz94 said:
Bento Box said:
dashiz94 said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
dashiz94 said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
MortisLegio said:
this just in boats go in the water

OT: this is just stupid... its a joke that seems to have gone to the edge of stupidville and never stopped
want to share files fine but there are consequences and trying to get around them by making a religion is just idiotic and ridiculous
Religions give freedoms that laws don't. The freedom to execute a woman for being raped, stone a dog for being a reincarnated lawyer, or oppress entire generations of people for no better reason than "My imaginary friend said so".
And that folks is the definition of ignorancy.
I don't happen to get your joke. Am I missing something?
You posted misguided and false information in an attempt to debunk all religion without realizing that the only scenarios this occurs in are either third world countries or horribly oppressive governments such as Iran's. Becoming a religion only grants you charity status i.e. you are not taxed by the government (in the U.S. at least, not sure how Europe handles this.) So no, you cannot stone a dog to death or rape a woman because a religion permits you. That's just as ignorant and stupid as saying that Muslims can have sex with infants because the Koran doesn't specify a specific age that is appropriate for sex.
EDIT: To make it sound like less of an attack on a person, and more like an attack on a person's ignorance.

Ever [http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/metro/5861268.html]
read [http://extras.denverpost.com/news/news0208f.htm]
the [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6561617/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/t/mother-confesses-severingbabys-arms/]
news? [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/07/26/national/main1837248.shtml]

How about this: Can you form a cult and seek religious asylum for statutory rape? [http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2010/0727/Warren-Jeffs-Utah-court-overturns-polygamist-s-rape-conviction]
Can you form another different cult, and face ZERO LEGAL PENALTIES when your congregates follow your advice, sell all their belongings, and ruin their lives (and more importantly, the lives of their children), advertising to the world that the rapture is coming? [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Camping] For chrissake, this wasn't even two months ago.

That information was not false. It was not misguided. It was exactly representative of the problem that this pirate-cult is trying to exploit, and that kind of garbage certainly does happen in the first world, daily.
You just proved my point. You give me a few articles about people's idiocy and then say that all religion is like this? And you're calling me the ignorant one?

This kind of argument logic is EXACTLY the same as the belief that all Muslims are terrorists because six guys hopped in a plane and crashed into the Twin Towers.

IT'S DUMB. And to reiterate my previous point, becoming a religion does not grant people the right to break the law. Ever. At all.

What you cited were cases of people being fucking stupid because they lacked common sense, not because their religion justified it or anything like that.
They don't break the law. As with the tea example, they have the law rewritten specifically for them.
Thank you for making extremely concise, an idea that I was trying to demonstrate by example.

Bento Box

New member
Mar 3, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Big ol' snip.

Nice skirting around the issue, but the facts remain. You can use religion to do anything, including rewriting laws and attack people without repercussion.

Another example? Our good buddies at the Westboro Baptist. If anyone else tried to picket a funeral of a soldier who died in combat, they would get arrested so fast their head would spin. But these trolls don't... BECAUSE OF THEIR RELIGION.
That's not a good example, actually. The WBC doesn't get off on religious grounds; they have a very legitimate first amendment right to protest the way they do, and any other organization who protested for any other reason, however distasteful (provided they weren't actually advocating violence or some such), would have that same right. That's free speech.

What we're talking about here reaches beyond speech and into action, and specifically the action of theft.

Atrocious Joystick

New member
May 5, 2011
Isn't it because of Sweden's fail laws that the Pirate Bay is still open at this point? Might as well try to root their illegal practices as far as they can in that country.
The pirate bay isn't an illegal website. Seeing as they don't support overthrowing the government or host kiddy porn they can't be banned due to some fail freedom of press chapter in our constitution.

Of course, they can be asked to remove any copyrighted material found on their website. But it isn't uploaded by the website itself and therefore the website itself can't be taken down.

Bento Box

New member
Mar 3, 2011
dashiz94 said:

You just proved my point. You give me a few articles about people's idiocy and then say that all religion is like this? And you're calling me the ignorant one?

This kind of argument logic is EXACTLY the same as the belief that all Muslims are terrorists because six guys hopped in a plane and crashed into the Twin Towers.

IT'S DUMB. And to reiterate my previous point, becoming a religion does not grant people the right to break the law. Ever. At all.

What you cited were cases of people being fucking stupid because they lacked common sense, not because their religion justified it or anything like that.
That's a pretty straw man there, bro.

I never said that all religion was like that. What I said, was that religiosity allows people to get away with things that the general public cannot. It allows them, in effect, to break the law by having the law changed just for them. What I cited were examples of people skirting the law. Warren Jeffs is a cult leader who advocates child rape (by another name, of course). He's finally getting some semblance of his comeuppance, but not half ofwhat he deserves, and even within prison he's doing well for himself. Harold cmping is a fraud, who bilked millions of gullible people out of their life savings for his rapture horseshit. He's dead now. Good riddance. There was never any serious talk about legal action against him, so a fatal stroke is the best we could ask for.

How about Ted Haggard? Remember him? You know, man of god, got caught with a male prostitute and huge quantities of meth? Got off with a slap on the wrist and some internal counseling -- not for his drug addiction, either. No, he got off with counseling, from within his church, to cure him of the gay, which was, of course, the source of his meth addiction in the first place, right?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Isak Gerson is a friend of mine.
He is dead serious with this, and also a religious man.
I'm pretty sure this all comes from his very Utilitarian world view.

Also. This isn't some cheap excuse for piracy. I think he honestly believes what he is preaching. As he know my Screen name a bit to well I will only say that he is, as a Philosophy student, a bit... different.

Not exactly pretentious, but he tends to take everything very seriously and have strong opinions. Also he is a very fun drinking-buddy.

Also, Isak, If you happen to fins this, you know how I feel about the Humanities <3


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Danik93 said:
The same reason why practicing old norse rituals are illegal (atleast the ones with human sacrifice)
You mean the ones invented as christian propaganda?
Jabberwock xeno said:
This is one of the few issues where I am truly divided in my opinion.
Same here but lately I've been leaning mostly "pro" because being "anti" automatically associates me with the MPAA/RIAA/IFPI, which are terrorist interest groups that I am morally opposed of.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Asehujiko said:
Danik93 said:
The same reason why practicing old norse rituals are illegal (atleast the ones with human sacrifice)
You mean the ones invented as christian propaganda?
no... Vikings did sacrifice humans. I do only know about one ritual there it happened tho... (The funeral of a chieftain)


New member
Sep 11, 2008
I knew there was something quasi-religious about the way pirates justify their activities. This just confirms it.

And no, I'm not so sure it's a joke because a lot of folks on this thread don't seem so sure or are actually cheering it on! Of course, it could also be a cheap ploy to get piracy to become a "protected" activity, so that's a pretty good reason for shutting these idiots down.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Despite these efforts at legitimacy, Swedish officials refuse to budge, though according to Gerson, the reasons behind the latest denial are murky at best.
Oh, I'd say they're perfectly clear.

"fucking idiots..." ~Unnamed Swedish Official.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Yar-har har ha-wait...not that kind of Piracy? aww...anyway somethings should be protected some should not but most will get taken anyway without consent so just say screw it and let it happen,its gonna anyway so why stop it? besides most games you can ONLY pirate because they are unavailable ANYWHERE,but that is still illegal... :/


New member
Sep 5, 2010
How do i sign up, and is the a membership jacket?

Im serious, this is a great idea. Possibly one of the best ive heard in quite a while. Communication should be sacred. it is between husband and wife, priest and church member.

Why no between a closely nit group of people who consider each other brothers/sisters?


New member
Oct 7, 2009
That's actually rather funny. Kinda reminds me of a story I heard where a bunch of brits were listing "Jedi" as their religion on official documentation.