Sweden: Piracy Is Not A Religion


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Oh, my. Hey Sweeden, if you actually allow this, I'm making sure we send over a bunch of bible-thumping Texans. I'm warning you!

OT: File-share pirates can go die in a fire for all I care.


Dec 3, 2010
Woop, I'm Swedish, yet I've never seen anything about this before. You'd think our newspapers would be all over it considering the crap they produce.
Can't say I give a rat's ass about it though.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
sigh... I'm assuming this is a troll by those founders. cause I can't imagine them seriously trying to form a real religion. I might not be the overly spiritual type, but even I see this is being asinine.

Sizzle Montyjing

Pronouns - Slam/Slammed/Slammin'
Apr 5, 2011
Captain Obvious... [HEADING=2]...AWAY!!![/HEADING]
Well there obviously trolling, because my faith in humanity can't get much lower...
I'm not sure the world limbo king could get under it...
Sep 14, 2009
CM156 said:
Oh, my. Hey Sweeden, if you actually allow this, I'm making sure we send over a bunch of bible-thumping Texans. I'm warning you!

OT: File-share pirates can go die in a fire for all I care.
following sand to the dot on ideals i see?

(just a random recognition)

OT: i do find this a bit funny, using the base foundations of religion in a somewhat mocking way that religions haven't done in the past (besides the church of jedi and stuff)

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Whats next they gona denounce the Jedi religion. What the matter with the world these days. Any crazy nut can make a religion you don't need recognition, it's tax exemption you want.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
gmaverick019 said:
CM156 said:
Oh, my. Hey Sweeden, if you actually allow this, I'm making sure we send over a bunch of bible-thumping Texans. I'm warning you!

OT: File-share pirates can go die in a fire for all I care.
following Sand to the dot on ideals i see?

(just a random recognition)

OT: i do find this a bit funny, using the base foundations of religion in a somewhat mocking way that religions haven't done in the past (besides the church of jedi and stuff)
Very much so. The law exists for a reason: OBEY IT!

OT: This is such a joke. I mean, really, what do they hope to do with this?


New member
Nov 8, 2008
At least they are not cutting parts of the body of their children, covering up their women, or claiming that using a condom is a sin.
You know; like the three biggest religions out there. Compared to them, these guys are harmless.

(Only focusing on the bad parts here, not saying religion is all bad. No troll)


New member
Aug 18, 2010
This is gold.
This is Grade S awesome.
This is the most amazing display of a combination of stupidity and Greatness that I have ever seen in my life.
This group officially has my vote, even if they aren't in the election.
This group has won first prize in a race that they had only stood on the sidelines during.
This group is an official religion as far as I can see, and I'm hereby moving to Sweden to become an official in their government (whatever it may be) with the specific purpose of validating them.

Keep up the Awesome guys.

Kyle 2175

New member
Jan 7, 2010
I just... what? Please tell me these people are trolling, if they're not I think the sheer force of the facepalm I'd have to do would violently explode my head.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
Ghengis John said:
Jabberwock xeno said:
What we have is essientaly the power to make somthing out of nothing. It takes 0 raw materials to make a digital book, movie, game, etc.
I'm afraid quite a bit of time and money goes into creating these things. A development team for a game or an author for a book have their own bills to pay. You yourself know this:

At the same time, I undertsand that people put their time and money into these things, and they lose their sales like this.
Stealing, is stealing amigo. If you make a digital copy of something that's one less copy sold. I can understand stealing food, or clothes, but entertainment?
Ironic Pirate said:
Jabberwock xeno said:
Danik93 said:
Well.... Piracy is Illegal and I assume the files they where copying were copyright protected. and a religion that is about something illegal should not be allowed. The same reason why practicing old norse rituals are illegal (atleast the ones with human sacrifice)

But should it be illegal?

See, theres the issue.

What we have is essientaly the power to make somthing out of nothing. It takes 0 raw materials to make a digital book, movie, game, etc.

You have a limitless supply of these products. Why not share them? What if we could do this with food or water? would you still call it theft then?

At the same time, I undertsand that people put their time and money into these things, and they lose their sales like this.

This is one of the few issues where I am truly divided in my opinion.
Except that it did cost materials to make it. Not the digital version, the actual version. If I wrote a song, I'm probably inclined to want to make money off of it. If I want to share it for free, then I will. If I want my hard work to be rewarded, then that's my decision. A bunch of people who have never created content in their life can make up all the justification they want for illegally downloading things that someone worked hard to create, but that doesn't make it right. If they want to download music and not pay for it, that's one thing. Moralizing and trying to make themselves look like the good guys is bullshit, though.
this isnt my name said:
Jabberwock xeno said:
Danik93 said:
Well.... Piracy is Illegal and I assume the files they where copying were copyright protected. and a religion that is about something illegal should not be allowed. The same reason why practicing old norse rituals are illegal (atleast the ones with human sacrifice)
But should it be illegal?

See, theres the issue.

What we have is essientaly the power to make somthing out of nothing. It takes 0 raw materials to make a digital book, movie, game, etc.

You have a limitless supply of these products. Why not share them? What if we could do this with food or water? would you still call it theft then?

At the same time, I undertsand that people put their time and money into these things, and they lose their sales like this.

This is one of the few issues where I am truly divided in my opinion.
How can you be divided ?
Games are aluxery. Developers make them in return for moneybecuase they are people too, they need it to survive, for families, etc.

You may say your not taking aything, but you are with holding money. t would be like paying a mechanic to fix your car, but not paying him, or havine a carpenter make something for you if you buy the wood.
As I said, I understand that people put their time, effort, and money into making them.

IDW, I guess, I see both sides of the argument, and they both have damn good points. I wouldn't illegally download stuff unless the maker said it was okay with them, so I guess i'm leaning on the side that's wrong. Actually, I know it's wrong, but I wonder if it should be.

Think, if 150 years ago you told someone we would be able infinatly copy certain items at no cost, do you think that they would expect us to still pay for them?

In a ideal world (how a world with a monetary system can be ideal is beyond me, but), you wouldn't pay for games, books, movies, or anything digital. Instead, people would voluntary donate money to the creators they like.
Aug 17, 2009
Yep. The Swedish Government should also legalize cults which wish to perform ritual human sacrifice. Just because a criminal act is "part of your religion" doesn't make it not criminal.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Akalabeth said:
Circumventing the law with hollow loop holes is not acceptable.

Pretty much every religion does this. Especially the larger ones like Christianity. Fear, money and being above the law are why they are still in power today.


New member
Oct 6, 2010
Jabberwock xeno said:
Danik93 said:
Well.... Piracy is Illegal and I assume the files they where copying were copyright protected. and a religion that is about something illegal should not be allowed. The same reason why practicing old norse rituals are illegal (atleast the ones with human sacrifice)
But should it be illegal?

See, theres the issue.

What we have is essientaly the power to make somthing out of nothing. It takes 0 raw materials to make a digital book, movie, game, etc.

You have a limitless supply of these products. Why not share them? What if we could do this with food or water? would you still call it theft then?

At the same time, I undertsand that people put their time and money into these things, and they lose their sales like this.

This is one of the few issues where I am truly divided in my opinion.
This "religion" is clearly an attempt to game the system.

"I can download that new movie all I want, and telling me I cant is religious discrimination!" Is what you will hear basicly all the time from people that follow that belief.

Simple fact is, most people that creat books, television shows, movies, art wouldnt bother if they wouldnt get somthing of a fiancial return on their efforts. If a movie studio knew they woulnt have made 3 times the cost it took to make the Lord of the Rings films...then they wouldnt have bothered.

If EA knew they wouldnt have made money on Mass Effect, they wouldnt have bothered.

Protecting Intelectual Property means that new IPs will be created in the future, and not protecting it means buisness modles devoted to producing entertainment close shop and the people involved find a new way to make a living.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Finally, someone using religion in a way that I can see directly benefiting me! What a great idea.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
How is that an example of religious intolerance? Or is it part of every Escapist contributors job to poke fun at religions now?

Seriosuly, I'm not religious, but this has moved beyond dull, and is getting to the point of irritation now. I understand that there are some kids on here just discovering atheism, but is it necessary to ostracise the community that do believe in something?

As for the article, these guys are stupid, making a religion for some greedy, thinly veiled idiocy doesn't happen in these countries. Hence why Scientology isn't considered religion.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Owlslayer said:
That's quite ... something, indeed. I wonder if they would have been successful in any country.
But yeah, i doubt this is a serious religion. If it was, then... that really would be weird.
All religions are weird.
FalloutJack said:
They're more like guidelines, really.
You're awesome. I love the reference.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Putting the cart before the horse... You can't get religious sanction for an activity currently illegal. Get it legalized first, then make the asinine attempt.