Take this Quiz to Discover What Kind of Gamer You Are!

Hurr Durr Derp

New member
Apr 8, 2009

I'm awesome.

Funny thing is, I don't care at all about achievements or leaderboards. I only care about beating the direct competition, but couldn't care less about my overall e-peen score.


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2008
I got a few questions in, realised I was saying "None of the above, but I guess if I have to pick one..." to all of them, then stopped.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
The Pony-Lover
If it's bright, colorful, and happy, you want to play it. And maybe give it a hug.

I DO like colorful happy games but i don't think that defines me as a gamer.

I like more of a mix. I love exploring more than anything ever, but i'm also in a lot of games for the story/characters and i like playing games with my friends when it isn't competitive.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Take this quiz [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/result/83.46-The+Pretentionist]

uhhhm... thanks? I mean, ya I kinda like indie games, but I consider myself more of a tactics/strategy fan then that.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Ghostkai said:
StriderShinryu said:
Ghostkai said:
So despite me answering the questions regarding story with the options that make the story seem the most important part to me, I got the Explorer, which means I don't care about the story... wierd.
This is what I got as well. Yes I do like to explore and enjoy the game world, but my real interest is the story, characters, etc. *shrug*
crotalidian said:
UberNoodle said:
Pony Lover? If it's cute and cuddly, I'll play it? And maybe give it a hug?

How about, I have been playing games for almost 30 years, and I see no problem with playing a game that's 'cute and cuddly', as long as it's fun and enjoyable. It seems to me that the result depended entirely on that one question of which character I most relate to. What were my choices? A list of gruff and empty, masculine archetypes, or 'Mario, et. al.'.

Ghostkai said:
So despite me answering the questions regarding story with the options that make the story seem the most important part to me, I got the Explorer, which means I don't care about the story... wierd.
Same but with Pony Lover. I'm all about the narrative
Heh, I think it's broken :p
Considering 2 of those questions should outright block the explorer option for me. (One being "whats the most important part of the game for you" - and I said story)
Perhaps we can call in the professionals - those French guys who profiled Vader!


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Am I the only one who got the stimulant?
Edit: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/view/83
Gotta say, I think the quiz might be a little off...


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Take this quiz [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/result/83.47-The+Explorer+%26+The+Best+of+the+Best]

Sounds like me :)


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
[br] The Jack of All Games [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/result/83.50-The+Jack+of+All+Games] [br] Take this quiz [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/view/83]

The sad part is that it's mostly true; I like to play as many games as possible, but I really do have a bad habit of not finishing them.

That said, I was kinda hoping for explorer. Personally, I like games that have a great world that I can just run around and explore, like Fallout 3 and (most) Final Fantasy games.

Also, I didn't like the question about thich racer franchise I liked. I'm generally not a huge fan of racers, but I absolutely love Wipeout and Burnout, so I was a little disappointed that I was forced to choose Mario Kart instead.

Xaryn Mar

New member
Sep 17, 2008
Got explorer which actually suits me pretty well.
I would go for the story but the exploring keeps calling so I actually rarely finish a sandbox game...


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Take this quiz [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/result/83.50-The+Jack+of+All+Games]

I got the 'Jack of All Games'. Which I guess is true I can be a boss at most games although I tend to master the ones I particularly enjoy.

Garrett Richey

New member
Apr 6, 2010
Jack of all Games

Fairly accurate... I sort of have game ADD and play just about any type as long as there's something interesting to it. I'm huge on a compelling story/characters but appreciate good mechanics/environments. I guess there's just nothing that has the best of all genres which leaves me hopping around a lot, spending an inordinate amount of time playing RPGs (especially freeform ones) due to their size replayability (great for not buying games until the price drops).


New member
Mar 6, 2010
The Explorer... I am interested in the main story but only after I've done everything else possible.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Lauren Admire said:
Take this Quiz to Discover What Kind of Gamer You Are!

Ever wondered what kind of gamer you are? Wonder no longer!

There are many different types of videogames, so why wouldn't there be just as many different kinds of gamers? You might know a few of them: The friend that only plays MMOGs; the pal who can't put down a game until he's collected every item and unearthed every secret; the buddy who plays Plants vs.Zombies like a fiend. With so many possibilities, it can be hard to figure out what category you fall into. So, that's why we've created this nifty quiz.

This quiz is a little different than the ones you may be used to from us. It's a personality quiz, which means that there is no right answer. Just choose the answer that appeals the most to you, and our fancy algorithms will do the rest. You can take the quiz as many times as you want, and there's a badge to be had for you to display your Gamer type to everyone. Make sure you tell us how accurate your results were!

Enjoy! (Take the Quiz [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/quizzes/view/83])


The Pony-Lover and Jack of All Games have the same icon. Is this a glitch?


New member
Apr 6, 2010
toriver said:
Totally agreed here. I notice one particular thing. There seemed to be no reference to RPGs anywhere in the quiz and it was very FPS and RTS-heavy. I'm an RPG fan, and let me tell you, the vast majority of RPGs, even JRPGs, are not "cute and cuddly". I get it, I don't like playing FPS's, but don't imply that I most enjoy "childish" games because of it.
What would be the equivalent?

"Trigger Lover
If you can smell the cordite, you'll play it. And most likely riddle it with rapid fire death!"


"The Projector
Gruff and manly is the name of the game. A hero is a man of few words - words that burn like the flesh of the guilty!"


"The Compensator
A headshot might not get you a job or the love of a woman, but you'll act like it does, and anybody that can't best you, may as well eat a bullet."