Tales of the Walmart.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
carlsberg export said:
DeadFOAM said:
carlsberg export said:
EverythingIncredible said:
carlsberg export said:
is it true you can buy guns in wallmart?
For my Wal-mart it is.

But where I live, you can buy guns damn near anywhere. :\
like....proper guns?
big calibre make people dead guns?
Where I live, you can get handguns, rifles, and shotguns. All of varying calibers and gauges. There is also a moderate selection of accessories: scopes, lights, pads for the stock, etc. Not to mention the aisle of ammunition.
wow thats surreal!!

so in theory you can go in, buy a gun and some ammo, then turn the gun on the cashier and say 'gimme all your money' ??

i doubt it but its worth asking.

wallmart sounds like it was made for a zombie apocalypse!
i shall have to go to one next time im in the states that are united.
The guns in the display case are non-functioning (they don't have a firing pin or something) the clerks are not allowed to pull out any ammo (which is in a locked area) to someone with a gun. They actually don't let customers HANDLE guns. When you buy a gun, it is brought up to you after you pay for it. (They are worth a LOT of money) A lot of paperwork goes into purchasing a gun not to mention a five day waiting period.

Ya know sometimes corporations (and lawmakers) DO use common sense.

Wal*Mart would definitely be a good choice to go for the zombie apocalypse home depot would be better for the weapons dept.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
ace_of_something said:
The guns in the display case are non-functioning (they don't have a firing pin or something) the clerks are not allowed to pull out any ammo (which is in a locked area) to someone with a gun. They actually don't let customers HANDLE guns. When you buy a gun, it is brought up to you after you pay for it. (They are worth a LOT of money) A lot of paperwork goes into purchasing a gun not to mention a five day waiting period.

Ya know sometimes corporations (and lawmakers) DO use common sense.

Wal*Mart would definitely be a good choice to go for the zombie apocalypse home depot would be better for the weapons dept.
0o Huh. I live in Alaska and when being dragged along with my boyfriend on a gun-shopping day he's pointed to guns behind the counter and gotten to sight down the barrel and hold them. Not Wal Mart, true. . .I wonder if the clerks just didn't care enough about legalities? Or maybe it's just an Alaska thing. :p


New member
Sep 19, 2008
littlewisp said:
ace_of_something said:
The guns in the display case are non-functioning (they don't have a firing pin or something) the clerks are not allowed to pull out any ammo (which is in a locked area) to someone with a gun. They actually don't let customers HANDLE guns. When you buy a gun, it is brought up to you after you pay for it. (They are worth a LOT of money) A lot of paperwork goes into purchasing a gun not to mention a five day waiting period.

Ya know sometimes corporations (and lawmakers) DO use common sense.

Wal*Mart would definitely be a good choice to go for the zombie apocalypse home depot would be better for the weapons dept.
0o Huh. I live in Alaska and when being dragged along with my boyfriend on a gun-shopping day he's pointed to guns behind the counter and gotten to sight down the barrel and hold them. Not Wal Mart, true. . .I wonder if the clerks just didn't care enough about legalities? Or maybe it's just an Alaska thing. :p
In an ACTUAL gun store, not wal*mart, they will let you handle a gun. Mostly because, you can bet your ass at least one person working has a loaded gun on their person and probably can use it really really well.

The legality i was referring to was the [a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brady_Handgun_Violence_Prevention_Act]Brady biil.[/a]


New member
Mar 25, 2010
ace_of_something said:
In an ACTUAL gun store, not wal*mart, they will let you handle a gun. Mostly because, you can bet your ass at least one person working has a loaded gun on their person and probably can use it really really well.

The legality i was referring to was the [a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brady_Handgun_Violence_Prevention_Act]Brady biil.[/a]
As it was a Fred Meyer (and one of our local hardware stores, for that matter), which is basically an everything store, I'm going to put it down to store people not caring/no store policy.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Not a walmart, but the local Bestbuy has a sign under a bell outside. It says if the bell is ringing please call the police.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
At a local Wal-Mart, a line was held up for about 10 minutes, with about 25 people in it. It was late, and the only cashier was the one holding it up. How? She was talking on the phone. I think she got fired later when half of us got fed up, and complained to the night manager.
Sep 14, 2009
Fox KITSUNE said:
I once bought a Old 360 Arcade system (No HDD, White XBOX, No Games) Cheap. Broke down for some reason a week later and I brought it back, the teenage girl working returns told me she couldn't refund my money becuse the manager had to clear it so she offered a trade in... She came back with 250 GB HDD Black XBOX and said, "All I can find was this, do you want it?"

TO which I responded, "Sure I guess that will do"

[http://media.photobucket.com/image/true story meme/fanofdisco2/funny-date-girl-guy-true-story-meme.jpg]
loll, sometimes having people having no background knowledge on where they are working is a good thing...

for christmas one year my local game shop did a ridiculous sale, and they sold a whole bunch of xbox controllers for 12 bucks a piece (true story too) and the next day we took em to wal-mart with the local game stores sticker ripped off saying we wanted a refund since we already had some, and wallah, i made 210 bucks profit that day. (went and bought a couple games+groceries and still had extra cash afterwards..)

OT: there were HUNDREDS of moments i could describe, as in the dorms we used to make midnight wal mart runs all the time, and there were freaks coming out of the woodwork in that place like crazy on those nights...

but i'll say this one as it sticks out.

one time around midnight, was standing in line with my snacks, and since they only had like one register open it was taking quite a while, so me and my friend were standing there, and these few girls behind us had a kart and were EXTREMELY close to us (my personal space was broken a longggg time ago in that line) to the point that one girl was literally an inch or so from her back touching mine, and the one pushed the kart forward idiotically, so the girl ran into me, and i turned about to do my usual "woops, sorry" in which before i could say it she said "WHAT THE HELL?!? WHY DID YOU BUMP INTO ME?!?!?" and at this point, my friend looked at her wide eyed, about to laugh at the idiocy she just spouted, in which i just said simply/calmly "Sorry about that, I was trying to go backwards to make the line go faster, your fat ass seemed appropriate to give a bump into." which she just did a girly ass tongue click and gave me the death stare

now here is the twist in the story, this WHOLE damn time that had been happening, roughly 15 feet away or so, a group of super ghetto guys walked around the corner and ran into 2 other random guys, and they proceeded to have a super hardcore poser rap battle right there in the middle of the wal mart.

and no i'm not saying they spat a few words to each other, each hardcore guy had an equally as hardcore poser doing a beat in the background while they walked hard around in a circle, making sure every person in the store was annoyed, and they had their absolutely awful rap battle.

and that was an average night at wal mart.