Tap water , do you drink it?


New member
Sep 6, 2011
Brita filtered water so it's cold when I want it. I prefer the taste of filtered water over tap, but I don't pay for bottled water at all. I always keep a refillable bottle with me.

At work we have a water cooler because our building is so old the water's always brown and it's not really safe to drink.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I'm from Germany where you can drink tap water any time, so I used to do that. But now I live in Korea, and it's not advised to drink the tap water here, so I buy bottled water. But what confuses me is wether I can use the tap water for cooking or not. Like if i boil rice for example? I use bottled water right now, which seems like a wate, but I'm still not sure if I can safely use tap water...


New member
May 17, 2010
Bottled water typically comes from the same sources as tap water, that's what you're buying. However, some unfortunate people even in rich countries have bad tap water, so in their cases bottled water is usually healthier.

In poor countries tap water frequently presents health problems for drinkers, but of course these are the very same countries where the people are too poor to afford bottled water.

Bottled water is a travesty in the first place, since corporations make billions of dollars off what should be OUR property in the first place, and the logical next step is for corporations to sell us the air which we breathe.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
When I have to, yeah I do. I'm more used to filtered though. But at the same time, I don't complain about it when I have to.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I definitely prefer to drink tap water, as long as it's cold (like ice cold). To me, bottled water tastes like plastic. To be fair though, I have been to places where I'd rather have that plasticy bottled water than the local tap water. I'm lucky to live in a city that has it's own, unpolluted reservoir. Chicago tap water also tastes really good.


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Well does filtered water count as tap water?
Cause that's what I drink.
I can really taste the calcium in Chicago's water.
Its really hard water and I don't like it.

Spud of Doom

New member
Feb 24, 2011
YES I drink tap water, and consider bottled water a waste of money in most circumstances.
YES tap water is considered good in almost all areas within my country (New Zealand)


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
krazykidd said:
My friends find me weird . Everytime i go to their homes and ask for somethinf to drink they always say water . Now while i have nothing against water in general, i will never ever drink tap water ( except in extreme cases obviously ). They say i'm difficult , especially since the tap water where i live ( montreal , Quebec )is apparently of pretty good quality . Despite that , i always prefered bottled water , than that from the tap .

So my question to you escapists is : Do you drink tap water?

And as a bonus question: Is there tap water where you love considered good
Yes I drink tap water, because I've worked in water purification systems within Canada. They are the best out there. Bottled water is nearly carcinogenic if its been out in the sun for any real amount of time. Keep drinking that plastic!


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
Jim_Callahan said:
Chemist here.

Bottled water is literally just tap water from somewhere else, processed with the same standards (or LOWER standards, since municipal water has to obey both state and federal regulations and bottled just has generic, loose FDA screenings), put in a bottle, and driven a few hundred miles for no reason.

In other words, you're drinking literally exactly the same stuff, you're just arbitrarily burning something like a quart of gasoline and a few ounces of coal and producing a few ounces of kinda-but-not-really recyclable polymer waste per gallon of water for no reason.

The only reason to drink bottled water is if you're fine with tap water but also hate the environment and willing to go out of your way and spend extra money JUST to damage the environment, for no actual benefit to yourself.

(Above assumes you live in the modern first world... but frankly, if you're in central Africa or Mexico or something, don't drink bottled water there either, drink weak beer or pasteurized juice or something else you know is sterilized as a matter of standard processing. The "just tap water from somewhere else" rule applies there, too.)
Oh come on, the guy ABOVE me ninja'd me?
Well damn..
Yeah, I drink tap water, seeing as I dislike sparkling water and I don'T get why I should shell out money for tap water from somewhere else.
The bottle really isn't worth that much...


New member
Oct 17, 2008
I live in Scotland, the water from the tap is perfect. Bottled water is a con unless you live in hard water areas.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
The tap water where I'm from is actually pretty darn good and tastes about as good as any store bought stuff I ever had so yes, I certainly do. Then again, I'm from the Netherlands and I don't think there are any places where the water is not good over here, the main difference between areas here is the amount of calcium in the water.

The Youth Counselor

New member
Sep 20, 2008
Dirty Hipsters said:
Yes, I drink tap water, but after I filter and boil it first. The water in my area isn't bad or anything, but I've just learned not to trust tap water anywhere.

As far as bottled water goes, I hate it. It always has this little bit of a plastic aftertaste that I just can't stand, so I much prefer my tap water over it.
The same here. At home I drink tap water, but filtered or boiled first. It helps remove the impurities and the noticeable chlorine taste. But San Francisco's tap water is pretty decent and I'm fine with drinking it straight from the tap at someone else's home. With the exception of my best friend's former residence who lives right over a still contaminated former toxic waste dump [http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CC4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FBayview-Hunters_Point%2C_San_Francisco&ei=9PMrUo69A8abiALXu4DoBQ&usg=AFQjCNGlesiHZ_T3nPljPsG1DC0naFa_WA&sig2=gTpm33rHvvAfxa28o03AQw&bvm=bv.51773540,d.cGE] and whose tap water comes out brown and with grainy sediment.

I lived in Petaluma, CA for two years and their tap water was gag reflex inducingly awful. There was this overwhelming flavor of ammonia and sulfur, but after two years I got used to the taste but could still taste it. Every one else new or visiting would nearly spit out their drink.

San Diego's was pretty bad the last time I was there.

I found that the plastic after taste in bottled water usually comes with really old bottles. When that's the case you're smart for disliking it, unless you prefer some dioxin in your drink.


New member
May 7, 2009
no i dont cause i live in america where they poor flouride in the water system and that shit causes cancer


New member
Mar 8, 2009
I can't get through a packaged bottle of water without getting sick from the taste. The stuff tastes like plastic! If your tap water is more chlorine than water, I feel sorry for you, but when you know what good water tastes like, bottled water is utterly disgusting.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Yes because I'm not buying bottled water when I can get it from the tap and bottled water tastes of plastic. Though I know in some places water from the tap is disgusting so this is probably more of a location thing. I have a jug of water in the fridge that I drink from. The only time I buy bottled water is when I?m out somewhere and didn't have the foresight to bring some with me. It?s a waste of money.
Is the tap water where I live considered good? I live in Auckland, NZ. I've never heard that its bad so I assume so.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
thenoblitt said:
no i dont cause i live in america where they poor flouride in the water system and that shit causes cancer
there is no proof of that at all! people should really learn to check stuff before they believe some of it


New member
May 7, 2009
Tony2077 said:
thenoblitt said:
no i dont cause i live in america where they poor flouride in the water system and that shit causes cancer
there is no proof of that at all! people should really learn to check stuff before they believe some of it

uhm what its well documented that they do it, maybe you should do some research bud




