Tap water , do you drink it?


New member
Mar 7, 2009
Yup. I'll drink tap water, bottled water. whatever.
The tasted never really got in the way. I drink water because I don't feel thirsty afterwards, and because I need to... and the whole Water is healthy.

To be fair I also don't pay attention that much to the taste of food either.
For example, hate bittermelon. Think it's disgusting. I'll typically eat it every time it's presented though. Because it's eat or starve.
I prefer the taste of good food, just as I'd prefer water not to have a plastic after-taste or whatever (Not that I've noticed such a thing anyway), I'd still drink it.


New member
May 22, 2009
I try to only drink tap water when I feel like drinking an ocean, even though tap water in my region is considered very healthy.


New member
May 26, 2011
Most bottled water is just repackaged tap water. I drink Chicago water, so I don't really give a damn.


Lurker extraordinaré
Jan 23, 2011
Yes. Swedish tap water is among the cleanest in the world.

Also: It's tasty (if one can put such attribute on water, I mean it water after all).


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Straight from the tap? No.
If I drink water at home, it's normally Brita-filtered.
At work, they got this jug-free water dispenser, and we all use that.


Zombie Steve Irwin
Feb 22, 2009
I have to say the only 'bad' tap water I've ever had was in my old student halls. The building was put up in the 70s and the pipework was obviously due a refit. If you left the glass for a minute though then it settled and tasted a bit better. Never did me any harm.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
Potable water is kind of mandated by the government. I mean, that doesn't GUARANTEE your water will be totally safe to drink, but I'm pretty sure that at least the USA's tap water is considered to be some the safest water you can get. If you want it a little bit more filtered, more power to you, but I'll just say I used to drink water from garden hoses when I was a kid living in Texas (not by necessity, just because I was a kid), and I've swallowed more than a few mouthfuls of public poolwater on accident throughout my life. I don't think straight tap water can be any worse for me than that. I think anyone who claims to "feel sick" every time after drinking tap water is just suffering a placebo effect. And bottled water is just tap water in bottles.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
I always argue with my parents over this. The tap water at my apartment is disgusting. It tastes metallic and even my cat refuses to drink it if I put it in his dish.

But if I go three blocks over to my parent's house the tap water is fine. I go there to refill bottles for the week, leading to arguments about the taste.

So yes, I will drink tap water. Just not my tap water. As a general rule I do prefer bottled, thought.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I'm kind of a water snob. Since I started drinking filtered water, I find the taste of chlorine in most unfiltered tap water hard to tolerate. Fortunately my refrigerator has a water dispenser with a filter.

I very rarely drink bottled water, though.

Not Matt

Senior Member
Nov 3, 2011
uhmmm. no offence but suggesting that your friends should have bottled water laying around just for you is a whole new level of entitlement. Besides, most bottled water have been trough it's fair share of pipes and cleaning systems. why not take some of the water in the tap and cut the extra cost of the brand and bottle.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Not Matt said:
uhmmm. no offence but suggesting that your friends should have bottled water laying around just for you is a whole new level of entitlement. Besides, most bottled water have been trough it's fair share of pipes and cleaning systems. why not take some of the water in the tap and cut the extra cost of the brand and bottle.
I never said they should have bottled water just for me , i simply said , they offer me tap water and i refuse because i don't like tap water . I don't make a hissy fit over it . My friends just find me weird that i don't drink it . If they don't have bottled water, then fine, end of discussion and we go back to gaming .

Inversely, when i have people over , i usually ask them if they prefer bottled water or tap water ( assumig they ask for water and not some other sort of breverage ), and give them what they ask for .


New member
May 6, 2013
TheScottishMexican42 said:
...then again, how good can water taste? Water is water.
I think water can be tasty. When we were hiking in Lapland and I took a sip from a natural stream it was the best tasting drink I've ever had. Granted, I was kind of dehydrated at the moment, but I'd still take that pure, icy water over any wine/whiskey in a restaurant. Tap water tasted like crap for a few days after it (even though Finnish tap water tastes a lot better than the plastic-y bottled water).


New member
Aug 25, 2010
WEll, tap water down here in the Netherlands is so clean that they even serve to thegovernment during meetings, so yes, it is very safe to drink. I drink it quite a lot as well.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
krazykidd said:
My friends find me weird . Everytime i go to their homes and ask for somethinf to drink they always say water . Now while i have nothing against water in general, i will never ever drink tap water ( except in extreme cases obviously ). They say i'm difficult , especially since the tap water where i live ( montreal , Quebec )is apparently of pretty good quality . Despite that , i always prefered bottled water , than that from the tap .

So my question to you escapists is : Do you drink tap water?

And as a bonus question: Is there tap water where you love considered good
I'm fortunate enough to have a filtered tap as part of my fridge/freezer. So I take from there, but it is essentially tap water filtered and chilled.

I live in a rural, hilly area, the water here is quite hard, so filtering it helps with the kidney stones.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
The tap water here in south-eastern Queensland is indeed pretty good, and I do enjoy drinking it more than bottled water, which actually tastes pretty weird to me.

I see this italicising/bolding thing becoming a trend soon...


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Yeah, in fact tap water is my main source of liquids during a regular day. I have a refillable bottle that I fill with tapwater and take with me to school and work. When it's empty, I simply refill it at a tap at school/work.

Dutch tapwater is amongst the cleanest in the world (we're just pro with everything water) so it's perfectly fine for drinking.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Autralia. Great tap water. Never buy bottled because it's a farce, the value is all psychological and I'm cheap. Wouldn't have it any other way.

But while we're on it, I also drink rainwater from my tank, and that's probably worse than the tap water health-wise.


New member
Aug 2, 2008

I cannot think of a more functional and convenient way to hydrate by body than to stick my face under a tap and blast a gallon of water into my gob per minute.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
I like coffee, cola, energy drinks and tea tea tea tea tea tea like the next best crazy person, but seeing how one liter of tap water costs me less than 0,1 cent (compared to 75c to 3$ or more for branded bottled water) it would be rather stupid to pass out on the deal, especially since I pay to keep things running with my taxes.

I get how people come dislike tap water when it smells funky, tastes of chlorine or comes with rust flakes, dirt, the blob or gases, but apart from these sub par real issues, I don't see the point and consider you to be a member of the princes and princesses of the world.

So, OP - you yourself state that the water in your region is 'apparently' good. I don't see what makes you so easily dismiss tap water, then. Naturally, this raises the question


On a sidenote, the tap water where I love tends to be the same as the tap water where I live, save for those few random bursts of humpin' out in nature. The water there is also generally pretty OK, but - apart from spring water - I tend to give it a pass when I don't know where we pesky humans enrich it with poop, industrial waste or random OTC fertilizer poison stuffs.