Tap water , do you drink it?


New member
Aug 21, 2010
I drink tap water. Often straight from the tap. It tastes better that way some how. Also putting water in a plastic cup makes it taste wierd.

I never really understood why people prefer bottled water if they aren't running about outside. Sure if your tap water is yellow or brown or often full of bugs and needs to be boiled to avoid sickness then bottled safe water makes sense. But everywhere I lived the tap water is equal to bottled water or at least isn't so much worse that i would pay 3-7$ a litre for the bottled water.

So I would hAve to agree with the OP friends, that he is being difficult :)


New member
Apr 5, 2010
The tap water where I live is alright, tastes fine and is clean to the best of my knowledge. I still have a filtration system though so it's been awhile since I've had tap but I would drink it if that's all someone had.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Ew, no. When I first moved to this area (Dallas area, Texas), I was actually afraid to drink the water initially. I recalled how in the army when I was stationed in west Texas, they would make us carry around jugs of purified water and said the local water could make you sick. The water here tasted so horrible that I was paranoid that it was true in this area as well, so I used bottle water for the first two weeks even to brush my teeth.

Now I know that it's safe, just disgusting. It smells and tastes like dirt and chlorine, where back at home in PA it was just the chlorine. I had to drink a little last night to take some aspirin, and it was as revolting as usual.

All of my friends who are from here have no problem drinking it, I have noticed.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
I drink tap water, but more often I drink Chrystal Light made from it (basically just cheap water flavorer, not disgustingly sweet like kool-aid). Around here our tap water is fine, my kitchen sink tastes a little odd though. I still drink it but the bathroom one is better.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
I drink tap water all the time when i don`t have unhealthier alternatives. Bottled water is tap water with a huge market price. Most bottled water is not regulated.

Juste Goose

New member
Aug 1, 2013
I don't. I live in an old apartment with shitty pipes, so it comes out light brown. Britta filter won't fix that.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
Yeah, the water is of good quality and safe here. I do add squash though, I don't like water on it's own.


New member
Oct 26, 2012
When I am at home, I drink it often, though we have a Reverse Osmosis System (which isn't even a thing - osmosis is the permeation of water through a membrane, how does one reverse osmosis? Isn't going the other way still just osmosis?). At college, I drink it less. That is partly because I attend Montana Tech, in Butte. The water in Butte is bad. The pamphlet I got before I attended told me there could be days when I would not be allowed to shower because the water would be too bad.


Home? Yes.
Water Condition? Ok, but filtered anyway
College? Sometimes.
Water Condition? Terrible, but filtered


New member
Jan 25, 2012
I can't drink our tap water because I'd get Giardiasis since the filtration isn't good enough and we have to get it from a different source. We still use it for everything else, after boiling, we just don't drink it.


Pacifist Percussionist
Apr 19, 2010
It entirely depends on where I am. The first time I ever really bothered to drink tap water was when I was studying in Austria over the summer. Their tap water comes from the alps, so it's the same water that they bottle up and sell for obnoxious prices, so there was literally no reason not to drink from the tap. However, I tried drinking tap water in Orlando, and it tasted awful (it also came out with a yellow tint, which I know does not necessarily mean that the water is contaminated or anything, but it definitely makes it seem less trustworthy).

Amir Kondori

New member
Apr 11, 2013
Man, if you were to go back and tell people in the eighties that people would pay money for bottles of water they laugh at you. Now we have people so screwed up in the head they won't even drink tap water, tap water that in some cases is cleaner then the bottled water! Or in other cases that is literally coming from the same source as bottled water!

So OP, I have to ask, is there an actual rational reason behind you not drinking tap water, or is this some kind of superstitious thing?


New member
Mar 1, 2008
42Weasels said:
When I am at home, I drink it often, though we have a Reverse Osmosis System (which isn't even a thing - osmosis is the permeation of water through a membrane, how does one reverse osmosis? Isn't going the other way still just osmosis?)
Osmosis is the spontaneous permeation of water through a membrane to equilibrate the concentration (actually the activity) difference between to different solutions, the pressure that you need to apply to the solution with lower concentration of water (higher concentration of other stuff) to stop water from permeating through the membrane is called the osmotic pressure. Reverse osmosis is the exact opposite, you apply pressure greater than the osmotic pressure to make water permeating from low concentration of water to high concentration of water, hence its called reverse osmosis.

Yes I drink tap water, because the tap water tastes good. Only reason I would drink bottle water is because I want it carbonated. I don't think non-carbonated bottle water is very common in Sweden.


New member
May 24, 2011
It's the only kind of water I can afford, for now, so yes, I drink it... it tastes like shit and it's half sand, but it has electrolytes and those are good for you. The reason my IQ has dropped by 150 points is probably because of the tap water so as CAPTCHA says: fill it up!


New member
Apr 25, 2011
I live up in Washington State, we have icewater aquifers and the tap water is good quality, so it's -all- I drink.
Although I actually have a crazy ex-stepdad who constantly berates me about it, telling me I'm drinking away my brain cells, even though while drinking this supposedly brain cell eating water my entire life, I still managed to get farther in schooling than his dumb ass ever did! xD


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I just don't drink water. Then I don't have to worry about it.

The way I see it, around 80% to 90% of my fluid intake is either coffee or tea (or lately, Snapple Tea+Lemonade which is like the nectar of the damn gods, and only 10 calories. Not a paid person I swear, that shit is just good. Arizona isn't bad either. Anyway...)

That Tea and/or Coffee is itself made up of nearly 90% H20. Very little of it actually bonds with any of the other chamicals - caffeine, sugar, or the coffee/tea itself - so most of what I'm drinking is water already. Why the fuck would I ever want to drink unflavored water, when I can drink coffee and ENJOY it, and then just drink 10% more of it to make up the difference?

To me, this is crazy. I drink a coke maybe once a month. Almost all I drink is coffee and tea, and they are almost entirely water. What the hell do I gain from drinking straight up water???

That said, I make all my coffee with tap water because we live on a river-fed lake and so the water source is about a mile away and constantly moving (i.e. very clean). But we have an office in town (around 30 miles from here) and I swear I could probably light that stuff on fire. It's from an aquifer, but nearly 40% of it is recycled now, so it tastes like over-treated ass.

Needless to say, at the office, I drink coffee for the same reason people drank mead centuries ago - it was considerably less likely to outright kill them than plain water.

But up here? The water is fine, it just seems insane NOT to make coffee or tea with it instead.


Jun 5, 2013
Absolutely, the water quality here is great. When I was growing up we used to have to haul water where I lived. So I appreciate taps quite a bit.