Tap water , do you drink it?

Dec 14, 2009
Queen Michael said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Queen Michael said:
Do I drink tap water? Yep. Is the water where I live considered good? Yep. I'm not a fan of bottled water. I don't think it's necessarily higher quality.
Are you bolding and italicising your posts for a reason?

Other than to inadvertently make me burst out in hives, I mean :D
Blame it on too much comic books when I was a little kid. And a teenager. And an adult. And probably also when I become a senior citizen.
Except you haven't always been posting like this...

I... I think I'm gonna have an aneurysm.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Straight from the sink? Nope.
But I do drink the one that comes from the filter and since the pipe that leads the water to both of them is the same, does it mean I half drink it then?

For the second question, I can't answer since I never drank tap water.

As a bonus answer, the bottled water I love the most: São Lourenço
Best water ever.


The X makes it sound cool
Jun 26, 2008
I don't usually drink plain tap water; generally I only use it for making iced tea. I prefer seltzer for straight water drinking.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Bottled water being better is pretty much a myth. Most of that water is the same water you get pumped through your faucet. The only real difference is where the water comes from. Over here for instance we have 'Bar le Duc'. Fancy name and expensive. What kind of water is it? Regular tap water from another province.

That being said, if you live in an area that has bad water quality, then bottled water might be an okay choice.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Queen Michael said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Queen Michael said:
Do I drink tap water? Yep. Is the water where I live considered good? Yep. I'm not a fan of bottled water. I don't think it's necessarily higher quality.
Are you bolding and italicising your posts for a reason?

Other than to inadvertently make me burst out in hives, I mean :D
Blame it on too much comic books when I was a little kid. And a teenager. And an adult. And probably also when I become a senior citizen.
Except you haven't always been posting like this...

I... I think I'm gonna have an aneurysm.
I figured it'd make people notice me.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
krazykidd said:
My friends find me weird . Everytime i go to their homes and ask for somethinf to drink they always say water . Now while i have nothing against water in general, i will never ever drink tap water ( except in extreme cases obviously ). They say i'm difficult , especially since the tap water where i live ( montreal , Quebec )is apparently of pretty good quality . Despite that , i always prefered bottled water , than that from the tap .

So my question to you escapists is : Do you drink tap water?

And as a bonus question: Is there tap water where you love considered good
I don't mind drinking water from the tap, but I rather don't like the taste of city water. I was raised on well water, so I'm used to my water tasting like...nothing.

As for bottled water, I only get it if I have no other means of getting it, and even then usually only for the container so I can fill it up and bring it with me. Unless you get the expensive stuff that is truly CERTIFIED spring or mineral water, bottled water IS just tap water, filtered to pretty much to the same specifications required by your local tap water. Bottled water is a joke and a massive waste of money.


New member
May 5, 2011
The tap water in my area goes through UV-filtration, which apparently makes it taste super awesome. It's pretty much the only thing I drink. I really don't like hard tap water when there's a chalky taste - the south east of the UK is the worst place for this sort of water & I rarely drink it when I'm there.

Miss G.

New member
Jun 18, 2013
I only decided to try it once I came to America as the tap water in my country is for pets (not for my granma's pets, though. Evian or nothin'), plants, and washing stuff. I have a Brita pitcher and water bottle, but I still buy bottled water on the off-chance that something happens with the water supply. If I need water for cooking or tea/coffee I just use the tap.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Colour Scientist said:
Most of it it treated with fluoride though, which is a little controversial but it doesn't bother me.
Wait, what? Why is that controversial? It keeps the water clean and does wonders for your teeth...

Lilani said:
[Unless you get the expensive stuff that is truly CERTIFIED spring or mineral water, bottled water IS just tap water, filtered to pretty much to the same specifications required by your local tap water. Bottled water is a joke and a massive waste of money.
Even the stuff that does actually come from springs isn't necessarily any better than tap water, because they basically just take a source of running fresh water and filter it. That's basically what your tap water is anyway.

Mr F.

New member
Jul 11, 2012
Queen Michael said:
Do I drink tap water? Yep. Is the water where I live considered good? Yep. I'm not a fan of bottled water. I don't think it's necessarily higher quality.
You, ser, overuse emphasis. I don't know if that makes me love your posts or want to find you and bury an ice axe in your skull. Thats just how I roll.

Uh... What?


In the UK? Tap Water. Each region has its own distinct flavour and we might as well drink the shit before we poison it all with fracking.

In the UAE? The chlorine content alone of the tap water makes it vaguely dangerous. So no. No I will not drink the tap water here. No. We have a water cooler for a reason.

But OP, why on earth are you scared of tap water? Its fine. Bottled water is just a way of saying "Fuck you planet earth" and poisoning everything with even more plastic, alongside with propping up corporations. Also, I cannot be the only person who sees an issue with the fact that even fucking water is a commodity to be bottled and sold.


Dec 16, 2008
London tap water. Never had a problem with it. Don't know anyone who does. That said, water is pretty much the perfect drink. Aside from places where you're not advised to drink it for health reasons (where I stayed in morocco) I always drink tap water.

If someone came to my house expecting bottled water I'd point them to the corner shop 2 minutes away,


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Apparently Toronto ahs among the best tasting tap water in the world, so I'm ok with drinking it. However, I don't drink it as my main source of thirst-quenching as I'm not a huge water drinker

I don't mind well water either as long as it isn't mucky (...which I've seen).

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
The tap water here is pretty good, so I have no problem drinking it. In some places where I've vacationed though, like this one cabin I went to in '05, the tap water was horrible. It had trace amounts of sulfur in it so it smelled and tasted like wet farts. :/


New member
Oct 20, 2008
ClockworkPenguin said:
I know a guy (I'm well aware of how meaningless that claim to authority is on the internet) who worked as a chemist for one of the big companies ( you know the ones, who somehow seem to make everything and secretly own all the 'competing' brands) and he says that, at least in his day, bottled water has more crap in it than tap water.
Yeah, that's actually true. It's been in several newspaper articles and Scientific American did a blurb on it once, I think. Basically, there are no standard regulations regarding bottled water quality/purity, so you might be getting a big load o' stuff in there that you wouldn't get with tap water, because tap water is regulated.

Now, might tap water taste like crap where you live? Yes.

Is it safe to drink? Yes, assuming that everything goes according to plan with the treatment and pipeline system.

And no, that caveat doesn't give everyone in this thread license to say "Since something bad could happen, tap water is obviously too risky."

I know how the Escapist works with things like this.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Ugh, god no. Tap water, unless it's so cold that it numbs your tongue to the taste, is disgusting. Might as well lick the ground, it'll probably taste better. Filtered it's passable, if not enjoyable. Gets better the more you filter it. Bottled water isn't much better than filtered.
Oct 2, 2012
When I was 15 and younger I drank it all the time. I lived in a city in Northern Jersey and most people said the tap water tasted very very "off" but I liked it well enough. Sometimes it was oddly colored but it still tasted fine.

But since I moved to a "nicer" area I try to avoid the stuff. It doesn't taste good at all, in fact I usually get sick if I drink more than a cup within half an hour of my first cup.
And apparently the tap water down here is of high quality.
And it has too many bubbles when it comes from the faucet quickly. I try to quickly fill up a cup and half of it bubbles away as just air D:<


New member
Mar 13, 2012
Back home in London yes, I drank tap water all the time. Bottled water also if I was out and about.

Since moving to Philadelphia, no. The tap water here is terrible. Have to filter it through a Brita first.


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Not anymore. Now, I only drink water purchased from the store, which is taken from the mountain springs. The reason being, the water in my small rural town has gone bad. Can't be drunk without boiling it first, which is a pain. Then it tastes like shit, so I just get the good spring water now. Much better.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
yes, i drink plenty of tap water, daily. as for quality, it tastes fine to me. i used to refuse to drink it as well, but the times, they change.