Tap water , do you drink it?


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Al-Bundy-da-G said:
RicoADF said:
Tap water all the way here, its filtered etc however when I visited the states it tasted strange
Where were you staying? The water varies a lot in the states. For example I live over top of a giant shale and coal vein that actually filters the water on it's way down to the area aquifer, so it tastes very clean even with out my well pump's filter.
Florida was the place that tasted odd, an artificial taste. Vermont was normal.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Tap water around here tastes heavily of chlorine, so it's like drinking from a swimming pool. I will drink bottled if available, but I don't refuse to drink tap water.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
I love me some good tap water. Overall, most of it is pretty good (well, I don't dislike it), and I am fine drinking it whenever I want.
The only tap water I've disliked was in Florida. Everywhere else, London, Istanbul, Hawaii, it's been good.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
krazykidd said:
My friends find me weird . Everytime i go to their homes and ask for somethinf to drink they always say water . Now while i have nothing against water in general, i will never ever drink tap water ( except in extreme cases obviously ). They say i'm difficult , especially since the tap water where i live ( montreal , Quebec )is apparently of pretty good quality . Despite that , i always prefered bottled water , than that from the tap .

So my question to you escapists is : Do you drink tap water?

And as a bonus question: Is there tap water where you love considered good
Im sorry but who the hell doesn't drink tap water? If you have enough disposal income to spend $3 every time you need a drink, all power to you, but for all us normal peasants that shits just not sustainable


New member
May 19, 2009
Yes... Since I live in a country which has the cleanest water, best water quality in taps and water is cheap - because we have more than enough of it.
Hell there are even areas in which tab water comes straight from the aquifers or lakes if they are close.
And the ground water tastes amazing!

And we have rigorous standards and water testing weekly from the towers. Also we bleed water constantly so it won't stagnate in the pipes.

Clear bLue WateR


Reading these posts makes me hate you American's. Unless you tab water carries dangereous amounts of toxins and agents. SHUT UP! - You don't need to go far from your south border to find areas without clean water.

Also most of your bottled water comes from bottleries that take their water from the municipal source (Read the label... FDA apparently mandates to inform it in there...)


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Yeah. I never used to really but now I find myself dehydrating all the damn time so if I were to avoid tapwater I'd spend way too much money on other drinks.

Also the tap water in Scotland is pretty good so I have no problems drinking it.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
RicoADF said:
Al-Bundy-da-G said:
RicoADF said:
Tap water all the way here, its filtered etc however when I visited the states it tasted strange
Where were you staying? The water varies a lot in the states. For example I live over top of a giant shale and coal vein that actually filters the water on it's way down to the area aquifer, so it tastes very clean even with out my well pump's filter.
Florida was the place that tasted odd, an artificial taste. Vermont was normal.
Hmm they may have been pulling water from the everglades. All the decomposed swamp stuff tends to flavor the water noticeably. That or the local reservoir's filter station needs to be worked on.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
Unless you live in a country that has water that is dangerous to drink, bottled water is no safer to drink (and about 33% of bottles water in the US violate food safety standards for packaged foods, I don't know about other countries I don't have the stats) than tap water. If you're worried, buy a filter attachment for your tap, they cost about $50 for a decent one and you only have to replace the filter once a year.

I drink tap water, the water here is good, it's not even hard water.


New member
Sep 28, 2011
Chris Rock said it best: If you don't drink tap water, you're basically using what people die without/trying to get to wash your arse crack.

It's different when you go to another country. I drank bottled water when I was in Greece. When I got my pet bearded dragon, all the sites I looked at said that you had to give them bottled water (you don't she's perfectly fine on cranberry juice as well, the liars).

When I was a kid, though, there were two instances when we couldn't drink our tap water. The first was when the pipes burst. The second time somebody threw diesel in the supply and I vividly remember both times because of the novelty of having to walk down the street with a plastic gallon bottle to collect drinking water for half of the week and the avocado bath tub being full but not being allowed to bathe in it.

The problem is, those kind of habits you have for a few weeks as a kid are a lot harder to break that as a teen or adult. So I don't drink as much water straight from the tap as I used to. I tend to boil it first for noodles or tea.

I also used to live near a sewage plant in my teens and sometimes the water would taste weird (in that chemically over-purified way) so I took to drinking other things instead and that didn't work out so well. When your parents only buy diet soft drinks your aspartame levels go through the roof and mess with you in ways you don't know about until you quit the stuff altogether.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
RicoADF said:
Vermont was normal.
Well, I know what towns you WEREN'T in....
Heh, it was one of the places in the hills, probably received water from the streams. Honestly I wasn't there that long though.


I forgot what this was before...
Jul 10, 2009
I actually prefer the tap water to bottled water. The water from where I live somehow taste better. Still clean and safe so that's good


New member
May 1, 2013
I drink tap water whenever it is available, which is pretty much all of the time. That being said, I do live in the country and draw my water from a well, so it is pure, clean and untreated by chemicals.

I've never encountered undrinkable tap water though...


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2008
Yes, I drink tap water. The tap water in my area, and indeed in my country generally, is perfectly fine to drink.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
I don't like drinking tap water personally, it tastes funny. Now, I do cook with it, and I drink it if I make hot chocolate or coffee with it. By itself though? Too yucky for me.

captcha: hover hand, I never understood this phenomenon, if someone is willing to take a picture with you, touching them on the shoulder or back shouldn't feel weird.


Burrowed Lurker
Apr 10, 2008
I live in Norway, tapwater here is excellent. Although we will often stick to mostly bottled water when going on vacation, but the water here is so clean and soft that most other water tastes weird anyway.

Mr Binary

New member
Jan 24, 2011
I do, yes. The water here is clean though. I've heard of some places where I would never consider drinking it.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
Tap water is pretty much all I drink. Don't use a filter or anything.

I assume the water in NZ is good? I haven't studied it. But I also haven't died yet, so it can't be that bad. Middling at worst.