The "feminists want to wake our games away" angle doesn't really sit right with me on this. Even if the people who petitioned to have the game pulled DID identify as feminists, I'd think they were piss-poor representation of them. In my eyes, feminists aren't a "Female Supremacy" thing but just people who want less inequality bullshit, and, in terms of video games, are sick of the fact that the only real option for female character design is "no more than 20% of body covered by clothing/armor". And I totally would welcome games where a female character interests me with her personality/depth/development, rather than her badonkadonk.
THESE people, on the other hand, are knee-jerking idiots who, like many of the anti-fun brigade, refuse to see anything in the game other than the one thing that offends them. Any violence against women in the game itself is almost always in the control of the player; when player interaction is involved, you don't blame the game itself just because the player had that freedom.
And seriously... Australia needs to lighten up with M-rated games. Why do people still fail to see that M-rated games, content-wise, are the equivalent of R-rated movies? And that if you don't want your child to see it, maybe you should... be a fucking PARENT?