Target Australia will no longer stock GTA5


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
It's in Australia. For what I have heard from people like Yahtzee, that's far from being an anomaly.

PS Captcha: there once was, or maybe twice...


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Zachary Amaranth said:
Signa said:
If you want to debate on the financial point, go ahead, but neither you or I actually have any facts to back anything up.
The difference being that my position doesn't require any facts. My position is that you lack the facts to make your determination, therefore the only "fact" I need is that you lack facts. This is a point we agree on.
Well, in that case, I'm calling bullshit on you. Your position requires just as many facts as mine does. Either way, it's irrelevant, because Target already did what they chose to do, but that was pretty classless to say what you just did.


New member
Mar 16, 2014
Zachary Amaranth said:
Haerthan said:
Thou dost know what I like about my madness? The coherency. For example, I hate EA and Uplay. Thus far I do not have more than 3 games that use Uplay and NO EA games. Private companies should serve the customers regardless of the ideology. There happy my blaspheming brother? Now please stop second-guessing the voices inside my head. They get very cross when people second-guess them.
How dare you have a consistent opinion that I can't now mischaracterise you with?

It's especially funny that several of the people who are against this are for a certain other consumer movement. Perhaps it's projection?

Also, do the voices in your head sing in tune?
Well the voices do like singing Sabaton and Amon Amarth a little too enthusiastically. Sometimes though they like to sing Justin Bieber in an even worse auto-tune than that little ... himself can. Let's just say that thats's what happens when people second guess them. It hurts. A lot. OH god ...


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Haerthan said:
RaikuFA said:
Haerthan said:
Zhukov said:

No, hang on, it's a business responding to customer feedback and choosing not to sell a specific product that is still freely available to anyone who wishes to buy it.

"We are your customers, listen to our feedback! Hear our voices! Obey our comm... whoa, whoa, don't listen to those customers, they're feminazi SJW marxists!"

Heh. I love you all. I really do.
Thou hast earned thyself a cookie. And my friendship and my bow/axe/sword/whatever implement of death im carrying at a time/ in our next adventure. For I am the King of Cookies. Together we shall bring enlightenment to the masses of the internet. Or kill them trying. Whichever fits our pique of madness i guess. See thee on the battlefield brother/sister.
If you're the king of cookies then your weapon should be cookie chakras.
Cookie chakras, cookie pans, cookie swords, cookie staves, I'm good with everything made cookies. FOR I AM THE KING OF COOKIES. THOU SHALT BOW DOWN TO ME. And give me cookies

Captcha: coffee mug. No thanks Captcha. I don't drink coffee. And cookies with coffee? Blapshemy. Prepare thyself for a fiery death blasphemer. Now I just gotta find a flamethrower. Maybe the dead Russians in my backyard might know something.
There's sugar cookie flavored coffee creamer. My fav for this time of year.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
WeepingAngels said:
Target didn't do it on their own. Why don't you blame the petition?
Because at the end of the day it's Target's choice, they are not required to follow the petition. As a result their choice to pull the game is firmly in their hands and they are responsible.


New member
Mar 16, 2014
RaikuFA said:
Haerthan said:
RaikuFA said:
Haerthan said:
Zhukov said:

No, hang on, it's a business responding to customer feedback and choosing not to sell a specific product that is still freely available to anyone who wishes to buy it.

"We are your customers, listen to our feedback! Hear our voices! Obey our comm... whoa, whoa, don't listen to those customers, they're feminazi SJW marxists!"

Heh. I love you all. I really do.
Thou hast earned thyself a cookie. And my friendship and my bow/axe/sword/whatever implement of death im carrying at a time/ in our next adventure. For I am the King of Cookies. Together we shall bring enlightenment to the masses of the internet. Or kill them trying. Whichever fits our pique of madness i guess. See thee on the battlefield brother/sister.
If you're the king of cookies then your weapon should be cookie chakras.
Cookie chakras, cookie pans, cookie swords, cookie staves, I'm good with everything made cookies. FOR I AM THE KING OF COOKIES. THOU SHALT BOW DOWN TO ME. And give me cookies

Captcha: coffee mug. No thanks Captcha. I don't drink coffee. And cookies with coffee? Blapshemy. Prepare thyself for a fiery death blasphemer. Now I just gotta find a flamethrower. Maybe the dead Russians in my backyard might know something.
There's sugar cookie flavored coffee creamer. My fav for this time of year.

Blehhhh I say. Blehhhh.


New member
May 18, 2013
RicoADF said:
WeepingAngels said:
Target didn't do it on their own. Why don't you blame the petition?
Because at the end of the day it's Target's choice, they are not required to follow the petition. As a result their choice to pull the game is firmly in their hands and they are responsible.
Would they have pulled it without the petition?


some asshole made me set this up
Jul 31, 2009
Ok now that I'm back from work I can look at this petition to see what all the fuss is actually about

It's a game that encourages players to murder women for entertainment. The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse or kill them to proceed or get 'health' points ? and now Target are stocking it and promoting it for your Xmas stocking.
This is a lie. Actually it's multiple lies, but it is almost wholly dishonest. First off allowing =/= encouraging as unless you are careful when you kill a prostitute you are penalized with a police star, also the prostitutes are a very small part of the game, hardly the incentive for someone to go out and buy it. Also at no point in the game do you commit sexual violence on women, let alone have it be required to proceed. just about the only honest part of this statement is Target was promoting it for Xmas

This is Grand Theft Auto 5. This game means that after various sex acts, players are given options to kill women by punching her unconscious, killing with a machete, bat or guns to get their money returned.
first off the sex is, again, an incredibly small portion of the game, by no means are they what 'this game means'. Also they fail to point out the player does have the option to just let the prostitute walk away and keep the money

I have no problem with customers petitioning a store for any reason, what I have a problem with is when they lie in order to garner support they might not otherwise have gotten

Also am I the only one confused with how 'you can kill the prostitutes' is suddenly an acceptable argument as to why GTA games shouldn't be sold, and if this

This would also set an example to other stockists of GTA V.
as well as many comments on the petition arguing that the game should be banned from australia, is anything to go by they don't intend to stop with Target, they want to make sure this game isn't sold at all in the country


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Three words to describe why Target is stupid for acquiescing and why we've been down this road before:

Hot coffee mod.
Sep 14, 2009
lol, the posts in here that are up on high horses and mock everyone's opinion and then don't have an opinion themselves, great stuff.

OT: Meh, private company can obviously do what they wish, but it's still stupid, they could just not buy the product, as I'm sure there are hundreds of other products in the past decade alone that feminazi's could scream "I'm feeling oppressed just by this existing!" yet I've never heard of or seen any petitions to remove those. Not to mention, the inability to base the petition on actual truths on the product rather than fox news level of facts on it is hilarious.

Robert Marrs

New member
Mar 26, 2013
If you really don't have a problem with a group of people actively misrepresenting media in order to prevent other people from having it I am not sure what to say. Sure only Target decided to pull the game and they are within their rights to do so. A private company made a decision for their private company. Not really an issue. The issue is people are trying to prevent you from having things because they don't like it. It is no different then far right religious groups trying to prevent you from getting a video game based on its content and I fucking guarantee if that was the case the naysayers in this thread would be flipping out. Glad to see hypocrisy its still a virtue among so many of the escapist users.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
We fought for fucking YEARS to get an R18+ rating on video games so shit like this wouldn't happen, and then all it takes is 3 random women claiming to be survivors of abuse with no proof at all, not even their real names, and a large scale retailer destroys all that work.


Know what i don't like?

I'm gonna make a petiton claiming to be a female survivor of salami-based abuse and demand woolworths and coles stop selling it.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
mxc2012 said:
I don't know why these people can't just ignore it. If they hate it that much just don't buy it and don't play it. stop trying to ruin everyone elses fun.
Women can "just ignore" the game itself, but they can't "just ignore" a society where murdering disadvantaged women is considered a fun minigame in a major release.

It's a privilege to be able to think that you can just turn your head and ignore simulations of violence against you.

madster11 said:
Know what i don't like?

I'm gonna make a petiton claiming to be a female survivor of salami-based abuse and demand woolworths and coles stop selling it.
Except if there were individuals being raped and murdered every day with salami, I probably *would* support your effort remove a salami-slaughter minigame in a popular release.

Do people not realize that prostituted women are murdered and raped at such incredibly high rates that it rivals soldiers in active duty? It's not some pet peeve on the part of these women. They're survivors of serious violence who would rather that serious violence not be turned into a game for misogynistic men.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
peruvianskys said:
mxc2012 said:
I don't know why these people can't just ignore it. If they hate it that much just don't buy it and don't play it. stop trying to ruin everyone elses fun.
Women can "just ignore" the game itself, but they can't "just ignore" a society where murdering disadvantaged women is considered a fun minigame in a major release.

It's a privilege to be able to think that you can just turn your head and ignore simulations of violence against you.
Wow, way to be intellectually disingenuous. It's not a "fun minigame". You don't get rewarded by the game, it's not even encouraged. This is like saying running over pedestrians in your car is a "fun minigame" in GTA V.

Now, if you were against the torture scene, you might have a point. But these claims hold no water.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Ilovechocolatemilk said:
Wow, way to be intellectually disingenuous. It's not a "fun minigame". You don't get rewarded by the game, it's not even encouraged. This is like saying running over pedestrians in your car is a "fun minigame" in GTA V.

Now, if you were against the torture scene, you might have a point. But these claims hold no water.
If it's such a minor point then, why are you so upset that it will be removed?

Either it's a huge part of the game, in which case that's even more reason to remove it...

Or it's a very small part of the game, in which case there's no reason to keep it.

Pick one or the other.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
peruvianskys said:
Ilovechocolatemilk said:
Wow, way to be intellectually disingenuous. It's not a "fun minigame". You don't get rewarded by the game, it's not even encouraged. This is like saying running over pedestrians in your car is a "fun minigame" in GTA V.

Now, if you were against the torture scene, you might have a point. But these claims hold no water.
If it's such a minor point then, why are you so upset that it will be removed?

Either it's a huge part of the game, in which case that's even more reason to remove it...

Or it's a very small part of the game, in which case there's no reason to keep it.

Pick one or the other.
This is like saying, "We're going to pressure Barnes and Noble to ban A Clockwork Orange until Anthony Burgess removes the violent rape scene in it."


All censorship is bad. You cannot call yourself a liberal and simultaneously believe in censorship.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Ilovechocolatemilk said:
This is like saying, "We're going to pressure Barnes and Noble to ban A Clockwork Orange until Anthony Burgess removes the violent rape scene in it."


All censorship is bad. You cannot call yourself a liberal and simultaneously believe in censorship.
I don't call myself a liberal (eww) and this is not censorship. It would be censorship to demand that the game be made illegal. This is just a company responding to the demands of its customers - you know, what everyone here claims to want so badly.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
peruvianskys said:
Ilovechocolatemilk said:
This is like saying, "We're going to pressure Barnes and Noble to ban A Clockwork Orange until Anthony Burgess removes the violent rape scene in it."


All censorship is bad. You cannot call yourself a liberal and simultaneously believe in censorship.
I don't call myself a liberal (eww) and this is not censorship. It would be censorship to demand that the game be made illegal. This is just a company responding to the demands of its customers - you know, what everyone here claims to want so badly.
And we're here to tell that company it's a bad decision. We're customers too, just like you.

Do you know how they censor books? Moral authorities pressure private companies to pull the books from their shelves. Very rarely are laws passed to make a book illegal because once it gets to court, it usually favors the author, not the angry mob trying to get companies to pull it.

This is no different. And the fact you're not a liberal proves what I've been saying about sjw's all along-- they're neo-puritans, not liberals interested in social justice.


New member
May 18, 2013
Robert Marrs said:
If you really don't have a problem with a group of people actively misrepresenting media in order to prevent other people from having it I am not sure what to say. Sure only Target decided to pull the game and they are within their rights to do so. A private company made a decision for their private company. Not really an issue. The issue is people are trying to prevent you from having things because they don't like it. It is no different then far right religious groups trying to prevent you from getting a video game based on its content and I fucking guarantee if that was the case the naysayers in this thread would be flipping out. Glad to see hypocrisy its still a virtue among so many of the escapist users.
They won't side against the feminists. They go so far as to pretend that the petition is irrelevant and ONLY Target is to blame.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Ilovechocolatemilk said:
And we're here to tell that company it's a bad decision. We're customers too, just like you.
Yes, and they chose not to listen to you. If you don't like it when companies ignore your requests and demands, try being someone who cares about women in this industry and watch it happen over and over. Sucks, doesn't it?

Do you know how they censor books? Moral authorities pressure private companies to pull the books from their shelves. Very rarely are laws passed to make a book illegal because once it gets to court, it usually favors the author, not the angry mob trying to get companies to pull it.
And I have no problem with bookstores choosing not to hold anti-woman bullshit on their shelves.

This is no different. And the fact you're not a liberal proves what I've been saying about sjw's all along-- they're neo-puritans, not liberals interested in social justice.
Let's get something straight - Puritans *loved* violence against women. They were really big on it. This has nothing to do with puritanism. It has everything to do with women demanding that depictions of their abuse and their degradation are not sold to men as entertainment.

I'm not a liberal. Liberalism has always protected white male interests over the interests of the oppressed. I'm a radical.