Tekken Director Says Unlockables Are "Outdated"


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Nutcase said:
Malygris said:
Tekken [http://tekken.namco.com/] series director Katsuhiro Harada says the concept of unlockable characters in fighting games made sense in the past but is "outdated" in the modern videogame market.
Fortunately for Tekken fans, Harada feels your pain. "Why we locked the characters originally was that in the arcades, it was kind of to extend the life of the game by gradually unlocking characters. And also with the home versions as well, because you can rent games or whatever, it was to protect us against that," he explained.
... and there you have it. The only reason unlocking was there was to milk money out of players who don't understand or like fighting games in the first place.

Incidentally, apart from Dural, Virtua Fighter hasn't ventured into unlockable character territory at all.
Precisely. What he really means is "Unlockables that you don't have to pay for are outdated".

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
NoMoreSanity said:
Psychosocial said:
NoMoreSanity said:
I don't agree with that, it gives no reason to play through a game otherwise. Just have a small portion of the characters locked with majority playable from the start.
I strongly disagree.

I sure as hell don't play fighting games to unlock characters, I mean, what the hell? It's all about going online or having someone grabbing a second controller and winning, not about unlocking shit.
It's not about that either. It's about either button-mashing till you win, or going insane enough to learn every possible combo, than lose to a button-masher.
You'll only go insane if you try to memorize everyone's combos (at least that's how it is with me). For just a couple of fighters, it's actually pretty fun to learn their movesets in and out.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Hmm I can see the mind set of what he's thinking but really most people replay a game for unlocking the extras. Maybe with online play this will outrule it but not everyone has online play


New member
Jun 23, 2009
bjj hero said:
About time, I still havent unlocked everyone on SF4. I just want to battle my friends or others over the internet. Spend hours trying to beat cheap bosses with charecters I dont like in order to unlock whoever is not fun.

Its just a pain in the arse.
Same here


New member
Apr 27, 2008
I've always thought that unlocking characters only worked in games where it tied into the story. But this is a BEP, so the plot is a load of thinly spread crap. Hooray for no unlockable characters! (Except for the final boss, who should be unlocked by beating the entire story mode without losing a fight, just like Tekken 1)


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Everyone who doesn't like unlocks has quite obviously never played Budokai 3, the satisfaction of beating the last boss and then being able to use him to pwn the computer is infinitely more satisfying than just having him from the beginning, if there's nothing to unlock whats the point in playing?


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Vriggchan said:
i would go to war over this arguement. unlockable characters are the purpose of my playing fighting games.
NoMoreSanity said:
I don't agree with that, it gives no reason to play through a game otherwise. Just have a small portion of the characters locked with majority playable from the start.
fully heatedly agree with this statement!
It's called multiplayer.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I disagree strongly. While I agree that SSBB's biggest flaw was that over a third of the entire cast needed to be unlocked (including, as Yahtzee pointed out, its most hyped characters), unlockable characters are a significant source of accomplishment...and a great source for fanservice easter eggs. It was incredibly cool when people received the first copies of Fate/Unlimited Codes, and the whole fandom found that they'd added a Fate/Zero character in as a secret.

Faith Nomura

New member
Dec 13, 2008
Look, unlockable content is often necessary in video games.
Despite fun being the core reason we play video games, rewards must
be given out for the work we put into them.
We spend a lot of time in these virtual worlds, and exploring them should
uncover gifts for our pleasures.

I'll tell you what, though, no unlockable costume, or concept art picture compares
to a fully functioning playable character.

Unlockable characters are prizes of the highest substance.

Woe Is You

New member
Jul 5, 2008
ShredHead said:
Everyone who doesn't like unlocks has quite obviously never played Budokai 3, the satisfaction of beating the last boss and then being able to use him to pwn the computer is infinitely more satisfying than just having him from the beginning, if there's nothing to unlock whats the point in playing?
If the only thing that game has going for it is unlocks, then that must be a bad game to begin with. If that was your point, then sure, bad games need crutches like that.

But some of us just want to bring a game over, pick our favourite characters and hit start. Forcing me to play through an atrocious single-player story portion tacked on to what originally was an arcade game isn't really going to win any points. And usually, it's no different from grinding in an MMO in that it isn't hard, just tedious. There are better ways to teach the player the game mechanics. There are better ways to spend your single-player gaming time. I'm here for the multiplayer, thanks.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Mornelithe said:
What he really means is, the days of 'free' unlocks are over. Instead, we'll nickel and dime you to DEATH, using DLC. Bastards.
That was my thought exactly.


New member
Jan 6, 2009
Solution: built-in cheats. Ever since I was young, I had to use Game Genir or some such thing for cheats. That doesn't make sense to me, and never has. I bought the game. If I want my characters to be invincible, or I want everything unlocked from the get-go, there's no reason developers shouldn't give me that ability.

This would please everyone. Personally, I love unlocking stuff in games, especially when it's a surprise. I like playing and eventually having something new unlocked as a reward. It's fun. But plenty of people don't have the time or desire to dedicate time to games with unlockables, so giving people the option to unlock everything from the get-go or play it normally would please almost everyone.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
This does smell like an excuse for DLC$. That I don't worry about so much, it's actually a logical next step for businesses. What I fear is DLC$ that gives players an edge on multiplayer. Not everybody can cough up money for such stuff, especially these days. May as well say multiplayer games are for rich people only. (Or families willing to go into the black hole of credit card debt.)
Might be a good time for a good article on being a gamer that's fiscally responsible while facing an uphill curve in gaming costs.
CapnJack said:
Solution: built-in cheats. Ever since I was young, I had to use Game Genir or some such thing for cheats. That doesn't make sense to me, and never has. I bought the game. If I want my characters to be invincible, or I want everything unlocked from the get-go, there's no reason developers shouldn't give me that ability.

This would please everyone. Personally, I love unlocking stuff in games, especially when it's a surprise. I like playing and eventually having something new unlocked as a reward. It's fun. But plenty of people don't have the time or desire to dedicate time to games with unlockables, so giving people the option to unlock everything from the get-go or play it normally would please almost everyone.
Game Genie didn't create water from sand, it utilized code that was already in the game, therefore implementing built-in cheats. What it did was allow easier access to those cheats. And cheats are a whole other bottle of chaos to get into. Single player cheats are fine, if you want to spoil the game for yourself, go ahead. But if you are talking cheats to get stuff for multiplayer, then I hope to never see you in any of my games. That's bad karma from the get-go and doesn't win you any friends.
As for giving the clear option on "Do you want all characters from Start?" That would give you the choice, yes, but most likely the developers would make it a one time option upon first boot. Best choose wisely, because there won't be any going back short of deleting your memory and probably a record of some good fights just to choose the other option.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Unlockable characters was one thing I loved about fighters! It gave me a sense of accomplishment when I did something and went back to the character selection screen only to notice that someone new showed up at the party, uninvited of course, but welcome all the same. Then when I played Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection I was so peeved that every single character was already there! It gave me no reason to go through story mode other than train myself, because admittedly my skills were rusty at the time as my only prior Tekken experience was 3.

Unlocking characters brings something new to the game, and if they are all there waiting for you as soon as you run the game, all it is is fodder for a party or online play.

Personally, I think fighters should get an option to set the character selection to "All" or "Single Player," the latter referring to how ever many you've personally unlocked. That way you can have a go at the challenge of unlocking characters, some whom would undoubtably require certain things to be done first in order to be a challenge. With this option you could also have the cast ready for a show for your friends when they crash into your house as soon as they've gotten the word that you have the new [insert fighter here].


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Hey, I like unlockables, ESPECIALLY in games like Super Smash Bros. Gives you something to strive for, atleast in my opinion.


New member
May 30, 2009
I've always hated unlockables, both in fighting games and in racing games... too bad I'm not a fan of Tekken! :p


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Unlockables in fighting games should really only be limited to vanity things (like alternate costumes) and OP or gimped characters. Otherwise there's really no good game design reason to block off certain characters. If players won't finish your game without the unlockable characters to motivate them, then your game's fighting mechanics must be pretty damn boring.

I guess that's why I don't understand people who say they like unlockables because it "extends the play time of the game". It just sounds like the game you're playing is mediocre to begin with, and you need a carrot on a stick in order to justify spending more time with it.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
boholikeu said:
I guess that's why I don't understand people who say they like unlockables because it "extends the play time of the game". It just sounds like the game you're playing is mediocre to begin with, and you need a carrot on a stick in order to justify spending more time with it.
Unlocking a new character gets you the carrot.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
NeutralDrow said:
boholikeu said:
I guess that's why I don't understand people who say they like unlockables because it "extends the play time of the game". It just sounds like the game you're playing is mediocre to begin with, and you need a carrot on a stick in order to justify spending more time with it.
Unlocking a new character gets you the carrot.
Well, if that really is the reason they play fighters then I know of a game with endless re-playability: http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/155898/?searchterm=Guitar%20Queer-O