Tennant Returns in 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special


New member
May 1, 2012
I imagine susan jumped on her desk and did a little dance at the sound of this news.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
I had thought that they were going to have every doctor back in one for or another in the 50th episode, or was I off on that one?

Also, I'm just sad that there's no Donna. She was my personal favorite companion of the new Doctors.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Rose Tyler is back?
*tumbleweed blows by*

I don't really hate her (or River Song). She's just kind of...there. An overblown version of Jo, really.
Mildly obnoxious, mildly stupid, nothing new. It's the way the Doctor fawns over her more than the character of Rose that I found annoying.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Robot Number V said:
Hey, "SupercalifragilisticexpialiBROcious", that's still just like, your opinion, man. "Lackluster" is still a subjective term.
You must have me mistaken for someone else, "mon ami." My opinion is far from subjective.

thebobmaster said:
IIRC, he left after a season because he didn't want the role to define him. If so, he probably wouldn't come back for the same reason.
Oddly enough, I still forget the other things he's been in. Like, when pressed, I remember he was in Heroes, and there was that awful Dark is Rising movie that even Susan Cooper spoke out against...

FFHAuthor said:
I had thought that they were going to have every doctor back in one for or another in the 50th episode, or was I off on that one?

Also, I'm just sad that there's no Donna. She was my personal favorite companion of the new Doctors.
Plus, we could have one more DoctorDonna moment.