TERA Review


New member
Apr 5, 2010
How is the real time action combat new for MMOs? Out of boredom one day I stopped playing WoW and looked for a F2P MMO instead and found something called... DragonNest or something. Anyways, it pretty much had the same thing you just described. Gotta aim to land hits, use los, dodging.

I don't know, I don't venture too much into the MMO world outside of WoW.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
ChocoFace said:
Xiado said:
Wow, one of the few reviews that didn't mention the loli race, how professional. Anyway, I wouldn't buy this game if I lived in Sweden, if I were you.
But you can tell for sure these weren't modeled after real children because they have bunny ears. Real children don't have those.
It's totally safe to play the "loli" race, guys.

I'm going to side with the majority here, though - that's a mighty price tag.
Yeah, having to accept that you might be at least a little bit of a pedophile is too steep a price to pay.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
CriticKitten said:
That sounds rather exactly like GW2, to be honest. Are you sure you've played a lot of both games? All I remember doing in GW2 events was running around, fending off enemies from every side.
I have, you don't exactly fight hordes of enemies in GW2, think the kind of stuff you fight in Diablo or Torchlight type games. Give Dragon's Nest a go or something if you're honestly curious at all about Tera's combat, you may be pleasantly surprised and it won't cost you a dime.
CriticKitten said:
There are a multitude of action-adventure or RPG games which feature auto-aim functionality, which makes the analogy flawed and inaccurate. You are forming a very poor strawman here.
There's also a multitude of action RPG's with tanking or pet classes which tank things for you. If my argument is strawman, yours is as well. Also this is just my experience but I've played very few action games with auto aiming (the only one I can think of after the N64 era is the Zelda series and even then only with some things). I've played hordes of games where you must aim every strike however.
CriticKitten said:
That's not how it will show up in the stores, and you should know that. Every MMO is in competition with another as far as subscriptions are concerned, as few people can afford several MMO subscriptions at once. TERA and GW2 are in competition mostly because they will seem pretty similar to the average consumer. And right now, the latter is generally going to win that fight for most people because it lacks a subscription. Ergo, it doesn't matter how technical you try to make it....TERA has to do something very clearly unique and distinct, something that other games don't do. And so far as I've heard or seen, it does not differentiate itself enough from the pack to get a huge loyal following in the States.
They will of course be in competition. I only meant that I believed they are in no more competition with each other than they are with WoW, Rift, the billion other MMO's or even Diablo III.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
Irridium said:
I'd probably be all over this game if not for The Old Republic. After playing that game... I just don't want to go back to the impersonal text boxes.

Now if a game came along that combined The Old Republic's focus on story with Tera's combat, well... I may never be heard from again.

Somebody needs to make this happen.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Travel powers/mounts are a must >>
And I like Gild wars 2 pricing scheme far more than pay to play...


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Can't help but notice how the map looks near-identical to WoW's original map; two fairly-vertical continents opposite each other. Not to say the game in any way is trying to clone WoW, but you'd think that they'd try and steer away from a map that makes it seem like they are.

At any rate, if I get into any other MMO, it'll probably be this one, just to see how it plays out. Probably won't be for a while, though.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Bleh, that looks completely unappealing. When they said action combat, I was expecting much more than that, if that's action combat, so is GW2 (and hint, neither are). Looks a bit like Two Worlds.

Can a game company please go dig out the Jedi Knight games? Seriously, single player or MMO (considering that game is now 10 years old and ran on a Quake 3 engine, I reckon they should be able to pull off the damn thing, even in an MMO), I don't care, I just wanna see a game like that again, it's been way too long and most of the games I've seen that advertise on being "action" end up being as far as possible from the term through ridiculously stiff combat.