Terminator Genisys


New member
Apr 5, 2017
So does anybody like this? Because I thought this was awful. If you like it, that's fine.

Metalix Knightmare

New member
Sep 27, 2007
Eh. Worse than the first three, but better than that one movie that was set in the war against Skynet. Most I can say is that if the advertising team can still get work after how badly they screwed up the trailers then there is no justice.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I've discussed Genisys at length elsewhere, but short version is that I like it, and think it's good. It takes the #3 spot in the Terminator film series for me, but is still nowhere near the quality of the first two.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
It had some interesting ideas, like John Connor being turned into a terminator (which they spoiled in the fucking trailers, the idiots) and a Sarah Connor being raised by "Pops." It also had some awful ideas, like Skynet being an iPad app. It also muddled even further an already muddled timeline. And of course it felt in-general like a watered-down Terminator movie compared to the first three; way too much CGI, really tame violence, excessively gratuitous callbacks.

I think Terminator 3 gets a bad rap. Sure it's not as good as the first two and the T-X was... ill-advised, but it had a lot of great moments and the ending was just beautifully done. Say what you will, but at least T3 had an identity. Genisys pretty much felt like a made-for-TV sequel movie with a huge budget.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Yeah, it was pretty bad.
The whole timeline was confusing as hell but I whole point that it wasn't suppose to make sense at all.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Kolby Jack said:
I think Terminator 3 gets a bad rap. Sure it's not as good as the first two and the T-X was... ill-advised, but it had a lot of great moments and the ending was just beautifully done. Say what you will, but at least T3 had an identity. Genisys pretty much felt like a made-for-TV sequel movie with a huge budget.
Wait, what?

T3 is easily the most identity-less (is that a word?) Terminator film, as it's basically a remake of the plot beats of T2. Plus the ending is horrible, since it's basically a giant middle finger to the themes/plots of the films that came beforehand. All that talk about there not being any fate? Every effort the protagonists make in T2 to avert the nightmare future? Nup, all for nothing, have fun watching the mushroom clouds in the knowledge that at least half of T2 was a waste of time. Taken by itself, the ending does have some emotional punch, but in the context of a series, it's undermining everything that came before it.

Genisys rides on the coat-trails of T1 and T2 as well, but it's done in a way that feels natural to the plot. T3 does it out of laziness.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Got to give credit for a reboot that still leaves the originals as canon. Only Mortal Kombat as far as I know has done that too.

I liked it, but I dont have a vested interest in the Terminator series. Maybe if I did, I'd be more put off, but time travel stuff is all BS anyways.

Mister K

This is our story.
Apr 25, 2011
Nah, didn't watch it. I just couldn't think of Danaris (or whatever her name is), with her Holywood make up girly looks as of Sarah Connor. If it was a straight up remake of a first movie and she was just a civilian, then maybe. As a person who, supposedly, fought years and years against killer-machines? Naaah.

And the actor who played Kyle Reese looked boring as hell.

Plus, I am one of those people who think that movies after T2 should not have been made.

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
It's a shitty mess of a movie, but ehhhh, still throw it on on occasion just for the Arnie parts.

Wintermute said:
I watched it for Jai Courtney and he delivered an amazing performance.
I... I can't tell if this is serious or not.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008

I liked it more than other people did but that didn't seem all that hard considering most people I at least heard talk about it really didn't like it or flat out hated it. To me, it was an OK but forgettable blockbuster that got hated more because of the name than anything (and I literally mean forgettable as I don't think I could tell you one thing about what happened in that movie...except the school bus flipping because I remember that from the trailer).


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Mister K said:
Nah, didn't watch it. I just couldn't think of Danaris (or whatever her name is), with her Holywood make up girly looks as of Sarah Connor. If it was a straight up remake of a first movie and she was just a civilian, then maybe. As a person who, supposedly, fought years and years against killer-machines? Naaah.
Except that's not the case. She spends about 7 years fleeing from the T-1000, not fighting wave after wave of machines.

I quite liked Sarah in the film, but it's based on the concept of "Sarah 1.5." To explain, in T1, we have "Sarah 1.0" - waitress, no combat training, has to struggle just to survive, emerges stronger by the end of the film. In T2, we have "Sara 2.0" - far more muscular, far more emotionally distant, pretty much resigned to JD occurring until the "no fate" carving, is willing to kill Miles Dyson to stop the apocalypse, and while she emerges as a more compassionate person by the end of the film, she's clearly damaged by her experiences

Genisys depicts, by this anaogy, "Sarah 1.5," who incorporates a mix of the two characters. She's far more capable than "Sarah 1.0" in that she can handle weapons and whatnot. However, she's distinct from "Sarah 2.0," as her character is less 'hard', more hopeful, more emotional, and most of all, is never resigned to JD being inevitable, but is rather hell-bent on stopping it from the outset. She's a Sarah that's been changed by her experiences, but not to the extent of Sarah in T2. So, honestly, I thought the film did a good job of portraying Sarah in this vein.

Mister K

This is our story.
Apr 25, 2011
Hawki said:
Mister K said:
Nah, didn't watch it. I just couldn't think of Danaris (or whatever her name is), with her Holywood make up girly looks as of Sarah Connor. If it was a straight up remake of a first movie and she was just a civilian, then maybe. As a person who, supposedly, fought years and years against killer-machines? Naaah.
Except that's not the case. She spends about 7 years fleeing from the T-1000, not fighting wave after wave of machines.

I quite liked Sarah in the film, but it's based on the concept of "Sarah 1.5." To explain, in T1, we have "Sarah 1.0" - waitress, no combat training, has to struggle just to survive, emerges stronger by the end of the film. In T2, we have "Sara 2.0" - far more muscular, far more emotionally distant, pretty much resigned to JD occurring until the "no fate" carving, is willing to kill Miles Dyson to stop the apocalypse, and while she emerges as a more compassionate person by the end of the film, she's clearly damaged by her experiences

Genisys depicts, by this anaogy, "Sarah 1.5," who incorporates a mix of the two characters. She's far more capable than "Sarah 1.0" in that she can handle weapons and whatnot. However, she's distinct from "Sarah 2.0," as her character is less 'hard', more hopeful, more emotional, and most of all, is never resigned to JD being inevitable, but is rather hell-bent on stopping it from the outset. She's a Sarah that's been changed by her experiences, but not to the extent of Sarah in T2. So, honestly, I thought the film did a good job of portraying Sarah in this vein.
Still too pretty, not convinced. Next time you try to portay character as "tough survivor" or anything in the same vein, please don't give them "teen girl went shopping and looking for pretty boys" make up.

I mean, even in the first Terminator Sarah Connor had SOME wrinkles, damnit.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Arnie is too old, I don't buy what's-her-name as Sarah Connor and I don't like what they did with John Connor. So no.
Apr 5, 2008
The issue is that story-wise, this movie doesn't stand up to even the tiniest amount of scrutiny. Finding goofs and plot holes in films is normally something only the most eagle-eyed/observant viewers pick up on and share with everyone else...here, the glaring issues are readily apparent to all. The story makes almost no sense, contradicts not only other Terminator films, but itself, several times. The action is fine, the acting is fine, but the story was terrible and the writing is often so bad, even the characters in the film tell the other to stop talking. The films "big twist" with John Conner is rendered worthless by being set in the past at a point in time when he isn't even born yet.

The issue in a sense comes down to time travel. The first movie worked, but everything after that made very little sense logically, and subsequent films suffer from trying to keep the lore. T2 at least had the benefit of being a bloody brilliant movie and having the grace to explain how it was still possible. T3 gave up on trying entirely.